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  1. Jul 11, 2018
    The different of this one to the first album is quite outstanding. Production is cleanlier, songs have a bit more textures, although still being pure rap, yet, here, R&B, progressive, classic rap, jazz and electronic influences start showing up. music beats sounds very modern without left all those influences appear. Rhymes are better, lyrics are clever and Kendrick's flow, as usual,The different of this one to the first album is quite outstanding. Production is cleanlier, songs have a bit more textures, although still being pure rap, yet, here, R&B, progressive, classic rap, jazz and electronic influences start showing up. music beats sounds very modern without left all those influences appear. Rhymes are better, lyrics are clever and Kendrick's flow, as usual, rhythmical and impeccable. Kendrick is a genius and work with the best producers which make his work sounds better and better. A piece addictive and unmissable for, not only rap fans, but music fans too. A modern classic, among To Pimp a Butterfly (where, by the way, his genius apex were been hit) and DAMN.. Expand
  2. Jul 6, 2018
    One of the all-time classics. Lamar shows his talent with a wide variety of songs, almost all of them are catchy. Great storytelling in songs such as "mAAd city" and overall amazing.
  3. Jun 9, 2018
    97 which rounds up to a 10/10. This albums is straight fire. He mixes the new school beats with old school west coast hip hop sound by producing albums with a different tone. This album is close to perfection apart from Real which was a really good song, however, lacked the catchy production the rest of the album had. All the songs other than that from start to finish is crazy good. Not97 which rounds up to a 10/10. This albums is straight fire. He mixes the new school beats with old school west coast hip hop sound by producing albums with a different tone. This album is close to perfection apart from Real which was a really good song, however, lacked the catchy production the rest of the album had. All the songs other than that from start to finish is crazy good. Not just the production, but Kendrick Lamar's lyrics is crazy good, and his flaws differ in each track. This album is so good, it should be sent back to the 90's to compete with albums such as the Chronic and Doggystyle. It really pissed me off when Daft Punk took the award for the best rap album over and was even more disappointing when Macklemore's album won rap album of the year over this. Good example of white supremacy and white priority. Expand
  4. 4za
    Apr 19, 2018
    One of the best concept albums of all time. Amazing story throughout every track. While the album has some trap and pop influences, it still gives a sense of intellect that separates it from its competition. This is my second favourite album of all time just behind To Pimp A Butterfly. Kendrick comes through with some of his best music ever as evidenced by tracks like 'Sing About Me, I'mOne of the best concept albums of all time. Amazing story throughout every track. While the album has some trap and pop influences, it still gives a sense of intellect that separates it from its competition. This is my second favourite album of all time just behind To Pimp A Butterfly. Kendrick comes through with some of his best music ever as evidenced by tracks like 'Sing About Me, I'm Dying Of Thirst'. Without spoiling the story, this album has an incredible over-arching story that comes through with a very satisfying conclusion. Near perfect album, Expand
  5. Feb 8, 2018
    It is a wonderful and very creative album. The story is great, musically it's very good and lyrically brilliant.
  6. Feb 7, 2018
    Kendrick Lamar's good kid, m.A.A.d city is an amazing and phenomenal second album. This album was actually better than the first. The lyrics are once again really powerful and the songs touch on real and relevant subjects. In the end, this is another great album by Kendrick Lamar and is a masterpiece.
  7. Feb 4, 2018
    Section.80-альбом который шёл перед GKMC безусловно являлся пробой пера перед действительно эпохальном событии в мире хип-хопа.После довольно удачной пробы пера,Кендрик приступил к своему новому альбому про жизнь подростка в Комптоне.Этот альбом в дальнейшем определит Кендрика Ламара Дакворта как одного из главных деятелей культуры.
    Альбом получился шедевральным во всех его
    Section.80-альбом который шёл перед GKMC безусловно являлся пробой пера перед действительно эпохальном событии в мире хип-хопа.После довольно удачной пробы пера,Кендрик приступил к своему новому альбому про жизнь подростка в Комптоне.Этот альбом в дальнейшем определит Кендрика Ламара Дакворта как одного из главных деятелей культуры.
    Альбом получился шедевральным во всех его проявлениях.Музыка,текста,сюжет и конечно-же сам Кендрик который на этом альбоме примеряет роль учителя,учащего молодое поколение.
  8. Jan 6, 2018
    Good Kid, M.A.A.D. City is what everyone was hoping for. An album that gave back to true hip hop heads in a commercial landscape. The album tells a tale of a good kid in a m.a.a.d city and delivers track after track of fire. Kendrick gets you caught up in lyrics and delivers what will go down as one of the best albums of this era.
  9. Dec 25, 2017
    I remember exactly where I was and what I was doing when I this dropped. An instant classic, I said it when I was 17 I’m saying it when I’m 23. A must listen for any rap fan or someone trying to get into the genre. He illustrates vividly the lifestyle of the streets effortlessly while giving you something to turn up to. An artist so far ahead of his time. Solid 10.
  10. Dec 18, 2017
    Simply classic. An essential listen for anyone interested in Rap/Hip-hop. A contextual album that feels almost like a movie. No matter how many times i've listened all the way through this project it is still thoroughly enjoyable. Great production and even better flow and lyrics makes this album one of the best to have been put out in this genre (in my opinion). Its crazy to think it hasSimply classic. An essential listen for anyone interested in Rap/Hip-hop. A contextual album that feels almost like a movie. No matter how many times i've listened all the way through this project it is still thoroughly enjoyable. Great production and even better flow and lyrics makes this album one of the best to have been put out in this genre (in my opinion). Its crazy to think it has already been over 5 years since its release as the album simply does not get old. A honest tale of a kid from Compton, Kendrick Lamar. Expand
  11. Sep 15, 2017
    Kendrick has the best story-telling for a rapper in years. Listening to this album felt like watching a movie, each track invoked a certain setting and feeling. Love how each song is like a chapter. This production, and musicianship in this album is incredible.
  12. Aug 21, 2017
    When this album released, I would have called it a 10/10. I wondered how much better a rap record could really be. Then TPAB came out. That's why I'm gonna give GKMC a VERY STRONG 9. I do think Kendrick 1 upped himself, usurped his own throne really. This album is fantastic and tells a gripping story in a beautiful way. It could almost be made into a movie with how well the story is told.When this album released, I would have called it a 10/10. I wondered how much better a rap record could really be. Then TPAB came out. That's why I'm gonna give GKMC a VERY STRONG 9. I do think Kendrick 1 upped himself, usurped his own throne really. This album is fantastic and tells a gripping story in a beautiful way. It could almost be made into a movie with how well the story is told. It's a narrative album that is great to listen to end to end or just hear songs by themselves. GKMC is amazing no matter how you choose to consume it. Expand
  13. Aug 18, 2017
    This album is really a book. A story with characters and progression with music to back it up.

