• Record Label: Columbia
  • Release Date: May 21, 2013
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  1. Jul 24, 2013
    It's more than overrated, it has its moments but most of the time it just sounds like something Pharrel Williams could do by himself (and in that case I'm pretty sure there wouldn't be a hype for the album like this), at some points I could hear Justice instead of Daft Punk.
  2. Jul 24, 2013
    This a great album which is different to other albums by daft punk which is what makes their music stand out.
    The quality of the whole album with very high details shows up and gives it its sense of mood.
  3. Jul 23, 2013
    Let me start by saying the promotion of this album was first-class, awesome and it raised my expectations. I can't say the same about this album though. It starts off with an over-the-top guitar line, which gets you curious about what's ahead. What comes after it is a decent song. The second song (within)
    , and weakest point on the cd, is one that you probably want to skip. The
    Let me start by saying the promotion of this album was first-class, awesome and it raised my expectations. I can't say the same about this album though. It starts off with an over-the-top guitar line, which gets you curious about what's ahead. What comes after it is a decent song. The second song (within)
    , and weakest point on the cd, is one that you probably want to skip. The pianoplaying of gonzales is good, but i just don't want to hear vocoder-vocals for a whole verse & chorus. The same thing counts for the songs the game of love and beyond. Get lucky is, ofcourse, a nice song. Lose yourself to dance gets boring after a whole though, and shows that pharrell isn't exactly the best singer. Fragments of time is okay, but not special.
    I'm not saying that the whole CD is worthless though. Giorgio by moroder is, although the talking part is a bit long, a masterpiece, just like contact. Touch and motherboard are just beautiful songs with great melodies, and i like the emotional vocals on touch. But overall, this album just isn't as good as what i expected.
  4. Jul 21, 2013
    Daft Punk once again surprises us with a new disco themed album that represents the light at the end of the dark tunnel in the modern music industry. It's a hit or miss, but when it hits, it really hits.
  5. Jul 21, 2013
    Having recently turned to the electronica genre, Daft Punk were like a "love at first sound", with fantastic tracks from Discovery and their Alive tours.

    And then comes RAM. Frankly, I was not expecting this from them, being so different from their previous work. I was skeptic at first with the sound, playing "Get Lucky" on youtube once. Then forgot about them... But the music was stuck
    Having recently turned to the electronica genre, Daft Punk were like a "love at first sound", with fantastic tracks from Discovery and their Alive tours.

    And then comes RAM. Frankly, I was not expecting this from them, being so different from their previous work. I was skeptic at first with the sound, playing "Get Lucky" on youtube once. Then forgot about them... But the music was stuck in my mind, and I just kept returning for more and more of it, until finally I gave up my resistance and got their album.

    I've been playing only RAM for the past 5-7 days, and I've hit 4+ stars for 9 out of the 13 songs. I am trying to get out of it, but it keeps pulling me back... I can't escape RAM... please someone... help m3...
  6. Jul 21, 2013
    Elevator muzak for cubicle dwellers, RAM mashes the sounds of a half-remembered past into golden, sticky goo that sounds good coming out of your laptop speakers. But check the list of ingredients and it says only this: corn syrup, food coloring, artificial flavors.
  7. Jul 19, 2013
    Para mi Random Acces Memories es el mejor album de este año, con grandes canciones, una gran producción hacen que este album sea un deleite para nuestros oídos.
  8. Jul 12, 2013
    Daft Punk time-travels to the 1970s to create music with the most influential funk bands of the era, then returns to modern day and debuts their private recordings. They're beautiful. It's based on a true story. A true story of time travel.
  9. Jul 9, 2013
    Random Access Memories accomplishes everything it sets out to do. The beats, the melodies, the grooves, and every other sound on the album contribute toward Daft Punk's goal--to bring life back to music, on Guy-Man and Thomas's terms.
  10. Jul 7, 2013
    This has to be Daft Punk's best overall composition as an album and the one I've enjoyed listening to the most (beating out my other favorites Discovery and the Tron Legacy Soundtrack). The best way to listen to this album is in it's entirety. You can listen to songs by apart from listening to the whole album but I think the album is meant to be listened to at once. I have had manyThis has to be Daft Punk's best overall composition as an album and the one I've enjoyed listening to the most (beating out my other favorites Discovery and the Tron Legacy Soundtrack). The best way to listen to this album is in it's entirety. You can listen to songs by apart from listening to the whole album but I think the album is meant to be listened to at once. I have had many listening parties of this album with friends and it never disappoints. Great album to listen to by the pool as well. It still sounds like Daft Punk but breathes new life into their electronic image and elevates their music at the same time. Expand
  11. Jul 4, 2013
    Looking back at Daft Punk's discography, there music has varied greatly from Homework to Human After All but the main similarity was that they were all electronic albums. On R.A.M, the duo who have been at the front of French House, have taken a risk; they have used live instruments to blend a mix of the 70's and the 80's, they have captured that cross over period, and they blend the twoLooking back at Daft Punk's discography, there music has varied greatly from Homework to Human After All but the main similarity was that they were all electronic albums. On R.A.M, the duo who have been at the front of French House, have taken a risk; they have used live instruments to blend a mix of the 70's and the 80's, they have captured that cross over period, and they blend the two era's seamlessly.

    The first song is called "Give Life Back to Music", just by looking at its name you can see that Daft Punk are trying to resuscitate Music itself, despite the continuing Robot themes on the album. It's a solid start to the album and it gives you a real feel of what is to come. It's well produced and recorded, it's Daft Punk showing all their mastery.

    "The Game of Love" is one of the songs off the album that are quieter, but Daft Punk have done quiet before, look at "Make Love" and "Night Vision", they can do it well, and they do. With the vocoder vocals that are present on various tracks around the album, you get that Daft Punk feel, but even without the electronic drum kits, you know you are getting a Daft Punk album.

    "Giorgio by Moroder", a track that has Giorgio Moroder narrating his life style, and you listen in interest to hear this guy's life story, the man responsible for songs like, "Call Me" "Take My Breath Away" and "I Feel Love". Daft Punk have made a nine minute song dedicated to him; their inspiration. It's one of the highlights on the album. With a spiralling Space Disco synth pattern and a Jazz break in the middle to go back into the synths and then escalate into this epic finale with drums and strings, everything is happening in this song and it never feels crowded.

    "Within" is another slow track but it is so beautiful. A love song in essence, it gives the album emotion, and Guy-Manuel says that the album has more soul then the technical Human After All. It's not just a beautiful song, but it's one of the first really catchy songs, I feel this goes well with "The Game of Love" and it just feels so smooth, as do all the songs.

    "Instant Crush" featuring Julian Casablancas feels robotic, but I like that. I like that in this song because, whilst you can say it feels detached, it's welcome, it's not out of place because it keep the album moving at a good pace, not to say it's a filler because it isn't. The song is good in its own right, I just feel it doesn't hold up to the songs that came before, and that's the album's flaw. Some songs are just so good, the album can't keep it up for it's long length of well over an hour.

    "Lose Yourself to Dance" follows and I can't just feel disappointed with this song. It's definitely one of the weaker ones on the album because of Pharell's singing. His voice, in the higher regions doesn't sit comfortably, whereas he does a better job on "Get Lucky" which is a song that has mid-range vocals, and I think he does that well. Overall the song, apart from the vocoder parts which I like, the song, just feels there. It's just there and I can't place it properly, it feels too much like a combination of other songs on the album, I'm sure people like it, the song just doesn't want to make me dance so to speak,

    "Touch" is another epic song on the album, a sound that Daft Punk have really done well on this album, creating long Progressive Rock type songs on an album with so much Funk and Disco elements and I'm glad to see this. The song starts with a very futuristic sound, a sound which is almost the semantic field of the album, but Daft Punk, taking that Moroder influence, can be said to have always had that futuristic feel to them.

    And then we have "Get Lucky". In comparison to the rest of the album, whilst having and insanely catchy hook and chorus, is actually one the weaker songs on the album. I feel it get's a bit repetitive over six minuets, yet I prefer it to the Radio Edit because there is more to it, so maybe they could have gone halfway between the song mixes.

    "Beyond" is enjoyable but just sits there, I still think it deserves to be on the album though, as well as "Motherboard" which is completely instrumental and takes you back to Discovery. Whilst it feels slightly disjointed I still think it flows well, although, whilst I do love the song, I wish that the track has electronic drums on it because I just feel that it would have given the song more substance because they actually seem a bit weak to me on this song.

