User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 48 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 37 out of 48
  2. Negative: 9 out of 48

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  1. Alex
    May 16, 2002
    I give everything the benefit of the doubt.. but this sucks! I want my money back!
  2. Yuri
    Apr 8, 2004
    hate him...
  3. ericeric
    Sep 21, 2003
    This is not music.
  4. garym
    Mar 10, 2007
    this gives a new meaning to "garbage".
  5. Blindspot
    Apr 18, 2002
    The musical equivalent of eating a raw steak. Hackneyed, vapid and humorless, this is the sound of overpowered advertising-grade session musicians paired with a spastic messiah-complexed white boy from middle America. Easy to see why it might work in Non-US countries.
  6. GaborA
    Apr 27, 2004
    Another entry to the if you listen to this then you should be shot list.
  7. Aug 16, 2010
    People say they don't know which track is best. There's only 1 track!

    And Andrew ... please wash your jeans & buy new sneakers. I don't know what statement you're trying to make, but every time i see you I keep thinking about tv commercials for Daz Automatic and other leading brands of washing powder.

Generally favorable reviews - based on 14 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 9 out of 14
  2. Negative: 3 out of 14
  1. So then, what is the excuse for a typically elitist music nerd to bow to Andrew WK's blistering tard-rock? That's right, folks: there isn't one.
  2. At its best, WK's music is a refreshing blast of skanky air on the current stale music scene, but at its worst, it's disappointingly monotonous, unoriginal, and very, very dumb.
  3. Blender
    Those in search of a gloriously moronic keg-party soundtrack will wet themselves with pleasure. [Apr/May 2002, p.112]