    Kendrick Lamar is a storyteller in Good Kid, M.A.A.D City. From Master Splinter's Daughter to Compton, the story he tells through the visceral moments of conversations between songs create a vivid image of the world the main character inhabits. If you are a fan of rap, you need to listen
    This album is really a book. A story with characters and progression with music to back it up.

    Kendrick Lamar is a storyteller in Good Kid, M.A.A.D City. From Master Splinter's Daughter to Compton, the story he tells through the visceral moments of conversations between songs create a vivid image of the world the main character inhabits.

    If you are a fan of rap, you need to listen to this album.

    Personal favorites: **** Don't Kill My Vibe; Backseat Freestyle; Poetic Justice; Sing About Me, I'm Dying Of Thirst; and Compton.
  14. Aug 16, 2017
    Best Kendrick album for people who have pop listening tendencies, and who tend to avoid nihilistic art. This is Kendrick's last truly hopeful album. In Alright, on To Pimp a Butterfly, he sarcastically says that everything's going to be alright, and later, he was 'Damn.' sure that things will not be won't be alright. In Good Kid Maad City, Kendrick is still innocent, and does not allowBest Kendrick album for people who have pop listening tendencies, and who tend to avoid nihilistic art. This is Kendrick's last truly hopeful album. In Alright, on To Pimp a Butterfly, he sarcastically says that everything's going to be alright, and later, he was 'Damn.' sure that things will not be won't be alright. In Good Kid Maad City, Kendrick is still innocent, and does not allow 'the system' to bring him down. Kendrick was able to handle his demons, and he gives advice how. The quality that his inspirational messages are rapped with is top notch. Kendrick Lamar is one of the greatest rappers who ever lived, and he spits fire here. And some of it is pretty hilarious. Gotta love that f$%# you sarcasm. God-tier rhymes.

    Oh, and the beats are dank. Very dank.
  15. Jul 17, 2017
    great album............................................................................................................................................................
  16. May 23, 2017
    Kendrick Lamar is simply an amazing artist and this album does a great job displaying that. It tells a gritty story without sacrificing the actual music.

    Best songs: m.A.A.d. City / Money Trees / Sing About Me, I'm Dying of Thirst
  17. Apr 28, 2017
    Kendrick Lamar - good kid, m.A.A.d city (2012)

    10 / 10

    Kendrick Lamar expresses not only magnificent lyrical ability, but also energy, emotion, and personality in this classic album.
  18. Apr 26, 2017
    One of the best rap albums of all time. The production quality, the beats, the lyrics, the guest artists, everything in this album contributes to its overall awesomeness.
  19. Apr 22, 2017
    A classic hip-hop record in every respect. The album is able to reach a large audience while addressing important social issues of the time and continuing to be musically innovative.
  20. Apr 18, 2017
    BACK TO BACK BANGER'S in this album and the album has songs you sit down and think about, this album is his 2ND ALBUM and he already went off its crazy to hear this and then hear his future albums because you really see how he has never lost his talents. This album isnt flawless real and dying of thirst are a bit too long and it gets kind of boring because of how its different but it tellsBACK TO BACK BANGER'S in this album and the album has songs you sit down and think about, this album is his 2ND ALBUM and he already went off its crazy to hear this and then hear his future albums because you really see how he has never lost his talents. This album isnt flawless real and dying of thirst are a bit too long and it gets kind of boring because of how its different but it tells vital parts of the album which doesn't ruin this album, but then COMPTON just plays and GOD damn is it great way to end the album. i cannot recommend this album enough, just listen to it if you haven't already Expand
  21. Apr 16, 2017
    This album tells the story of Kendrick growing up in Compton surrounded by gang violence and other personal problems. The story telling on this album is stunning and the outstanding instrumentals are complemented by Kendrick's in depth lyricism which perfectly paints the images he is portraying. Highlights include 'MAAD City' and 'Money Trees', both of which have great guest features. ThisThis album tells the story of Kendrick growing up in Compton surrounded by gang violence and other personal problems. The story telling on this album is stunning and the outstanding instrumentals are complemented by Kendrick's in depth lyricism which perfectly paints the images he is portraying. Highlights include 'MAAD City' and 'Money Trees', both of which have great guest features. This album is an instant classic and one of the best albums to ever come out in recent years. Expand
  22. Mar 24, 2017
    Fantastically written and executed. Kendrick Lamar's "Good Kid Maad City" offers a variety of interesting music to listen to along with having great lyricism and meaning.
  23. Mar 11, 2017
    There are only two rap/hip-hop albums I've given 10s and they are good kid, m.A.A.d city. They are both fantastic albums. I can't explain how well made these two albums are you just have to listen to them.
  24. Feb 28, 2017
    This is a album you need to listen to, from start to end, with rap genius open listening and reading the lyrics. Never skip through the songs, just enjoy it. The songs tell a story from start to end which is legendary and has shaken me to my core. This is what music should be, something that makes you think differently, that shows the emotion and life of the artist, not just meaninglessThis is a album you need to listen to, from start to end, with rap genius open listening and reading the lyrics. Never skip through the songs, just enjoy it. The songs tell a story from start to end which is legendary and has shaken me to my core. This is what music should be, something that makes you think differently, that shows the emotion and life of the artist, not just meaningless beats and lyrics. Incredible album. Perfect 10/10. Expand
  25. Feb 15, 2017
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. An instant classic to not only today's rap, but also to rap history. Every song is produced at such a high level it will make you feel the emotions of each song. Kendrick Lamar is well on his way to becoming one of the greatest rappers of all time. Expand
  26. Jan 23, 2017
    Easily his best album of the one's I've listened to and a breakout album for him, at that. He's not a rapper that makes it mainstream on his own, but quickly became the one that everyone wants featured on their cruddy pop songs. Regardless of that, he's a legit lyrical master when he writes for his own rap albums.
  27. Nov 5, 2016
  28. Oct 6, 2016
    Kendrick Lamar's storytelling is probably the best there is right now. He just doesn't make filler, every song has a meaning and feels important, just like in To Pimp A Butterfly. Good stuff.
  29. May 25, 2016
    92/100. There aren't many albums that you can listen to all the way through and enjoy every single song on it, but this is one of those. Kendrick made an album here that will provide classics for years to come.
  30. Apr 4, 2016
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. This has probably one of my favorite albums of all times. Kendrick hit all the key points into making a great album. His album contains a great lyrical content, the beats are on point, its relatable, and the whole album has somewhat of a story line;

    Lyrical content;
    Its not rare to see (or hear) Kendrick uses big and elaborate words in his songs. But that's what exactly separates him from other artist. his use of words adds a certain detail that may be missed using real basic words. I as a hip-hop/rap fan, I'm glad i can see an artist spitting more intellectual rhymes

    The beats were great with each song. It was very "scene setting", almost felt like i was rollin' around with Kendrick in Compton. If a beat doesn't make you feel like you're there, in the setting of the song, it's NOT the beat for the song. But Kendrick Lamar did this very well.