    "Fragments of Time" is by far the weakest song. I just don't like it too much, it feels too cheesy, too much. Now, "Doin' it Right" took me some time to like. At first I thought R.A.M fell apart at the end, but it doesn't. "Doin' it Right" featuring Panda Bear on vocals is so catchy. The vocals don't deter from the song but they add to the song, they make it even better. It works really well together and Daft Punk have just added another strong song to the collection. I also feel that the song is, dynamically, far from the 70's veering more towards the 80's and electronic music from era's after, and I think that might be because of Panda Bear's vocals. I even get slight Homework vibes, it's great.

    And then, we reach "Contact". This, is how you close an album. It's just so good. It's a six minute crescendo. It just builds and builds and it screeches and the drums are rolling and it's electronic chaos. I can really see this to become a closer for future live sets.

    Overall, Daft Punk have taken a risk, and it worked. It may have it's flaws, it could do with being shorter, maybe ten, eleven songs instead of thirteen, but I'll make do with I've got because I love this album. I think this album will be listened to and appreciated even more by this generation for years to come, and then the next generation will discover it. I think our love will continue to grow for it, it has that potential because they haven't done anything revolutionary. What Daft Punk have done, is an homage to music of old, and they have done it masterly, but they have still kept it current.
  12. Jul 3, 2013
    I have been listening to Daft Punk since the first record. Of enjoyed how their music has grown and changed. I was a little disappointed by this album because when you stack it up against their previous efforts it's...just a really big departure in a lot of ways. It's catchy, some of the songs have great hooks, and they're not afraid to dabble and experiment a little bit as well.I have been listening to Daft Punk since the first record. Of enjoyed how their music has grown and changed. I was a little disappointed by this album because when you stack it up against their previous efforts it's...just a really big departure in a lot of ways. It's catchy, some of the songs have great hooks, and they're not afraid to dabble and experiment a little bit as well. However, if you play this album after one of their previous ones, it's almost like a different band at times. However, I hear say they may be doing a "Daft Punkier" mix of this album. Now that is something I would like to hear. In the end, I am glad that the album is not forgettable or terrible, it's merely a lot more pop orientated. I think that they will actually find they gain a lot of new listeners with this album that may not have cared for them as much in the past? Expand
  13. Jul 3, 2013
    A great direction for Daft Punk!

    The albums melodies and general song structures are more prominent than in previous albums. Despite songs lacking bass-driving beats, the last track Contact provides a highly-energetic conclusion of the album. The eclectic instrumentation compliments the musical style which varies from disco to funk, and jazz, house and 80s synth-pop. However, I would
    A great direction for Daft Punk!

    The albums melodies and general song structures are more prominent than in previous albums. Despite songs lacking bass-driving beats, the last track Contact provides a highly-energetic conclusion of the album. The eclectic instrumentation compliments the musical style which varies from disco to funk, and jazz, house and 80s synth-pop.

    However, I would of liked to have seen more familiar collaborations, I feel Paul Williams adds a sense of a 50s sound which seems to be out of place and doesn't fit in with the vocoder or high-pitch vocals of Pharrell on Get Lucky.
  14. Jul 2, 2013
    This is just an excellent example of how music and conceptual albums should be done. And that is exactly why the release started with Give Life Back to Music.
  15. Jun 30, 2013
    The album is perfect in every way. Since the first time I've heard it, I was hooked. The disco electronic beats are amazing. At first, I was doubtful. I haven't thought Daft Punk would deliver such an amazing album. You should definitely listen to this.
  16. Jun 29, 2013
    It's not supposed to be Homework or Discovery. And as such, people should stop reviewing it as if it was either of those two albums. The only song that sounds remotely like anything on either of those albums is Contact, and that's only because they wrote a primitive version of the song at the same time as those other albums and never released it. I understand the disappointment some feelIt's not supposed to be Homework or Discovery. And as such, people should stop reviewing it as if it was either of those two albums. The only song that sounds remotely like anything on either of those albums is Contact, and that's only because they wrote a primitive version of the song at the same time as those other albums and never released it. I understand the disappointment some feel in its dissimilarities with earlier Daft Punk albums, however, it is wonderful in its own way. Expand
  17. Jun 27, 2013
    I remember being nine years old and picking up "Discovery" for the first time back in 2001. I fell in love with it instantly. I liked every song on the album and I feel like that is extremely rare. Random Access Memories felt like a tragedy to me. Daft Punk were the first artists that I got into and I had received much inspiration from them. Each song sounds like a long and dull drone. GetI remember being nine years old and picking up "Discovery" for the first time back in 2001. I fell in love with it instantly. I liked every song on the album and I feel like that is extremely rare. Random Access Memories felt like a tragedy to me. Daft Punk were the first artists that I got into and I had received much inspiration from them. Each song sounds like a long and dull drone. Get Lucky is what really boggles my mind. How do so many people like this song or this album for that matter? The way I see it is that Daft Punk didn't put any real effort into making the album and that it was basically full of egotism. They really seem to be acting like their virtuous in their music and that they started the genre. No way. They lost all of their humility and they aren't making real music anymore. Their viral marketing campaign is definitely the reason for the hype. It really got me, but the difference between me and everyone else is that I was able to see past the marketing and hear how awful this album really is when it came out. I'm a fan of Panda Bear and Animal Collective, but "Doin' it right" it doesn't feel like a collaboration at all. It sounds like Daft Punks Vocoder chanting next to Lennox singing. The process is just repeated and then a dull house beat is placed over it. The lyrics are HORRIBLE in every song. I would have some tolerance in my heart, but I feel like this is just terrible and ridiculous. Usually when a band that I like makes a bad album, I look past it and give them another chance, but there is no excuse for this album. It is probably the biggest disappointment in music that I've ever heard in my life. It is in no way practical to listen to. If Daft Punk wants to self-masturbate over how they think they are the masters of electronica, I'm done. Pretty Lights has an album coming out this year that I know will be amazing. Expand
  18. Jun 27, 2013
    Am I the only one who found this album to be simply boring? That's something I've never even said about music of any genre, however, I felt each track (with the exception of Touch) could've easily been 1min shorter and had more of an impact. Daft Punk pioneers in my book, RAM seems to be content with reDiscovery.
  19. Jun 26, 2013
    As usual, the longer you make people wait the more enthusiasm you'll get just check this graphic http://www.ziemianiczyja.pl/wp-content/uploads/2013/06/Good-To-Be-Back-Ziemianiczyja.pl_.jpg
  20. Jun 20, 2013
    I wouldn't say this album is a masterpiece, but I do say it is remarkable. I like to think about it as the extension of some of their 'less popular' songs like "Veridis Quo". It doesn't mean that Daft Punk gave up their willingness to make people dance as they used to do, this time they wanted to make people think about their emotional B-side.
  21. Jun 19, 2013
    The french duo return after sitting back for seven years(not counting their score work for TRON: Legacy.) And they are back with a vengeance. With Random Access Memories, Daft Punk continues to show why they are the face of House music.
  22. Jun 18, 2013
    Very solid album by Daft Punk. Still great after 5-7 listens, but unfortunately after those 5-7 listens the album gets pretty boring. A good album is the type that gets better after you listen to it more and more, not saying this album is bad in any way, but RAM lacks in playback value.
  23. Jun 17, 2013
    Going back to the fast to make musical progressions in the future! I think Daft Punk really struck gold with this record: It's replay value is off the charts, it's catchy as hell, and gives off an authentic throwback vibe. Every song Great.
  24. Jun 16, 2013
    I've always loved Daft Punk since their Homework album. When Random Access Memories came out, I rushed to the store to pick up the CD. I can say that I enjoyed the album. To truly experience this album you must put the CD in your stereo and just let the whole thing play out. Some songs I came across I did not like as much as others, but it's songs like "Touch", "Giorgio by Moroder",I've always loved Daft Punk since their Homework album. When Random Access Memories came out, I rushed to the store to pick up the CD. I can say that I enjoyed the album. To truly experience this album you must put the CD in your stereo and just let the whole thing play out. Some songs I came across I did not like as much as others, but it's songs like "Touch", "Giorgio by Moroder", "Fragments of Time", and many more that pull this album together. Expand
  25. Jun 13, 2013
    Great album! Every song on this album is just amazing. I wasn't much of a daft punk fan before this album.
    But now I am! Brilliant Album!

    Lose yourself to dance
  26. Jun 13, 2013
    I'm usually not in to the roboty techno stuff, but this was pretty okay. Daft Punk on my terms was pretty trash up until this album. One of my least favorite songs is Around the World, but then again Lose Yourself to Dance is now one of my favorites. This album has a strange old school vibe to it that most people in there right minds would enjoy. And this album was really a "happy" releaseI'm usually not in to the roboty techno stuff, but this was pretty okay. Daft Punk on my terms was pretty trash up until this album. One of my least favorite songs is Around the World, but then again Lose Yourself to Dance is now one of my favorites. This album has a strange old school vibe to it that most people in there right minds would enjoy. And this album was really a "happy" release and a good one to keep my hopes in today's music to a maximum. Expand
  27. Jun 12, 2013
    Some of the tracks sound like covers of tunes by the New Zealand comedy duo, Flight of the Conchords (especially Get Lucky it's a spoofed spoof! (trademark is mine ;o). And as much as I enjoy the Conchords I don't need a Daft Punk version.... There are a few tracks I enjoy (Contact, Motherboard, Within, Giorgio by Moroder, The Game of Love) but far too much of the album reminds me ofSome of the tracks sound like covers of tunes by the New Zealand comedy duo, Flight of the Conchords (especially Get Lucky it's a spoofed spoof! (trademark is mine ;o). And as much as I enjoy the Conchords I don't need a Daft Punk version.... There are a few tracks I enjoy (Contact, Motherboard, Within, Giorgio by Moroder, The Game of Love) but far too much of the album reminds me of the disco I hated when it was fresh! Where is LCD Soundsystem when you really need 'em..... Expand
  28. Jun 12, 2013
    Daft Punk revitalises their EDM vibe into something completely fresh and exotic. Emotions range from creepy, operatic, funk, soul, rock, dance, and so much more. With tracks such as "Touch (Feat. Paul Williams)" and "Giorgio by Moroder", Daft Punk wraps and warps their style, managing to fit into places it shouldn't. You get the feel of Daft Punk, that urge to tap your feet and move, allDaft Punk revitalises their EDM vibe into something completely fresh and exotic. Emotions range from creepy, operatic, funk, soul, rock, dance, and so much more. With tracks such as "Touch (Feat. Paul Williams)" and "Giorgio by Moroder", Daft Punk wraps and warps their style, managing to fit into places it shouldn't. You get the feel of Daft Punk, that urge to tap your feet and move, all the while enjoying every note along the way. Expand
  29. Jun 12, 2013
    always hard to separate the hype from the product, but especially so with a band like Daft Punk. this was not quite the 8/10, but I rounded up and I think that figure will hold over time. review sketch if you care here: here:http://simmserely.blogspot.com/2013/05/daft-punk-random-access-memories-review.html
  30. Jun 12, 2013
    Quite boring compared to their previous efforts. Fast songs are ok, slow songs are all a bit meh. Due to all the hype I was expecting a classic listening experience but it's actually really dull, and if it didn't have "Daft Punk" on the cover I think a lot more people would think the same way.

  31. Jun 9, 2013
    This is a fantastic album if you were waiting for Daft Punk to release an Earth Wind and Fire album.

    For those of you expecting more vocoder rock, this is a more tepid offering.

    For those like me who were fans of their earlier, more aggressive electronic work, "Contact" is a true gem, and "Doin' It Right" is catchy pop, but the first 11 tracks are your father's R&B funk.
  32. Jun 7, 2013
    I lay no claim to being a fan of Daft Punk, but have now listened to RAM at least 12 times in the past 72 hours and am quite sure it is right there with the best albums that I've sat and listened to. It's a combination of Kool and the Gang and Sgt Pepper meets Popcorn, which I heard in Spain as a kid--- if that's possible. Apparently, it is. The key to it is the sound. I get what it'sI lay no claim to being a fan of Daft Punk, but have now listened to RAM at least 12 times in the past 72 hours and am quite sure it is right there with the best albums that I've sat and listened to. It's a combination of Kool and the Gang and Sgt Pepper meets Popcorn, which I heard in Spain as a kid--- if that's possible. Apparently, it is. The key to it is the sound. I get what it's reminiscent of but have never heard anything sound like like this tonally. Amazing record. Expand
  33. Jun 7, 2013
    Daft Punk's first album in years doesn't disappoint its fans one little bit. People were skeptical that they couldn't recreate the revolution they sparked back in the 90s, but they surely did. I have to admit I don't adore every song on this album, but I love most them. My favorites include, Get Lucky, Lose Yourself to Dance, and Fragments of Time. They have amazing artists featured in theDaft Punk's first album in years doesn't disappoint its fans one little bit. People were skeptical that they couldn't recreate the revolution they sparked back in the 90s, but they surely did. I have to admit I don't adore every song on this album, but I love most them. My favorites include, Get Lucky, Lose Yourself to Dance, and Fragments of Time. They have amazing artists featured in the songs of this album, they add the perfect touch to these already spectacular songs, such as Pharrell Williams, Todd Edwards, and Julian Casablancas. This isn't my favorite Daft Punk album, but it already is and will most likely stay my favorite album of 2013. Expand
  34. Jun 7, 2013
    Para los que creían que Daft Punk habían llegado a un bache, vuelven con toda, se reinventan y llegan con este refresco de muy buena música, alejados como siempre del mal gusto comercial que es lo que alegra. y haciendo un viaje por la buena vibra setentera y ochentera.
  35. Jun 6, 2013
    Didn't think much of this album at first, but then you'll notice that you'll be going through your day and a tune is stuck in your head, and it's from this album (and it's not Get Lucky). I've now had that happen with over half the songs in the album. It grew from a 5 or 6/10 album to a full out 10/10 over the course of 2-3 front to back sessions. Sounds even better if you have a greatDidn't think much of this album at first, but then you'll notice that you'll be going through your day and a tune is stuck in your head, and it's from this album (and it's not Get Lucky). I've now had that happen with over half the songs in the album. It grew from a 5 or 6/10 album to a full out 10/10 over the course of 2-3 front to back sessions. Sounds even better if you have a great hifi setup, the production value of this album is top notch! Expand
  36. Jun 6, 2013
    As the streets sings of the 'joys' of Thomas and Guy's new musical collaboration fill the air, I cannot be left with any feelings but sadness and disappointment.

    From what the advertisement and early reviews told me, this album was to shake the earth, leave cracks in the foundations of music, fill the air with the thunder it so lacked, and yet all I observed was a small push at what was
    As the streets sings of the 'joys' of Thomas and Guy's new musical collaboration fill the air, I cannot be left with any feelings but sadness and disappointment.

    From what the advertisement and early reviews told me, this album was to shake the earth, leave cracks in the foundations of music, fill the air with the thunder it so lacked, and yet all I observed was a small push at what was meant to be brilliance.

    As I listened to the artist who's music literally shaped my tastes in music, and my childhood, I found myself nearly crying with disappointment, around eight years of waiting, eight years of promises, and this is what is thrown to the masses.

    The bigger, kinder part of me wants to dismiss the album as a mistake, but I know that all of the reviews claiming this is one of the 'best' and most 'redefining releases of modern times, are all wrong, coming from people who were forced into bad music, and even worse rappers.

    This seems to me to be some mighty call out to re-ignite the passion of Daft Punk that hadn't been allowed to breathe for so long. And yet, we receive some let down of a bestial war-cry of god-like proportions.

    I can only pray that releasing the ten minute song, of Giorgio Moroder giving us his life of music in some verbal biography was intend as a in-joke for the team. I can only hope this proves example to the pair that they should stick to what they know, which is making heavenly noise of samples.

    I do not care how much the masses cry, it will take more than one song that sounds half decent to change my opinion of this pile of good wishes, and bad noises to sound good to me.
  37. Jun 6, 2013
    Another excellent album from the french house duo, coming fresh off their last project of movie scoring, I find this album a great step into the exploration of music and it's history. The 60's and 70's themes are predominant throughout the entire album, and Daft Punk goes so far as to interview the producer they collaborated with in the album. The third song, 'Giorgio by Moroder' I seeAnother excellent album from the french house duo, coming fresh off their last project of movie scoring, I find this album a great step into the exploration of music and it's history. The 60's and 70's themes are predominant throughout the entire album, and Daft Punk goes so far as to interview the producer they collaborated with in the album. The third song, 'Giorgio by Moroder' I see mostly as an explanation for the album, bringing in one of the godfathers of the type of dance/pop music that naturally evolved into what we know now as electronica.