    I know I can't relate to the situations that Kendrick portrays that he went through exactly. But in the vague sense of what happened, most, if not all of us can relate to his actions. For example in " The Art of Peer Pressure" I, myself have faced and well into peer pressure. Being able to kind of relate to the artist really makes the album more pleasant to listen to.

    Background story;
    This album's story is just amazing. It shows the kinda young, money hungry side of Kendrick. Not necessarily a bad kid but gets into bad situations he knows it's wrong. and The album shows how Kendrick mindset if changing from "I gotta get this money" to " I gotta get out, and make a change for my city."
  31. Mar 22, 2016
    What a start to a mainstream career this is. The production on point, Kendrick's wordplay always on point and especially the subject matter of the album. We heard the story of Compton in many ways and with many different people but his story is fascinating. Keep up the good work, Kendrick!!!!!
  32. Mar 13, 2016
    Pretty amazing album from Kendrick Lamar, one of the greatest kings of rap of our generation, give him a listen on Spotify! Kendrick Lamar fan since 2012!
  33. Mar 5, 2016
    wtf yall dumb asf this album was the first rap album i heard when i was 11 years old this album literally impacted me this album is more than perfection its heavenly please do not shun my role model "when the lights shut off and its his turn to settle down' will yall sing about him?
  34. Mar 4, 2016
    This is one of the greatest hip-hop albums ever. Yeah, that's true. Kendrick Lamar's lyrics tell us about his boyhood in Compton - with all the good and the bad experiences typical of the growth - while he raps over some damn well-produced beats. The flow is amazing, it changes from being smooth and relaxed **** Don't Kill My Vibe", "Sherane", "Swimming Pools") to being aggressive andThis is one of the greatest hip-hop albums ever. Yeah, that's true. Kendrick Lamar's lyrics tell us about his boyhood in Compton - with all the good and the bad experiences typical of the growth - while he raps over some damn well-produced beats. The flow is amazing, it changes from being smooth and relaxed **** Don't Kill My Vibe", "Sherane", "Swimming Pools") to being aggressive and frustrated ("Backset Freestyle", "m.A.A.d City"). Kendrick proves not only to be the greatest rapper of our generation, but also one of the best songwriter of the last 10 years. Expand
  35. Jan 25, 2016
    I don't get the positive reviews I found the album truly dull and Lamar's rapping is simply irritating. This album is nothing compared to the artists I grew up listening to 2Pac and Eminem. A boring album. Not recommended.
  36. Jan 8, 2016
    Lyrically this must be the best album ever made, kendrick lamar is an unbelievable artist and this project really changed my life!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  37. Dec 19, 2015
    Best album of 2012 deffinietly. 2013 yeezus.. And these two albums are the best so far. Lamar is a genius. Great lyrics, great flow, great production. Perfect album. M.A.A.D city fav track. :)
  38. Dec 16, 2015
    A unique, refreshing and very passionate take on the timeless tale of growing up in the world. It feels great, very relatable but sometimes bizarre. Oh, and the beats are amazing and complement Kendrick's eclectic style.

    Favourite track: The Art of Peer Pressure
  39. Sep 18, 2015
    not even stopping, the best rap project in the 21st cent. by a mainstream but underground grown artist. kendrick is on track to become the greatest mc of all time.
  40. Aug 11, 2015
    Best album of 2012 hands down. This is not for your average rap head. To enjoy this album you must have some type of intelligence (IN THERE.....GET IT.....In THERE, LOL). The album is a classic, a banger, and some more. Play it. Buy it. Enjoy it.
  41. Jul 9, 2015
    The Great hip-hop album. That one the revitalised the genre and gave it a new life with impeccable wordplay and storytelling. The spacious and layered beats, the songwriting, the skits, the perfect way that the track-list is lade out. Almost 3 years later, no album came close to matching the conceptualized beauty of "good kid, m.A.A.d. city".
  42. Jul 8, 2015
    Great album all around deserves a 9.5/10 almost perfect IMO it worked perfectly with every beat and also all of the verses had deep meanings the chorus' had great work done on them **** don't Kill my vibe lol anyways it was amazing you should enjoy it if you like Rap.
  43. May 30, 2015
    I didn't like this album for over two years after it came out. It wasn't until early 215 when I gave it a re-listen after probably 6 months that I realized it was miles ahead of any other rap album I had heard. If only "Real," which is a terrible song, hadn't been included...
  44. Apr 22, 2015
    Electrifying, music euphoria and instant classic are the best terms to describe the album. With this album Kendrick proves there is a future for true hip-hop and it's him. Come and save us Kendrick!
  45. Apr 19, 2015
    amazing album, ahead of its time. Probably the second best album in history next to TPAB. kendrick lamar truly is one of the best artists of this decade.
  46. Apr 3, 2015
    A classic in nearly every right. It's not perfect, but it's so close to being perfect that it might as well be considered perfect. Kendrick's skills as a rapper are seen on every track of this album, including his conscious lyrics about growing up in Compton and his incredible flow. The beat selection is superior too. This album earns an A+ from me. Highlights: "Swimming Pools", "BackseatA classic in nearly every right. It's not perfect, but it's so close to being perfect that it might as well be considered perfect. Kendrick's skills as a rapper are seen on every track of this album, including his conscious lyrics about growing up in Compton and his incredible flow. The beat selection is superior too. This album earns an A+ from me. Highlights: "Swimming Pools", "Backseat Freestyle", "Black Boy Fly". Worst songs: None really. Expand
  47. Mar 22, 2015
  48. Mar 22, 2015
    10/10 ................................................................................................................................................
  49. Mar 21, 2015
    I recently bought this album and I must say that I am impressed. Kendrick Lamar is a great rapper, he has a nice flow and thought provocative lyrics..
  50. Mar 20, 2015
    The ONLY reason I DIDN'T give this a 10 is because I JUST listened to TPAB and THAT album really took away from this album... but that's a good thing, for Kendrick. It proves, to me, that he grew into something beyond special. His storytelling is out of this world. This is the album I thought would be his peak... but I was clearly wrong!
  51. Mar 19, 2015
    No words really. Favorite hip-hop album of the decade by a mile. My first listen was truly a great experience considering the way the storyline/narrative was gelled together so brilliantly. Sing about me/dying of thirst is also a top 5 song of the decade to....
  52. Mar 11, 2015
    This is one of the best rap albums ever. Kendrick Lamar has truly shown his lyrical talents on here. Songs such as The Art of Peer Pressure show just how talented he is, with such powerful and beautiful storytelling ability. Good Kid, M.A.A.D City is a masterpiece.
  53. Mar 7, 2015
    Probably one of the greatest rap records of all time...Kendrick is more than just a rapper, he's an author and an artist, who tells a compelling story and paints a remarkably vivid picture of his childhood and struggles in Compton. Kendrick's lyrical skill is matched by few, if any, currently in rap. Easily one of the best albums I've heard
  54. Jan 22, 2015
    Not even sure where to start with this. Kendrick takes Slick Rick's narrative style of rapping and takes it to the next level, applying it to his own upbringing. He manages to paint a very clear narrative of his youth, and his journey out of his misfit life. The production isn't too complex but it's just enough to allow the listener to focus on Kendrick's rapping style.

    Speaking about
    Not even sure where to start with this. Kendrick takes Slick Rick's narrative style of rapping and takes it to the next level, applying it to his own upbringing. He manages to paint a very clear narrative of his youth, and his journey out of his misfit life. The production isn't too complex but it's just enough to allow the listener to focus on Kendrick's rapping style.

    Speaking about his style, Kendrick fluctuates between an adolescent, immature rapping style and a more mature one. It's very interesting and it allows for understanding over whether youth Kendrick or modern day reflecting Kendrick is rapping.

    Everything on this LP is well crafted and carefully thought out. I recommend you listen to the deluxe version, which contains 3 extra songs at the end which add to the narrative. I won't spoil anything, but they really tie things together.
  55. Dec 17, 2014
    This is a modern rap & hip-hop classic album. It has cemented Kendrick Lamar as one of the best and if not the best hip hop artist today. This album is most likely the best album of the decade and it has helped revive mainstream west coast hip hop without sacrificing lyrics. It has great production and it is socially conscious about what was going on in his hometown of Compton, California.This is a modern rap & hip-hop classic album. It has cemented Kendrick Lamar as one of the best and if not the best hip hop artist today. This album is most likely the best album of the decade and it has helped revive mainstream west coast hip hop without sacrificing lyrics. It has great production and it is socially conscious about what was going on in his hometown of Compton, California. He is like the west coast version of Nas with left side beats. It is very unlikely that any rapper soon well be able to make a better album than this one and specially a major label debut like this one. Expand
  56. Dec 13, 2014
    To start off with gkmc i heard it before section.80 tbh nnow i love how both the albums are set conceptually with a story. where section.80 is a narrative through a book n gkmc is a movie with all the skits. i dont want to spoil on this review but gkmc will hit u hard with its setting the theme the state of mind of kendrick n the inner battle with his city compton. kendrick is an amazingTo start off with gkmc i heard it before section.80 tbh nnow i love how both the albums are set conceptually with a story. where section.80 is a narrative through a book n gkmc is a movie with all the skits. i dont want to spoil on this review but gkmc will hit u hard with its setting the theme the state of mind of kendrick n the inner battle with his city compton. kendrick is an amazing lyricist and ull love the beats on most of the songs. but on songs like maad city and sing about me... the material n the message of on a whole what kendrick wants to say is really astounding. the short skits connect through songs and beautifully set up the album. but the major purpose of the album is in the name of the album itself angel on angel dust. or his angry adolescent divided. both of it perfectly speak about the album. ps love kendrick now put three fingers in the air bishes Expand
  57. Dec 10, 2014
    When the album starts, we hear a tape player start with us. This is the start of the life of Kendrick Lamar in Compton, CA. "good kid, m.A.A.d. city" is just that, the life of a good kid, Kendrick, who just happens to live in a m.A.A.d. city.
    There are no radio-ready singles to be exploited from this album like most albums, and that's what's great about the album. You have to go and find
    When the album starts, we hear a tape player start with us. This is the start of the life of Kendrick Lamar in Compton, CA. "good kid, m.A.A.d. city" is just that, the life of a good kid, Kendrick, who just happens to live in a m.A.A.d. city.
    There are no radio-ready singles to be exploited from this album like most albums, and that's what's great about the album. You have to go and find it, it's not going to come to you. You have to go and find it, and be ready to hear the sorrowful and sad, yet ultimately hopeful story of a day in the life of K-Dot.
    The production is tight, the tightest since My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy. Kendrick's lyrics are able to help people who have never stepped foot in Compton to feel and understand what he went through in the m.A.A.d. city. His lyrics aren't even lyrics, it's poetry with music. Kendrick's flow is the best in the game right now. He's a natural rapper, and his poetic lyrics and tight production bring substance to the style. Get this album ASAP. You won't regret it.
    10/10- Classic/Masterpiece
  58. Dec 8, 2014
    Primarily, one of the greatest hip-hop records of all time. Kendrick weaves a frightening West Coast tale of his young life in Compton over some of the best production that Dr. Dre has been a part of, and the end result is an undeniable fist-in-the-air that Mr. Lamar thrusts, stating that the genre now has a new game-changer. Lyrical abilities and storytelling are standouts, and gives youPrimarily, one of the greatest hip-hop records of all time. Kendrick weaves a frightening West Coast tale of his young life in Compton over some of the best production that Dr. Dre has been a part of, and the end result is an undeniable fist-in-the-air that Mr. Lamar thrusts, stating that the genre now has a new game-changer. Lyrical abilities and storytelling are standouts, and gives you a haunting classic that you cannot bear to put down. The standout track for me was the superbly-written/produced and emotional "Sing About Me, I'm Dying of Thirst." Expand
  59. Oct 28, 2014
    This is really a great Rap/Hip-Hop album, with no doubt!!