    Definitely give the album a thorough listen through, as many of the themes in the album clearly dictate where the sound that Daft Punk is so famously known for has come from.
  38. Jun 5, 2013
    The un-doubtful style of Daft Punk is clear in every song. Old times come back to mind and I must say Giorgio by Moroder is one of the finest pieces I've heard him in.
  39. Jun 4, 2013
    If you consider yourself a bassist professional, aspiring, or the 11 year old in 6th grade jazz band brave enough to try learn EVERY note of this album. Each song is lovingly crafted, and the bass lines are tailored perfectly for each tune. Don't worry about the "70s disco" thing, or what this could be categorized as; this is EXACTLY what we should be studying as musicians and loversIf you consider yourself a bassist professional, aspiring, or the 11 year old in 6th grade jazz band brave enough to try learn EVERY note of this album. Each song is lovingly crafted, and the bass lines are tailored perfectly for each tune. Don't worry about the "70s disco" thing, or what this could be categorized as; this is EXACTLY what we should be studying as musicians and lovers of music. I'm thrilled that DP would give us a gift this lovingly constructed, and just trust that we would pay if we loved it. I'm buying my hard copy tomorrow! Expand
  40. Jun 4, 2013
    Draft is back! Correct me if I'm wrong, but this is the first DP album to not have a movie with it since homework. Not as good as discovery, but not too shabby. This is the thing to me with them they have created many masterpieces, so that comes with the typical hype. I think what we have here is just a good chill record. Its hard to follow super massive success, and I feel like they justDraft is back! Correct me if I'm wrong, but this is the first DP album to not have a movie with it since homework. Not as good as discovery, but not too shabby. This is the thing to me with them they have created many masterpieces, so that comes with the typical hype. I think what we have here is just a good chill record. Its hard to follow super massive success, and I feel like they just said it let's have fun, I support them and this album all the way. My top 3 probably give life back, Giorgio, and get lucky. Just chill and let it grow on you if you expect anything, you already expect to much. Good one guys you won't ever let us down! Now get in you're pyramid and tour!!! Haha Expand
  41. Jun 4, 2013
    Random Access Memories is a return to form for Daft Punk, however the focus on having cameos and guests on many of the tracks ruins many of the songs. There's almost a uncanny, cheesy feel to most of the album as it features Microsoft Sam singing many of the backing vocals. Nevertheless, there are half a dozen songs here that I truly enjoyed, which is more than I can say for most of DaftRandom Access Memories is a return to form for Daft Punk, however the focus on having cameos and guests on many of the tracks ruins many of the songs. There's almost a uncanny, cheesy feel to most of the album as it features Microsoft Sam singing many of the backing vocals. Nevertheless, there are half a dozen songs here that I truly enjoyed, which is more than I can say for most of Daft Punk's albums. Expand
  42. Jun 4, 2013
    I'm in my 20's and this album makes me feel like I'm already out of touch with what's "in" these days. That's saying a lot with how interested I am in current music. First, I have listened to Daft Punk from their start to this album, which I think qualifies as their finish. The hype for this album should get a higher review than the actual track listing, as it totally erased the fact thatI'm in my 20's and this album makes me feel like I'm already out of touch with what's "in" these days. That's saying a lot with how interested I am in current music. First, I have listened to Daft Punk from their start to this album, which I think qualifies as their finish. The hype for this album should get a higher review than the actual track listing, as it totally erased the fact that this is recycled and flaccid disco pop that could have been made by anyone. It doesn't even excel in what it's trying to do, and the over-inflated scores I'm shocked to see make this a great example of marketing at work. Everyone getting a music boner over this now will forget about it when the next big album of '13 comes out. Enjoy lying to yourself about the staying power and quality of this dump-in-a-jewel-case. This doesn't even hold a candle to Human After All, which was the first album people realized Daft Punk really were human and capable of releasing sub par tracks. Expand
  43. Jun 3, 2013
    This album has been a long time coming and Daft Punk doesn't disappoint. Like a tossed salad, all the sounds of the past 50 years are beautifully mixed throughout the entire album. Disco. Swing. 80s. Techno. R&B. You name the genre, it probably has it.

    I don't know if I remember the last time each track in an album sounded so different from the others. I'd personally prefer a bit more
    This album has been a long time coming and Daft Punk doesn't disappoint. Like a tossed salad, all the sounds of the past 50 years are beautifully mixed throughout the entire album. Disco. Swing. 80s. Techno. R&B. You name the genre, it probably has it.

    I don't know if I remember the last time each track in an album sounded so different from the others. I'd personally prefer a bit more electronic sounds, but overall, a great album.
  44. Jun 3, 2013
    Nice music but sorry to say that, no one would have notice this album without the "Daft Punk" label on the cover. Neat and sweet but I was expecting better from this band, 8 years after Human After all.
  45. Jun 2, 2013
    Daft Punk are undeniably iconic, however an issue of argument remains as to whether this is a substantiated reality or simply a result of sly marketing. Random Access Memories is prolific and wholesome at its foundation however Daft Punk's attempts have fallen horribly short of their intentions, resulting in nothing more than a failed attempt at a musical documentary rather than aDaft Punk are undeniably iconic, however an issue of argument remains as to whether this is a substantiated reality or simply a result of sly marketing. Random Access Memories is prolific and wholesome at its foundation however Daft Punk's attempts have fallen horribly short of their intentions, resulting in nothing more than a failed attempt at a musical documentary rather than a respectable album.

    The duo have enlisted a all-star force of disco veterans to execute this attempt; a piece of news that swayed emotions of excitement in many. Bass lines and melodies on tracks like 'Give Life Back to Music' by Nile Rogers are invigorating and dance-inducing, reminiscent of the 70's Chic classics we all love. Heart pumping arpeggiators in 'Giorgio by Moroder' by the man himself breathe thick synthetic soul into the track. 'Touch', arranged by Paul Williams stands by far the most bountiful track on the album and while remaining unique, it is a brilliant emulation of game-changers such as Pink Floyd, underpinned by a broadway musical scale soundscape. Unfortunately for RAM, this is about as far as positivity seems to reach.

    I’ve always been a fan of ambient music (and of Daft Punk) however, enter tracks like ‘Game of Love’ and ‘Within’ and somehow all that changes. Half-baked yet over-reaching are thoughts that come to mind. What used to be creative and hearty vocoder stylings have transformed into weak noise suggestive of the default pre-sets one hears by pressing a button on a 90's Casio keyboard. Giorgio by Moroder, starts well yet transforms into a tasteless, cringe-worthy scratch party by the finish. That’s right, there’s something like 30 seconds of a feeble attempt at vinyl scratching overlaid onto the song for seemingly no particular reason other than to try and smash as many genres together as possible, leaving nothing but a sour taste in the listener's mouth. Large scale genre blending is a difficult task and success is seldom; look to ‘Imaginary Sonicscape’, an album by the Japanese black metal band ‘Sigh’ for a good example of said success. Look to any works from Flying Lotus as evidence for how a contemporary artist seamlessly melts multitudes of genres while remaining forward thinking.

    This album shows the same elements are repeated through and through, yet not in the respected classic Daft Punk manner. The drum line used at the end of ‘Giorgio by Moroder’ is almost identical to that on ‘Contact’, then slowed down and used once again for ‘Beyond’, all to translate their new material to a different type of live show than the last. The shift from digital to organic isn't some genius ‘robot2human’ reference as other critics seem to ignorantly assume. It is however a response to the current era of downloads, where live shows are the money-makers. Justice did the same, as did Digitalism; but change should never occur at the expense of quality. Tracks like ‘Doin’ it Right’ and ‘Instant Crush’ are filler tracks at their core, and that's being kind. This is a real shame for the legitimate feature artists which each have excellent music to offer in their own right.

    This piece had potential, but never as an album. The result is nothing more than a tasteless homage to the eras of synthetic disco, thrown together with barely associable genres in an attempt for variation and modification. From day one, this ‘album’ should have been a documentary. As such, it would have been congruent with their intentions to source disco veterans, solidify their legacy in the electronic music realms as well as act to further reach new market segments in a productive and lasting manner, rather than through mere-exposure. If the millions that were spent on flood-marketing were instead used to hire a brilliant cinematographer and set up worthy, vivid and revitalising interviews with said veterans (as opposed to the half-arsed attempts of the ‘collaborators episodes’), a truly historic mark could have been made. Instead, this album will be forgotten. The hype will die, the mere-exposure effect will run its course and the clone masses will either jump on the next bandwagon or go back to listening to the brilliant works Daft Punk have released in the past. In a few years, no one will care about a launch party in the rural Australian town of Wee Waa, no one will care about their high scale ‘unboxing’ videos released a week previous to launch, about the collaborator episodes, the late show clips, the ‘accidental’ leaks of get lucky or the garish videos played during festivals.