    Kendrick knows how to rap good and sounds like a big God of the Rap. He's one of the best Rappers actuality and it gives to him an other level on the industry. Amazing, just it.
  60. Sep 1, 2014
    Changed the way I perceived the life of other human beings. It opened up my mind to the trials and tribulations that a person living in a completely different, yet surprisingly similar world faced.
  61. Aug 26, 2014
    This album is a hip-hop classic and in my opinion, ranks in the top 3 rap albums of the decade, thus far. This album is so good that when you listen to it, you can envision everything that is happening. It's a shame that Kendrick didn't win the Grammy for Best Rap Album because this album is on another level.
  62. Jul 15, 2014
    Now everybody…”serenade to the new faith of Kendrick Lamar”.
    King Kendrick Lamar has ascended to the throne of rap.
    good kid, m.a.a.d. city, the newest EP from Compton citizen and Dr. Dre protege Kendrick Lamar is an album not to be trifled with. The 25-year exploded onto the rap scene this past year with his new release, and ever since, he has almost become a household name. GKMC is
    Now everybody…”serenade to the new faith of Kendrick Lamar”.
    King Kendrick Lamar has ascended to the throne of rap.

    good kid, m.a.a.d. city, the newest EP from Compton citizen and Dr. Dre protege Kendrick Lamar is an album not to be trifled with. The 25-year exploded onto the rap scene this past year with his new release, and ever since, he has almost become a household name. GKMC is almost more of an audio book than an album (or a “short film” for that matter), but that’s only because of Kendrick’s intensive and intriguing storytelling skills. The concept presented in this album gives the listener a front-row POV as Kendrick discusses a memoir from a self-proclaimed “good kid” turned to his hoodrat ways by the “maad city” that is Compton. Kendrick tells the tales of lust, fame, underage drinking and drug-doing, robbery, life, the presentation of death and the fear of it, the past, present, and future, money, gang violence, and the numerous ways that damn girl Sherane got him into all kinds of shenanigans. Lamar compares these topics in a way that has been rarely heard in precedent rap recordings with his incredible use of internal rhyme, and just the overall rhyme scheme in general. The production provides a smooth transition of flow across the entire album that leads you right into the next song. The structure of the songs are each differently assembled that no two songs really sound alike, attributing to the variety of issues he speaks about on the album.
    I really enjoyed the voicemail messages and outside recordings of the album’s characters. They show you a further insight into the song and help you better visualize what point Lamar is trying to get across.
    I also really found the way that Lamar switched up his voice to accentuate the different mindsets, characters, and moods he was using. You can hear the difference when he switches moods: from hyped to calm to sad to angry, and even from his regular voice to his high-pitched and low-pitched crooning, which reminded me of the psychological tripartite theory of Freud’s: the id, the ego, and the superego. Three mindsets crowd Lamar’s thoughts at times and you can hear it.
    I would have really liked to hear more about Sherane, or Lamar’s parents in the songs. Their characters intrigued me from the beginning and I was hooked instantly, especially seeing Sherane being compared to a TMNT character in the first song.
    Regardless, the production, feel, mood, lyrics, story, and flow on this album all combine to make a fantastic piece of music and create a new insight into the lives of the people in Compton.
    I definitely recommend listening to the full album straight through to get the full experience, also.
  63. Jun 30, 2014
    In this album I have everything I could ask for: Excellent and diverse production, top lyricism, a story you can relate to even if it's not in the same context or topic you feel related. Also you have life-changing tracks along with dark subjects, love songs, struggle anthems, motivation, positive thinking in **** up situations, it may even be a therapy session if you feel the need of one.In this album I have everything I could ask for: Excellent and diverse production, top lyricism, a story you can relate to even if it's not in the same context or topic you feel related. Also you have life-changing tracks along with dark subjects, love songs, struggle anthems, motivation, positive thinking in **** up situations, it may even be a therapy session if you feel the need of one. You can describe this album with the word Visionary, because Kendrick's vision becomes an universal feeling, a need, a thought, once you listen to it, questions come and go, answers start to pop out even, when you did not know the question. I thank Kendrick, and I know it looks like I'm dickriding, but i gotta do it, because there's too much gratitude, enjoyment, suffering and over all those things, a change in myself, that I got with this project. I don't know if anyone feels the same, but that's how I feel about this album. Just my opinion. Expand
  64. May 16, 2014
    Kendrick's second studio album. and wow this thing was great ,Kendrick's smooth fast flow that changes with the topic he's rapping about. the production on this was impressive, the beats that he chose where perfect with what kendrick chose to rap about. each song on this is done really well, the lyrics throughout this album tell a story, like the skits at the end of every songs fit inKendrick's second studio album. and wow this thing was great ,Kendrick's smooth fast flow that changes with the topic he's rapping about. the production on this was impressive, the beats that he chose where perfect with what kendrick chose to rap about. each song on this is done really well, the lyrics throughout this album tell a story, like the skits at the end of every songs fit in well. very impressed with this album, a must get! Expand
  65. May 11, 2014
    Best Rap album ever released imo, so many tracks that keep on giving with every listen. He's a lyrical genius, with the flow to match. I had to listen through a few times before being rewarded, generally the sign of a great album.
    Saw kDot in a smallish show before he got super concert I've ever been to.
    Standout tracks: M.A.A.D City, **** Don't Kill My Vibe, Swimming
    Best Rap album ever released imo, so many tracks that keep on giving with every listen. He's a lyrical genius, with the flow to match. I had to listen through a few times before being rewarded, generally the sign of a great album.
    Saw kDot in a smallish show before he got super concert I've ever been to.

    Standout tracks: M.A.A.D City, **** Don't Kill My Vibe, Swimming Pools, The Art of Peer Pressure, Money Trees, Backstreet Freestyle
  66. May 8, 2014
    Lamar's ode to gangsta rap leaves the listener in awe and wanting more. His vivid lyrics and banging beats help out his cause as well. An improvement from Kendrick's previous installments (Section .80 & O.verly D.edicated) this one has a heart and soul to it that cannot be compared.
  67. Apr 30, 2014
    Section. 80 is proof enough that Kendrick isn't your run of the mill MC. Kendrick reaches even higher with this LP, reaches so high in fact, he's since set the bar for every single rapper, minus Kanye of course. Good Kid, M.a.a.d City is one of the best hip hop releases in the past 5 years. Dre's production is unrivaled, and Kendrick goes exceptionally hard, especially on "BackstreetSection. 80 is proof enough that Kendrick isn't your run of the mill MC. Kendrick reaches even higher with this LP, reaches so high in fact, he's since set the bar for every single rapper, minus Kanye of course. Good Kid, M.a.a.d City is one of the best hip hop releases in the past 5 years. Dre's production is unrivaled, and Kendrick goes exceptionally hard, especially on "Backstreet Freestyle". Very refreshing to hear an actual rapper sing about growing up in the streets of Compton and not primarily acquiring large lump sums of cash from drug dealing. This isn't necessarily N.W.A type lyrics about Compton, gangsta **** but he does profess stories of him and his homies nearly getting thrown in prison, and problems with drinking, not to mention lewd comparisons between the Eiffel Tower and his penis.

    All In All, Good Kid... Is packed with great lyrics, colorfully produced beats, impressive flows and intriguing narrative throughout the entire record. A-
  68. Apr 16, 2014
    Kendrick Lamar conseguiu me fazer voltar a escutar hip hop/rap. Esse disco mostra como um bom album do genero deve ser feito, diferente de muitos outros que rolam por ai, ''Good Kid M.A.A.D City'' é sensacional do começo ao fim. Com seu clima um tanto pesado mas sem perder sua essencia, o album é, com certeza, um dos melhores discos de hip hop da década.
  69. Mar 31, 2014
    All hail the new king of Hip-hop! At last, a true saviour of Hip-hop has finally arrive. Of course, I'm not saying that hip hop is dead before Kendrick Lamar burst into the scene. There was 2010's My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy, but Kanye's last album was like an arthouse project with a huge-ass budget instead of a true blue hip hop album. Not since Illmatic, had an album produce soAll hail the new king of Hip-hop! At last, a true saviour of Hip-hop has finally arrive. Of course, I'm not saying that hip hop is dead before Kendrick Lamar burst into the scene. There was 2010's My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy, but Kanye's last album was like an arthouse project with a huge-ass budget instead of a true blue hip hop album. Not since Illmatic, had an album produce so much hype over being an instant hip hop classic. However, Good Kid, M.A.A.D City is not an instant hip hop classic. It is THE INSTANT **** CLASSIC. The whole album plays out like an autobiography of Kendrick's life as a kid growing in the mad city known as Compton. From meeting with a girl in a club to meeting with rival gangs to a death of a peer, it plays out like a Scorsese film, grittiness and all. Now, here comes the point where I will wax lyrical about Kendrick the new King and saviour of hip hop. There's his wordplay, the flows every time he's on the mic, the storytelling, it all sums up perfectly in this album the reason why people rank him on par with Tupac, Eminem, Rakim and Nas. In fact, screw that. Non-hip hop listeners would probably fall for this album too with its top notch production quality. Overall, this is hands down the best album of 2012 bar none. All hail King Kendrick! Expand
  70. Mar 3, 2014
    This is the best album I have ever heard. Kendrick Lamar deserves the title King Kendrick Lamar. The beats are weird but so amazing. The best two songs from the album are: Backseat Freestyle and m.A.A.d City. The track I could have done without is: Real. So I give this album a 10 out of 10. Thanks for reading.
  71. Feb 25, 2014
    By far my favorite album to listen to since it came out in 2012. I loved the storyline that Kendrick made for this album. His lyrics are also some of the best lyrics that I've listened to on not just any hip hop album, but out of any album that I've sat down and listened to. The lyrics are deep and meaningful, but still have an incredible rhythm and flow to them that never get old. TheBy far my favorite album to listen to since it came out in 2012. I loved the storyline that Kendrick made for this album. His lyrics are also some of the best lyrics that I've listened to on not just any hip hop album, but out of any album that I've sat down and listened to. The lyrics are deep and meaningful, but still have an incredible rhythm and flow to them that never get old. The beats to the songs are different and I love when they change in the middle of a song to a new unique beat. All in all one of my favorite albums to listen to and it truly doesn't get old. I have listened to it over and over without growing bored or tired of listening to it. Expand
  72. Jan 30, 2014
    this is definitely the best album I have heard these last 5 years. This or MBDTF. congrats to kendrick for making classic albums.
    A1 lyrics, A1 beats, A1 cohesiveness, A1 flow, A1 music
  73. Jan 29, 2014
    I can't imagine anyone with a half-way decent taste in music writing this album off as something less than extraordinary. Kendrick Lamar is standing up straight and ready to change the game, and it's only his first big album debut. His platinum album Good Kid, m.A.A.d. city is a game changer. His flow is versatile, his lyrics are real without succumbing to the boring, tastelessI can't imagine anyone with a half-way decent taste in music writing this album off as something less than extraordinary. Kendrick Lamar is standing up straight and ready to change the game, and it's only his first big album debut. His platinum album Good Kid, m.A.A.d. city is a game changer. His flow is versatile, his lyrics are real without succumbing to the boring, tasteless story-telling flow that many rappers easily fall in to. His content is refreshing, and a little (or alotta) executive production from Dr. Dre never hurt anyone, right?
    The album progresses like a short film. It is incredibly artistic and very real life, with an almost uncomfortable look into his personal life thanks to skits and phone calls from his mom. His struggle with faith, Sherane, and life on the streets of Compton are unfiltered and excellently told. There is no "throw-away" song.
    Stand out tracks on this album include: every song on the album.
  74. Jan 26, 2014
    A Hip Hop story that needed to be told, if only to keep other people from making the same mistakes that Kendrick did. It doesn't hurt that the album is masterfully crafted with great lyrics from Kendrick throughout its entirety, and high quality from the few guest verses as well. Every songs is great, but standouts include Money Trees, **** don't Kill my vibe, Good Kid, M.A.A.D. City,A Hip Hop story that needed to be told, if only to keep other people from making the same mistakes that Kendrick did. It doesn't hurt that the album is masterfully crafted with great lyrics from Kendrick throughout its entirety, and high quality from the few guest verses as well. Every songs is great, but standouts include Money Trees, **** don't Kill my vibe, Good Kid, M.A.A.D. City, Real, and the 12 minute long Think about me, I'm Dying of Thirst, the most powerful song on the album. Whether or not Kendrick spits the best verses on the reg is irrelevant when he made a much needed period piece that takes itself seriously enough to mean something, while still being a **** banger through and through. Expand
  75. Dec 12, 2013
    The production oozes Dre, and Kendrick's flow and vocal variance (e.g. m.A.A.d city vs. Art of Peer Pressure) contribute a more complex, multi-faceted approach to gangsta rap. GKMC is like no other album out there, and how it revived and evolved 90s hip-hop makes this an instant classic.
  76. Dec 6, 2013
    This is a classic, arguably the greatest hip hop album ever. The album is a masterpiece, on the same level as Illmatic as far as albums go. Each song takes you on a journey. This is my favorite album of all time, regardless of genre.
  77. Nov 17, 2013
    The best hip-hop/rap album of 2012. Section.80 sure as hell got my curiosity, but Good Kid, M.A.A.D City had my attention. Every production of this album is solid. All the tracks are easy to fall in love with. A masterpiece.
  78. Nov 1, 2013
    I am a big hip hop/rap fan, yet never really listened to kendrick lamar. I bought this album simply by going how high it's rated, and I have to say its one of the best albums I've Heard. The album represents different scenarios in his life growing up In Compton. Each song is fairly unique to the next and the album is definitely a game changer. I'll definitely be listening to kendrickI am a big hip hop/rap fan, yet never really listened to kendrick lamar. I bought this album simply by going how high it's rated, and I have to say its one of the best albums I've Heard. The album represents different scenarios in his life growing up In Compton. Each song is fairly unique to the next and the album is definitely a game changer. I'll definitely be listening to kendrick lamar a whole lot more and purchase the next album kendrick has to offer out the brilliance of this one. GKMC 10/10 Expand
  79. Oct 24, 2013
    Changed the Hip Hop landscape, one of the only few real artists who also have that appeal to generate true listeners while telling their story. Brilliant.
  80. Oct 21, 2013
    This album is brilliant, its well structured and each song is interesting no repetitiveness just pure talent form kendrick (as always) a potential classic
  81. Oct 20, 2013
    This album is special, we follow Kendrick Lamar through the album in a very exciting storytelling, and addictive tracks like Swimming Pools, Backseat, Don't Kill My Vibe, Money Trees, Etc. This isn't a album you will get bored of after a couple of months, you will always be able to bump this, and that shows Kendrick is capable of producing timeless music. 10/10
  82. Oct 15, 2013
    All I can say is: 5-10 years from now, people will look back at this album and put it right next to the all-time hip-hop classics, right there next to "Raising Hell", "The Chronic", "Straight Outta Compton", "Illmatic"... By all means, Kendrick has proven to be one of the (if not the only) greatest lyricists of his generation.