    If another album is in sight, I hope they go back to making the gold they once did. Perhaps the reality I’m finding hard to accept is that their creativity has run its course, a circumstance usually evidenced by enlisting a mass load of collaborators on a new album. Only time will tell. For now, throw ‘touch’ on repeat for a decent journey, or simply stick with Discovery.
  46. Jun 2, 2013
    One (if not) the most anticipated album release of the year, the duo awoken from their circuital slumber to once again shake the EDM scene. From "Give Life Back to Music" to "Contact", Guy-Man and Thomas dazzled our ears with the disco vibed LP. In their fourth album, many would question the LP stance as an electro music, but all (or most) would inclined that RAM is the best album of 2013 so far.
  47. Jun 1, 2013
    Four words: Album of the Summer

    With nary a bad track throughout the entire 74 minute journey, RAM brings disco back into the mainstream. While underground artists continued to play with disco (in various forms) since the 70s, daft punk bring life to an otherwise dead sound.
  48. Jun 1, 2013
    The universal acclaim for this album is entirely confusing to me. It sounds nothing like Daft Punk and ventures into a disco/jazz realm that is nice if you are into that stuff, but since when did the masses enjoy this type of music? I certainly was disappointed to see them take such a direction.

    Get Lucky, the biggest hit of the album, felt like it was from the 70s. It was and IS played
    The universal acclaim for this album is entirely confusing to me. It sounds nothing like Daft Punk and ventures into a disco/jazz realm that is nice if you are into that stuff, but since when did the masses enjoy this type of music? I certainly was disappointed to see them take such a direction.

    Get Lucky, the biggest hit of the album, felt like it was from the 70s. It was and IS played out yet everyone is raving about it? What gives?

    As artists, they have every right to take whatever direction they wish. I simply do not like it and will not be buying the album. This was an oldies album, not a an electronic powerhouse the way Discovery and Homework were.
  49. Jun 1, 2013
    ‘Get Lucky’ the first single and perfect earworm from ‘Random Access Memories’ grabbed me instantly and wouldn’t let go, I championed it to everyone I knew advising them to ‘get on board as it will get you in the end anyway’. I couldn’t wait for the album and then I heard it. The first time I listened to the record was when it streamed on ITunes I had high expectations and was thoroughly‘Get Lucky’ the first single and perfect earworm from ‘Random Access Memories’ grabbed me instantly and wouldn’t let go, I championed it to everyone I knew advising them to ‘get on board as it will get you in the end anyway’. I couldn’t wait for the album and then I heard it. The first time I listened to the record was when it streamed on ITunes I had high expectations and was thoroughly underwhelmed and disappointed. The second time I was walking home at night in the rain and still reeling from the fact it didn’t contain 13 songs anything like ‘Get Lucky’ I was yet again left thinking what the hell is this MOR Avant jazz rubbish. A few friends had already got the album and kept telling me to give it one more go but I was hesitant on wasting yet more time on something that I couldn’t see ever getting. And so the third listen was in the garden and in the sunshine, glass of wine in hand as background music until I realised I was actually being drawn to it, it was forcing its way into the foreground, I was hearing things I’d clearly missed before like strange time signatures and chord changes hidden in the songs in plain sight. How the hell had I missed all this the first few times? It suddenly dropped and I couldn’t believe how good it actually was, I had to keep listening over and over again. I’m still listening. ‘Give Life Back To Music’ with its robot voice and disco beat, ‘Giorgio by Moroder’ with its spoken word story before kicking in with its ferocious live drumming and strange sounds, the eighties feel of ‘Instant Crush’ with the Strokes Julian Casablancas on vocals, the Television sitcom theme style of ‘Fragments of Time’, the closer ‘Contact’ which builds to a glorious crescendo there is so much here to love. Daft Punk have somehow taken influence from every decade in pop and made it into something new, as Alexis Petridis said you think the songs sound like something else until you go to your record collection to try and find it and cant. Now all of the songs are in my head fighting to be the one I catch myself humming or singing and at any point I’m never sure which one will win out. I’m so glad I stuck this this record and eventually succumbed to its power because if I hadn’t I wouldn’t now be in love with its oddly perfect pop genius. Try it and if you don’t like it try it again, try a few times in the sunshine and eventually I’m sure when you have the moment where it clicks you will, like me, be pleasantly surprised. Expand
  50. Jun 1, 2013
    I opened up an account to share my deepest regrets to listen to something outer of space than this. I used to be a big fan in the 90ies like everybody here expecting something beyond the what I call "PRINCE"-effect. What does that mean to me Well, if you consider all the albums of PRINCE until the "Around the world in a day"-album they where all great, when he left Warner it suddendlyI opened up an account to share my deepest regrets to listen to something outer of space than this. I used to be a big fan in the 90ies like everybody here expecting something beyond the what I call "PRINCE"-effect. What does that mean to me Well, if you consider all the albums of PRINCE until the "Around the world in a day"-album they where all great, when he left Warner it suddendly felt like something got lost. All the releases after that lacked of unique and creative work. Same is with Daft Punk. The first two albums where amazing, soundtracks of a generation, musical masterpieces of the digital industrial revolution, this kind of sound will still go to Mars Mission. But Random Access Memo will straight go to hell of indifference. They wasted a lot of money for all their strings and regular analog studio arrangements. Maybe they used samples that sound so real, so they could save a lot of money..but I don´t care. If your in the postproduction business you know all the readymade soundbanks, don´t you RAM is worse than that. I don´t understand who put this on air. It just tells me that innovation is a precious state of mind that you have mostly, when you stay hungry. The minute people get crazy about your work, you become a star and everybody wants your stamp on his package, you have to take care a lot to stay in this "breaking the rules"-state of mind. Random means random..at least a waste of energy, time and CDs, uploads, advertising....just Duff Punk Expand
  51. May 31, 2013
    This is the case of the hype much, deliver tush. This album may be different but it doesn't mean it's ground-breaking or amazing. In these days of generic pop tracks, everyone jumps at sounds by famous musicians which do not sound generic but are not necessarily good, and exaggerate their qualities. Don't get me wrong, the melodies are not bad or anything, they just aren't something peopleThis is the case of the hype much, deliver tush. This album may be different but it doesn't mean it's ground-breaking or amazing. In these days of generic pop tracks, everyone jumps at sounds by famous musicians which do not sound generic but are not necessarily good, and exaggerate their qualities. Don't get me wrong, the melodies are not bad or anything, they just aren't something people would 'lose themselves to dance' to. The tracks are too dull to be dance records and not bright enough to be pop. Too fast to be r&b/soul and too tame to be rock. This album just stands in-between and reaches for nothing. I honestly believe that Daft Punk of all people could have found some better ground to build an album after more than 8 years. I knew from the start that critics would hype and acclaim this album just because it is not your usual Rihanna or Pitbull album, but at the same time we gotta ask ourselves: Is different necessarily good? What makes RAM a good album? Is it because it does not sound the same as what's on the radio or because it actually gets you moving irresistibly just like 'One More Time' did? If the answer to the latter is 'no' then this album can be considered mediocre. Expand
  52. May 31, 2013
    I don't understand the hype around this album. I think after the song with the philosophical sounding German guy, people thought they were just supposed to like it, as if it were something deep. The beginning of the album feels like it is about to build into something epic which, quite frankly, never comes. After I had been listening to the album a while I look down and realize I had goneI don't understand the hype around this album. I think after the song with the philosophical sounding German guy, people thought they were just supposed to like it, as if it were something deep. The beginning of the album feels like it is about to build into something epic which, quite frankly, never comes. After I had been listening to the album a while I look down and realize I had gone through 8 songs without noticing they had even changed. I'm a big Daft Punk fan, but this album is drab and boring. There are no standout songs (except for contact, which is awesome) and it's hard to distinguish one song from the next. I think most people are giving this album rave reviews just because they feel like it's the intellectual thing to do, or because they were told so much how good this album is/will be, they convince themselves it's true.

    Oh, and quit throwing around "dance" so much with this album... there are MAYBE three songs in the entire set that can be danced too.
  53. May 31, 2013
    Daft Punk uses their past to create the future, something that alot of musical formations seem to not even dream about in their naughtiest of dreams. The hype has been working in their favor as well, but that's not the discussion here. The album sounds like Daft Punk has never gone away. Another thing that it let me see, however harsh this may sound, Justice was merely a fill-up for theDaft Punk uses their past to create the future, something that alot of musical formations seem to not even dream about in their naughtiest of dreams. The hype has been working in their favor as well, but that's not the discussion here. The album sounds like Daft Punk has never gone away. Another thing that it let me see, however harsh this may sound, Justice was merely a fill-up for the return of Daft Punk. If you dare admit, the first time you heard Justice, you thought it was the new Daft Punk.

    Filled with gorgeous landscapes (Giorgo by Moroder), Within which serves as a stretched intro to Instant Crush (containing lush digitalized guitar sounds that Julian Casablancas ironically wished to see the daylight on his own band's Angles) and the instant Summer hit Lose Yourself to Dance (it makes you shake your hips AND clap your hands) this album is pretty much layed out. The rest of the songs resonate these feelings and wrap up the album pretty good. The ending track, Contact, felt like an epic veil falling over the stage. Like you go see an opera, they have one last song that takes up everything and just lifts the piece to this whole other level so you are left with this feeling of amazement, curious for the next adventure.

    With this album almost clocking in at 73 minutes (only 10 seconds longer than Homework), this is their longest album released to day. Unlike previous albums, I'm surprised by the amount of strong and interesting songs on this album, which undoubtedly due to all the collaborators they've had on RAM. I only got bored/skipped at one or two songs and even then I sorta felt bad because they felt like part of the experience.

    If Music gives you Life, give Life back to Music.
  54. May 31, 2013
    All that can be said of disco and funk music in daft punk is clearly in this album. full of innovative rhythms and giving new life to the music that we have lost in these last year, these guys came back with their best album in years. personally, I think is better than discovery although not as good as Homework but still it's such a classic album for new generations who want music with a 70s air.
  55. May 31, 2013
    This review is false, so I give only 70 to balance the scales, is an exaggeration, over 80!
    the music business annoys me, the magazines deceive people can do whatever they want with an album, and metacitic do this, choose the most appropriate magazines to give them most covem score. If they want to lower the value of an album, just go pick up some magazines which gave a low review, and
    This review is false, so I give only 70 to balance the scales, is an exaggeration, over 80!
    the music business annoys me, the magazines deceive people can do whatever they want with an album, and metacitic do this, choose the most appropriate magazines to give them most covem score. If they want to lower the value of an album, just go pick up some magazines which gave a low review, and avoid the magazines that give good quote, this is and I do not go there.
    A good exempo are QOTSA, choose magazines that give a very low value and avoid putting magazines that give good quote.
      More Light-Primal Scream is a good example, revisions of the latter album are very evident, where are the magazines or websites that give more than 80%. They do not exist? Does Allmusic.com there for example? But the magazines that give reviews below 70, there are already!
  56. May 30, 2013
    Random Access Memories is the best album of the year so far. This could be the album that really brings the electronic genre to mainstream. Every track on the album has great production behind it, and there's even some pretty good vocals and lyrics on the album.
  57. May 30, 2013
    Terrible. Thankful for Spotify so I did not purchase this rubbish. I love most of their stuff but this is mostly insipid. Lacks balls! The Paul Williams track is so bad I nearly coughed up my breakfast!!! Reminiscent of a Michael Crawford track!!!! If you like Jamiroqui you'll love this album!!!
  58. May 29, 2013
    Remember when Daft Punk announced that they wanted to do something different? Well this is the album they were most likely talking about. RAM is definitely NOT for everyone and if you are a "Discovery" fan then you might feel a little disappointed in this album. This of course does not imply that the album is bad. On the contrary, in my opinion, the album is good to an extent and is greatRemember when Daft Punk announced that they wanted to do something different? Well this is the album they were most likely talking about. RAM is definitely NOT for everyone and if you are a "Discovery" fan then you might feel a little disappointed in this album. This of course does not imply that the album is bad. On the contrary, in my opinion, the album is good to an extent and is great relaxation music.

    The jazzy tunes, the slow-dance music. Compared to previous albums this is probably the mellowest (if that's even a word) album of them all. There is no "deep" lyrics, is basically like taking a trip back to the 70s/80s and just having good old fun.

    If you are looking to get your EDM, Super party mode on, this album is not it. But if you are tired of always listening to the bass drop and want to soothe your ears then by all means check out RAM.
  59. May 29, 2013
    Personally I hate Daft Punks old stuff but, this album is utter brilliance. It comes to us at a time when the album is a dying art and singles seems to be dominating the industry. And this album may be the album to change that! Random Access Memories is one of the few albums I have listened to that I could not supplement from you HAVE to listen to it front to back and you will go out ofPersonally I hate Daft Punks old stuff but, this album is utter brilliance. It comes to us at a time when the album is a dying art and singles seems to be dominating the industry. And this album may be the album to change that! Random Access Memories is one of the few albums I have listened to that I could not supplement from you HAVE to listen to it front to back and you will go out of your way to. In conclusion BUY THIS ALBUM! Expand
  60. May 29, 2013
    A really nice blend of commercial hits and experimental club dance; the hits, such as 'Get Lucky' and 'Lose Yourself to Dance', allow the album to be popular in the mainstream, and the experimental material will hopefully open the minds of the mainstream to new and exciting sounds, which do not hit into the formula they are used to. However, some of the tracks, which are innovative andA really nice blend of commercial hits and experimental club dance; the hits, such as 'Get Lucky' and 'Lose Yourself to Dance', allow the album to be popular in the mainstream, and the experimental material will hopefully open the minds of the mainstream to new and exciting sounds, which do not hit into the formula they are used to. However, some of the tracks, which are innovative and artistic, such as 'Giorgio by Moroder', I find difficult to listen to as they are somewhat too 'outside of the box', but that is just my own closed mindedness and I'm sure after listening to the album a couple more times, I will appreciate its creativity and innovation much more. Worth buying. Expand
  61. May 29, 2013
    This album is a little more mellow and laid back than their previous work, but the more you listen, the better the songs get. The collaboration and effort to perfect this album is excellent. Any future remixes should also be excellent.
  62. Duu
    May 28, 2013
    This album sounds like a past-prime Daft Punk fading into the sunset. I think the album is competently done, although it sounds generally uninspired. RAM is nice lounge music and will be a shoe-in for some commercials. I can't be mad at Daft Punk because all good things must come to an end and when they were good, they were great, but this should be their last album.
  63. May 28, 2013
    At first, I wasn't sure about this album, I thought it was a lil' bit borin' comparin' it to their previous efforts, which were made for dance clubs and ecstasy. But I just decided to give it a chance due to the amount of hype it's receiving from the music press around the world, and man, this is truly a GREAT piece of work and art. Just forget about their previous sound, and come to thisAt first, I wasn't sure about this album, I thought it was a lil' bit borin' comparin' it to their previous efforts, which were made for dance clubs and ecstasy. But I just decided to give it a chance due to the amount of hype it's receiving from the music press around the world, and man, this is truly a GREAT piece of work and art. Just forget about their previous sound, and come to this album with new ears, and you'll find that they finally became "human after all", and showed us that EDM producers can be REAL talented and gifted musicians, using real instruments and real musicians working hard in a real professional studio. After 3 listens I was really diggin' it. Just give it a chance and it'll reward you, and it'll grow and grow on you. Ok, it's not an album made for nightclubs and ecstasy, but it's a nice one to listen to during a sunset in front of a beach, drinkin' some good coctails and a big joint before the big "party hard" thing comes later in the midnight. Expand
  64. May 27, 2013
    Random Access Memories is Daft Punk;s fourth studio album and this time the electric dance duo tries something quite different then anything they have ever released. After dropping the perfect single Get Lucky" fans went wild within minutes the whole world knew about this new album and everyone and their mothers were anticipating it. Finally the album dropped for the whole world to listenRandom Access Memories is Daft Punk;s fourth studio album and this time the electric dance duo tries something quite different then anything they have ever released. After dropping the perfect single Get Lucky" fans went wild within minutes the whole world knew about this new album and everyone and their mothers were anticipating it. Finally the album dropped for the whole world to listen and like millions of others i decided to give it a listen and i have got to say i love it and would really like to see Daft Punk take this new sound a grow on it. This album is super fun to listen to and is full of new sounds and new genre experimentation from genres like Jazz, Soul, Funk, and more, However it may sound different but it;s still Daft Punk and that;s why so many people love it. The opening rack Give Life Back to Music" is the best way to begin this album. It just makes you think and it makes you want to give your life to music. i also loved "Giorgio by Moroder" which has a an awesome beginning it really keeps you listening when the music slowly builds to the end of the speech and then it kicks and thats when i really start to enjoy this track. Another favorite track of mine is "Doin' it Right" probably my favorite track on this record it;s just so catchy and has a super cool beat with beautiful vocals. The song "Contact" is a incredible way to end the record and makes you wish more tracks were like it on this record. If this album had more songs like "Get Lucky" and Doin' it Right" and less of tracks like "Game of Love" and "Within" this album would've been perfect. Overall this album is amazing and a highlight of 2013. i give it a solid 9 out of 10 Expand
  65. May 27, 2013
    Vanilla. Not a bad album by any means but RAM really lacks a lot of the little auditory surprises I enjoy so much in their older work, especially Discovery. I don't know if that's BECAUSE they purged out sampling in this album, or it just happens to be the case on an album that has next to no samples, but the whole thing feels disappointingly safe and pedestrian. I'm used to DP makingVanilla. Not a bad album by any means but RAM really lacks a lot of the little auditory surprises I enjoy so much in their older work, especially Discovery. I don't know if that's BECAUSE they purged out sampling in this album, or it just happens to be the case on an album that has next to no samples, but the whole thing feels disappointingly safe and pedestrian. I'm used to DP making clever little aural twists by mashing up 80s disco; this is... just 80s disco.