    The whole storyline and how it's constructed in the songs
    All I can say is: 5-10 years from now, people will look back at this album and put it right next to the all-time hip-hop classics, right there next to "Raising Hell", "The Chronic", "Straight Outta Compton", "Illmatic"... By all means, Kendrick has proven to be one of the (if not the only) greatest lyricists of his generation.

    The whole storyline and how it's constructed in the songs and the skits, the climax between the end of "Swimming Pools" and "Sing About Me Dying of Thirst", like it's the master-scene of this short movie...

    I'm definitely adding that to the list of "All Time Greatest Hip-Hop albums"
  83. Oct 14, 2013
    this album is the most overrated album of all time, yes the production was good but i think people are the whole story board of the album overshadow the music itself. personally i prefer section 80. gkmc heavily influence by Andre 3000
  84. Sep 13, 2013
    One of the best albums I've heard from any genre. Kendrick Lamar just might be the savior hip hop needs. Best word to describe this album: Perfection.
  85. Jul 25, 2013
    Took all of 9 months for me to process this album, & I'm still not bored with it (that's saying a lot coming from a Gemini)...Love it when the album itself says "WTF is a sophomore jinx?"...Already I'm expecting no less by the time Graduation rolls around...Excellent film, even better than the last Documentary Straight Out of Compton...
  86. Jul 22, 2013
    Solid gold west coast classic. Whilst clearly drawing inspiration from 90's dominator's Dre and Snoop, Lamarr twists his slightly nasal drawl around fresh beats that dazzle, yet linger in the memory. There's a beguiling quality to the production, which often sounds dark and melancholy, suiting the tales of everyday gang violence and inner turmoil. Put simply, Kendrick Lamarr proves himselfSolid gold west coast classic. Whilst clearly drawing inspiration from 90's dominator's Dre and Snoop, Lamarr twists his slightly nasal drawl around fresh beats that dazzle, yet linger in the memory. There's a beguiling quality to the production, which often sounds dark and melancholy, suiting the tales of everyday gang violence and inner turmoil. Put simply, Kendrick Lamarr proves himself THE next rap talent, and has overtaken Kanye West as the worlds best performer of the genre. This is how I felt when I listened to Fleet Foxes début back in 2008. This, definitively, is the start of something very special Expand
  87. Jul 11, 2013
    Don't have really anything negative to say about this album. It is perfect. His story telling and lyricism is amazing. Every track on this is amazing. The producers made amazing beats for the tracks and the artists featured in the songs have Great verses too. I love this album, this is a CLASSIC. He talks about his child hood, struggle living in compton. You have to listen to this albumDon't have really anything negative to say about this album. It is perfect. His story telling and lyricism is amazing. Every track on this is amazing. The producers made amazing beats for the tracks and the artists featured in the songs have Great verses too. I love this album, this is a CLASSIC. He talks about his child hood, struggle living in compton. You have to listen to this album because this is one of the greatest hip-hop albums of all time.

    Overall: 10/10 PERFECT
  88. Jun 21, 2013
    The best recent rap album in memory, Kendrick Lamar combines lyricism, storytelling, and production masterfully to create an instant classic. The story, told immediately as the album begins, explores Kendrick's day in Compton. He delves into issues, such as gang violence, love (or lust), stereotypes in this day of a 17-year-old. The skits accentuate the songs, songs loop into each other,The best recent rap album in memory, Kendrick Lamar combines lyricism, storytelling, and production masterfully to create an instant classic. The story, told immediately as the album begins, explores Kendrick's day in Compton. He delves into issues, such as gang violence, love (or lust), stereotypes in this day of a 17-year-old. The skits accentuate the songs, songs loop into each other, and the beats between songs keep the listener hooked. The album itself is an experience similar to watching a great movie. Its only negatives are the hooks can be a little strange, and some may find his voice annoying, though these are very insignificant issues when looking at the album as a whole. Multiple listens are advised. Expand
  89. Jun 19, 2013
    wow, classic album.
    Very few rappers can tell a story like that over a complete album. He takes a rather simple concept and transforms it into a unique introspective story that draws the listeners in by connecting with its audience. Not one song is alike, each song is in a different style and delivery. And the song mAAd city has out of this world flow.
  90. Jun 19, 2013
    One of the best album I have heard these last 7 years.

    Everything about the the beats on GKMC --hell, everything about that album-- was meticulously thought out and executed in intricate fashion.
  91. Jun 19, 2013
    Good god, I havent heard an album like this in a GOOD minute. I will actually purchase this rather than download it. If hip hop artist pumped out more stuff like this, labels could move units like it was '98.
  92. Jun 19, 2013
    Cats need to focus on making great albums, not great mixtapes, not great singles, not great verses on other people stuff

    At the end of the day if you want to be remember in music history, you're gonna be judged by the retail body of work you leave behind. Kendrick seems to be the only newcomer who really gets this good kkid maad city is very complex, well structured & cohesive...
    Cats need to focus on making great albums, not great mixtapes, not great singles, not great verses on other people stuff

    At the end of the day if you want to be remember in music history, you're gonna be judged by the retail body of work you leave behind. Kendrick seems to be the only newcomer who really gets this

    good kkid maad city is very complex, well structured & cohesive... this is a classic.
  93. Jun 18, 2013
    Now everybody…”serenade to the new faith of Kendrick Lamar”.
    King Kendrick Lamar has ascended to the throne of rap.
    good kid, m.a.a.d. city, the newest EP from Compton citizen and Dr. Dre protege Kendrick Lamar is an album not to be trifled with. The 25-year exploded onto the rap scene this past year with his new release, and ever since, he has almost become a household name. GKMC is
    Now everybody…”serenade to the new faith of Kendrick Lamar”.
    King Kendrick Lamar has ascended to the throne of rap.