    I can definitely see these tracks as being baseline material for some great remixes, but on their own I feel little urge to listen to them more than once.
  66. May 27, 2013
    heard it all, not like at all. Monotonous, way too deep. 2 musics that really worth listening. the music with the crazy italian guy it´s nice, other ones it´s boring, kind like lounge music.
  67. May 27, 2013
    AMAZING ALBUM!!! Daft Punk just smashed me up with so stunning and catchy sounds, funky, dancy, and easy to listening music make me feel very positive when album is plays. I'm amazed from thew first notes played on the first track. Best for me is: "get life back to music", "get lucky", "lose yourself to dance", "instant crush". Worth every penny you will spend for original CD. JUST GREAT.
  68. May 26, 2013
    for me every album of Daft Punk is a different journey... and this is one them. i dont realize how can people talk about negative things of the music trying to be objective, thats imposible... if you dont like it is because you want to listen something else, no Daft punk.
  69. May 26, 2013
    I give this a 7 because I like the album from a generic pop record standpoint. However, as a Daft Punk lover myself, I can't say I'm not disappointed. Some of the songs on here lack any kind of substance, musically or otherwise. Others are very well developed, in particular "Within" and "Instant Crush", which are very appreciated creations. Others, like "Lose Yourself to Dance" and "GetI give this a 7 because I like the album from a generic pop record standpoint. However, as a Daft Punk lover myself, I can't say I'm not disappointed. Some of the songs on here lack any kind of substance, musically or otherwise. Others are very well developed, in particular "Within" and "Instant Crush", which are very appreciated creations. Others, like "Lose Yourself to Dance" and "Get Lucky", are miserable songs that not only drag and lag, but also have little to no quality. A mixed bag of good and songs, but overall, as much as I wanted to give it a higher rating, and even if I don't give it a lower score, I'm sore at this. In all honestly, I hate this new Daft Punk approach, which is now Daft Disco. I want my old French House/Disco/Electronica back, because this doesn't cut it. I'm a fan, but I can only bear so much. Expand
  70. May 26, 2013
    At first, Random Access Memories could feel as empty, but the more you listen to it, the more beautiful it becomes. It is a departure from their previous work, but this album is a triumph, and the very proof that no matter which path the duo takes, they know how to make it rock.
  71. May 26, 2013
    I don't get the hype people...
    The 70s feel is nice and the beats are wonderful, but it lacks so much.
    It's like they wanted to just throw a bunch of sounds together to make some of the longs long (and not actually listen to someone who is good at making the longer songs; Rush & Zeppelin). It drags on, the singing is monotone on 50% of the album, and you hear the same thing over and
    I don't get the hype people...
    The 70s feel is nice and the beats are wonderful, but it lacks so much.
    It's like they wanted to just throw a bunch of sounds together to make some of the longs long (and not actually listen to someone who is good at making the longer songs; Rush & Zeppelin).
    It drags on, the singing is monotone on 50% of the album, and you hear the same thing over and over and over... That's not music IMO.
  72. May 26, 2013
    The album is too boring and repetitive for their style, just "Get Life Back to Music" are fun and maybe, not enough. For me it's the kind of music you would hear to relax or to chill out at some bar, but if you want to party, don't use this album for that. They can do it better :S
  73. FdO
    May 25, 2013
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. If every musician nowadays had the consciousness of these guys to make music the scene would be very differently, and saying this I wanna mean that they are great, Complete musicians and examples to follow in electronic music! Expand
  74. May 25, 2013
    Daft Punk has said they dont like to do the same things twice. This album upholds their statement as this is different from Discovery and Tron. The album deserves a ten because you can tell by the intricacies of the songs. However, I completely despise the songs featuring Pharrell (Get Lucky and Lose Yourself to Dance). Also I did not enjoy the weird, almost scary sounds in Touch and Contact.
  75. May 25, 2013
    I was super excited about this coming out but after listening to it if feels bland and flat it defiantly does not sound like daft punk. Why are so many disco songs included? i can see one or two but the whole album is disco. Discovery and human after all are the two albums that got me into electronica because they were so different and it seemed like they were pushing in a entirely newI was super excited about this coming out but after listening to it if feels bland and flat it defiantly does not sound like daft punk. Why are so many disco songs included? i can see one or two but the whole album is disco. Discovery and human after all are the two albums that got me into electronica because they were so different and it seemed like they were pushing in a entirely new direction for music. Now ten year later it seems like they want to go 30 years into the past, disco is dead for a reason. leave it that way. Expand
  76. May 25, 2013
    Daft Punk effortlessly opt for a more organic instrumental sound, leaving the synthesizers, for the most part, out of it. This is by far the best thing the robots could've done. To show that they can create meaningful and ambitious music using actual instruments not only proves that they are legendary, but still the pioneers of dance music. The 70's, 80's, disco, and new wave influencesDaft Punk effortlessly opt for a more organic instrumental sound, leaving the synthesizers, for the most part, out of it. This is by far the best thing the robots could've done. To show that they can create meaningful and ambitious music using actual instruments not only proves that they are legendary, but still the pioneers of dance music. The 70's, 80's, disco, and new wave influences flourish throughout the whole record. Each collaboration brings life into the album, but it is Daft Punk who shine the most. No one track are the same, in fact every track holds their own and fit perfectly in this album.

    All In All, Random Access Memories is the album we deserve after the disappointingly awful Human After All. Daft Punk have finally crafted a huge record, one that will stand the test of time. A modern classic. A-
  77. May 25, 2013
    I can't believe anyone had any kind of concrete expectations for this album. Daft Punk are next-level ARTISTS and people on their level don't make the same album twice in a row. I'm not a die-hard Daft Punk fan but I have been a fan since the late-90s, and I'm personally glad they took things in a different direction instead of just rehashing "One More Time" or "Robot Rock" just to pleaseI can't believe anyone had any kind of concrete expectations for this album. Daft Punk are next-level ARTISTS and people on their level don't make the same album twice in a row. I'm not a die-hard Daft Punk fan but I have been a fan since the late-90s, and I'm personally glad they took things in a different direction instead of just rehashing "One More Time" or "Robot Rock" just to please everyone. The production quality on this album is top-notch and it's a complete work that's meant to be listened to start to finish.

    Some of the negative reviews here who admit to not even listening to the whole album are a joke. At least give the whole thing a fair amount of time before judging it. It still has the familiar Daft Punk vocals on a lot of it so they didn't COMPLETELY abandon their sound. They did a fantastic job on this album and I'm just surprised so many people are dismissing it because it's not as immediately catchy as previous albums. There are several danceable songs in here, just because it's not 13 epic bangers in a row doesn't mean they did a bad job here. They wanted to make an ALBUM and not a collection of singles and I commend them for it.
  78. May 25, 2013
    Beautifully made, the album is definitely made to listen in one straight go, not individually, something that has left music nowadays. Would definitely recommend to anyone who is open to new things from Daft Punk, not just a new EDM album, since it isnt made to be one.
  79. May 25, 2013
    Don't walk away from this album just because it's not the rhythmic EDM masterpiece that everyone said the album would be.

    This album is different. I agree, it's not our usual daft punk, but this album does a great job at what it does. Not only is it Daft Punk's thank you to the genre that opened so many doors for EDM today, but it's also a story of the duo getting in touch with a more
    Don't walk away from this album just because it's not the rhythmic EDM masterpiece that everyone said the album would be.

    This album is different. I agree, it's not our usual daft punk, but this album does a great job at what it does. Not only is it Daft Punk's thank you to the genre that opened so many doors for EDM today, but it's also a story of the duo getting in touch with a more human side of their music.

    Overall, I really appreciate this compilation of music. Admittedly, I don't enjoy every song on the album as much as most of their previous music, but I agree with the critic that said along the lines, it's an important part in Daft Punk's music making legacy.
  80. May 24, 2013
    Daft Punk's RAM is a bit of an enigma. I've decided to call it Disco Prog. There's a lot going on here. After repeated listens, it's obviously an Album (with a capital 'A') meant to be listened to in full, in one stretch, to fully appreciate. And not just for the excellent production, which is top-notch, warm and inviting, but also for the musicianship and sequencing; winsome andDaft Punk's RAM is a bit of an enigma. I've decided to call it Disco Prog. There's a lot going on here. After repeated listens, it's obviously an Album (with a capital 'A') meant to be listened to in full, in one stretch, to fully appreciate. And not just for the excellent production, which is top-notch, warm and inviting, but also for the musicianship and sequencing; winsome and melancholic in places, upbeat and breathtaking in others, it slowly builds throughout to the epic, soaring closer, "Contact". I think by now it's well understood (for both revelers and detractors) that RAM is not at all expected, and yet, ultimately, all the better for it.