    good kid, m.a.a.d. city, the newest EP from Compton citizen and Dr. Dre protege Kendrick Lamar is an album not to be trifled with. The 25-year exploded onto the rap scene this past year with his new release, and ever since, he has almost become a household name. GKMC is almost more of an audio book than an album (or a “short film” for that matter), but that’s only because of Kendrick’s intensive and intriguing storytelling skills. The concept presented in this album gives the listener a front-row POV as Kendrick discusses a memoir from a self-proclaimed “good kid” turned to his hoodrat ways by the “maad city” that is Compton. Kendrick tells the tales of lust, fame, underage drinking and drug-doing, robbery, life, the presentation of death and the fear of it, the past, present, and future, money, gang violence, and the numerous ways that damn girl Sherane got him into all kinds of shenanigans. Lamar compares these topics in a way that has been rarely heard in precedent rap recordings with his incredible use of internal rhyme, and just the overall rhyme scheme in general. The production provides a smooth transition of flow across the entire album that leads you right into the next song. The structure of the songs are each differently assembled that no two songs really sound alike, attributing to the variety of issues he speaks about on the album.
    I really enjoyed the voicemail messages and outside recordings of the album’s characters. They show you a further insight into the song and help you better visualize what point Lamar is trying to get across.
    I also really found the way that Lamar switched up his voice to accentuate the different mindsets, characters, and moods he was using. You can hear the difference when he switches moods: from hyped to calm to sad to angry, and even from his regular voice to his high-pitched and low-pitched crooning, which reminded me of the psychological tripartite theory of Freud’s: the id, the ego, and the superego. Three mindsets crowd Lamar’s thoughts at times and you can hear it.
    I would have really liked to hear more about Sherane, or Lamar’s parents in the songs. Their characters intrigued me from the beginning and I was hooked instantly, especially seeing Sherane being compared to a TMNT character in the first song.
    Regardless, the production, feel, mood, lyrics, story, and flow on this album all combine to make a fantastic piece of music and create a new insight into the lives of the people in Compton.
    I definitely recommend listening to the full album straight through to get the full experience, also.
  94. Jun 18, 2013
    A short 'film' by Kendrick Lamar... never has an album been more appropriately titled.

    90% of rap albums are mere playlists, this is an album.. and more. ’good kid, m.A.A.d city’ has so much depth, it demands close inspection, this is the most expansive project I've ever heard, light years ahead of Section 80. The lyrics themselves are technical masterpieces, full of layered rhythms and
    A short 'film' by Kendrick Lamar... never has an album been more appropriately titled.

    90% of rap albums are mere playlists, this is an album.. and more. ’good kid, m.A.A.d city’ has so much depth, it demands close inspection, this is the most expansive project I've ever heard, light years ahead of Section 80. The lyrics themselves are technical masterpieces, full of layered rhythms and meanings. The production is captivating, Kendrick’s lyrical prowess and vivid storytelling come to life like scenes from a movie.

    Minor imperfections are dwarfed by it’s excellence, insignificant in the grand scheme of things. When you hear an album you can recognise instantaneously if it's a classic or not, GKMC is unequivocally a classic. In context (the current rap climate) it’s quite possibly the greatest accomplishment in Hip Hop history. Universally critically acclaimed, even the most hardheaded critics are raving about it, case in point.. Anthony Fantano (Needledrop). This album is high art, Kendrick Lamar.. dubbed as 'raps saviour' by the wider Hip Hop community has delivered!, rejoice.
  95. Jun 15, 2013
    this album is by far the best west coast album since doggystyle. storytelling is mind-blowing, production is excellent, and its only scary that he's just getting started. well done king kendrick.
  96. Jun 14, 2013
    I'm sure Kendrick Lamar has a really interesting story to tell, but to me he's just not all that compelling. I get it, it's a concept album...I just don't care for the concept
  97. Jun 10, 2013
    The best Hip Hop album that has come out in last few years. Kendrick is a master of story telling and the album is more cohesive than ever. He delivers with diverse but unifying songs that make this story of the good kid in a MAAD City one for ages.
  98. May 27, 2013
    The production is spot on but that's not the only good thing about this album. The lyricism is amazing and the album tells a fascinating story about life in Compton. This album is simply amazing and is a must buy.
  99. May 18, 2013
    This album will go down as one of the best albums of all time for any genre just like Illmatic, Reasonable Doubt, Ready to Die and the other rap albums that are considered the best of all time. When those albums came out we didn't understand how great they because were very young at the time. Now we have a chance to witness a classic and a legend in the making. The storytelling is amazing.This album will go down as one of the best albums of all time for any genre just like Illmatic, Reasonable Doubt, Ready to Die and the other rap albums that are considered the best of all time. When those albums came out we didn't understand how great they because were very young at the time. Now we have a chance to witness a classic and a legend in the making. The storytelling is amazing. It's like a movie. You can't just listen to a couple of songs or skip through. You have to listen straight through from beginning to end. Expand
  100. Apr 17, 2013
    Few albums have stories this cohesive. Fewer hip hop albums have as much scope and precision as good kid, m.A.A.d. city. With a narrative that knocks storytelling out of the park, as well as some of the finest rap cuts in a few years, Kendrick Lamar is an artist among artists. With songs as catchy as Don't Kill My Vibe," and others as brooding as "Good Kid," while others are kind ofFew albums have stories this cohesive. Fewer hip hop albums have as much scope and precision as good kid, m.A.A.d. city. With a narrative that knocks storytelling out of the park, as well as some of the finest rap cuts in a few years, Kendrick Lamar is an artist among artists. With songs as catchy as Don't Kill My Vibe," and others as brooding as "Good Kid," while others are kind of poignant, like "Real," there is enough here to at least say that this is a fine record indeed, but still ranks as one of the best records of 2012, and one of the best hip-hop albums, period. Expand

Universal acclaim - based on 36 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 35 out of 36
  2. Negative: 0 out of 36
  1. Jan 24, 2013
    The quotidian problems and longings of the title track making up the real heart of the album, a rough and tumble struggle to the top.
  2. Jan 10, 2013
    In another rapper's hands the concepts might have been overcooked or the messages too self-righteous, but Kendrick manages to achieve scale while remaining firmly grounded on two feet.
  3. Dec 21, 2012
    This is the best rap album of 2012--not just because of champion verses and immaculate drops, but because they recognize that the most brilliant foreground only shines against a well-defined backdrop.