    Highlights include: "Instant Crush," "Giorgio By Moroder", "Motherboard" "Doin' It Right" and, last, but certainly not least, "Contact". A few tracks (e.g. "Within", "Beyond"), while not quite as special by themselves, easily find their charm in sequence among the whole.
  81. May 24, 2013
    I have no idea what to classify this album under. That's the cool thing about Daft Punk, they're always evolving and adapting. There's collaborations with old and young artists of all styles, and they way they blend with Daft Punk is simple astounding and unique. No two songs sound much alike, and most of them are fantastic. There are a few tracks that don't stand as tall as the others,I have no idea what to classify this album under. That's the cool thing about Daft Punk, they're always evolving and adapting. There's collaborations with old and young artists of all styles, and they way they blend with Daft Punk is simple astounding and unique. No two songs sound much alike, and most of them are fantastic. There are a few tracks that don't stand as tall as the others, but are solid songs in their own right. The track "Lose Yourself to Dance" alone made me buy, this album, and I've had the distinct pleasure of listening to it, in it's entirety and adding other songs like Instant Crush, Doin It Right, and others to that list. Expand
  82. May 24, 2013
    I've seen a lot of people saying "Emperor's New Clothes", but that story has no place here. He was naked, and this album is certainly not. Compared to most modern Dance Albums, this is wearing a thick coat. So much detail has gone into this album, so much more than other Daft Punk albums. One More time is the only Daft Punk song that doesn't rely heavily on samples. Which isn't meI've seen a lot of people saying "Emperor's New Clothes", but that story has no place here. He was naked, and this album is certainly not. Compared to most modern Dance Albums, this is wearing a thick coat. So much detail has gone into this album, so much more than other Daft Punk albums. One More time is the only Daft Punk song that doesn't rely heavily on samples. Which isn't me insulting daft punk, they created the whole dance sample thing to a degree, but this album proves their talent. Each Song except maybe two, are very unique and can stand alone, however as a package it works so well. The grandeur in this album almost places it in a soundtrack position, and it wouldn't go amiss in 2001: A Space Odyssey. Which is a huge compliment musically.

    Be aware however, i grew up under my dad who was part of the Disco era, and thus may be biased due to what i have listened to throughout my life.

    That said, give it a listen, first album for a long time I have been able to just listen to throughout without wanting to skip.

    Stand Out songs;
    Instant Crush
    Get Lucky
    Giorgio By Moroder
    Doin it Right
  83. May 24, 2013
    I'm glad I tormented the album and then deleted it. After the first couple of songs, I ended up skimming through the rest in about a minute. I grew up in the early 90's listening to Daft Punks classics. Songs like Revolution 909, Da Funk and One more Time come to mind as big hits among many others. Random Access Memories had no doubt millions pumped into marketing. People who don't evenI'm glad I tormented the album and then deleted it. After the first couple of songs, I ended up skimming through the rest in about a minute. I grew up in the early 90's listening to Daft Punks classics. Songs like Revolution 909, Da Funk and One more Time come to mind as big hits among many others. Random Access Memories had no doubt millions pumped into marketing. People who don't even like electronic music were touched by RAM's marketing. Commercials, web & radio advertising were everywhere. They even play "Get Lucky" here on radio stations not associated with European electronic music. Without a doubt this album was all Hype, no delivery. I feel many people cannot come to terms with how bad this album is, so instead jump on the safe opinion that the album is great, edgy and intelligent. The marketing machine has told them for months that it is good. Thus, they believe, the album IS good. RAM consists of nothing more than soft rock and breakbeat type music. The only song that is decent is "Get Lucky", and only when the classic robotic style voice kicks in. All the other songs are either soft rock featuring mainstream singers. I give this an album 2 because Daft Punk can do whatever they want and if this is the direction they want to go in I respect that but it's definitely an album that is unmemorable in the strictest sense. If any unknown artist released this exact same album instead most people would laugh at it. But since a famous group like Daft Punk did it, most people scream "OMG SO ORIGINAL!". Many teens will be playing this over speakers believing themselves to be edgy, cutting edge & original. Expand
  84. May 24, 2013
    I'm sure why a departure from form is bad thing, other than constant complaints from the "They Changed It, Now It Sucks" crowd. Daft Punk's earlier work always seemed like it wanted to break out into proper Funk, and the influences of the 60s and 70s come through brilliantly on this album. That isn't to say the album is without flaws, "Touch" & "Fragments Of Time" are oddly out of placeI'm sure why a departure from form is bad thing, other than constant complaints from the "They Changed It, Now It Sucks" crowd. Daft Punk's earlier work always seemed like it wanted to break out into proper Funk, and the influences of the 60s and 70s come through brilliantly on this album. That isn't to say the album is without flaws, "Touch" & "Fragments Of Time" are oddly out of place and less than enjoyable, and the album ends on a bit of a weak note. All said however, the album has a fantastic groove to it, and rather than being flashing lights, fog machines and spazmodic epileptic dance inducing, it takes you down a soulful road that makes you want to move like they did before Disco, strut and preen like it's 1976. Standout tracks are opener "Give Life Back To Music", inevitable second single "Lose Yourself To Dance" (which actually nicks a guitar riff from Cut Chemist's "The Garden", but it's forgiveable because this track is so good), and the first single "Get Lucky". Expand
  85. May 24, 2013
    Random Access Memories is not only Daft Punk's best work, it's the best thing to happen to music in over a decade. Perfection from start to finish. Having said that, this album is going to confuse the hell out of a lot people. It's not the album they were expecting. It's better.
  86. May 24, 2013
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Es lo mejor des de hace mucho tiempo, se apegan a sus orígenes con este nuevo proyecto musical. Con muchas expectativas este nuevo disco sali de entre las sombras para sorprendernos a propios y extraños. Aunque a muchos no les ha gustado ya que esperaban escuchar algo con lo que están familiarizados. En fin este disco llego para quedarse y romper records Expand
  87. May 24, 2013
    I do not think anyone was expecting what Daft Punk has delivered with Random Access Memories, and I say that as a positive thing. With R.A.M., Daft Punk has managed to give us a taste of the future while re-visiting (versus regurgitating) sounds from the past, from disco-funk of Chic to the space rock sounds of Steve Miller Band.

    For starters, "Give Life Back to Music" is one of the
    I do not think anyone was expecting what Daft Punk has delivered with Random Access Memories, and I say that as a positive thing. With R.A.M., Daft Punk has managed to give us a taste of the future while re-visiting (versus regurgitating) sounds from the past, from disco-funk of Chic to the space rock sounds of Steve Miller Band.

    For starters, "Give Life Back to Music" is one of the best album openers I've heard in recent years; a perfectly-crafted thesis statement that gets the body moving. "Get Lucky", shines even more brightly here than as a single. It is perfectly-placed in the album, and the track's extended running time gives it more room to breathe; this song will remain a classic. "Doin' It Right" is another standout track; a down tempo pop jam that is given a melancholic edge with the boyish vocals of Panda Bear, and it is perfectly suited for long summer drives with the windows down. The instrumental track "Motherboard" is also wonderful; its wide-eyed beauty hits like a ray of light beamed from space.

    But to say this album is a perfect 10 would be untrue. There are songs here that are definitely flawed, despite their meticulous production and admirable ambition. The song "Touch" begins strongly as a borderline-terrifying space rock tune with sounds that hearken back to the Cars track "Moving in Stereo". But "Touch" manages to morph into an awkward Broadway show tune; while it is not bad per-se, it is certainly all over the place, and it is difficult to get past Paul Williams' mismatched vocals. And while Todd Edwards being brought back for another collaboration was great, "Fragments of Time" is almost too cheesy to consume, and Edwards' singing abilities do not show here like they did in "Face to Face".

    But despite R.A.M.'s flaws, it is still an excellent (and occasionally great) album. In an age where singles are purchased and entire albums are ignored, R.A.M. is a work that should be experienced from beginning to end, with the best headphones you can find.
  88. May 24, 2013
    Daft Punk returns to the spotlight by taking a step back into past and bringing the wonders of a forgotten era of disco into the modern world. A hypnotizing and engaging effort, that keeps the listener hooked time after time, despite a couple of questionable sections.

    Full review is on my blog. (http://wp.me/p36iAh-3M)
  89. May 24, 2013
    If discovery is the album of the first decade of the XXI century, Random Access Memories is the album of the 2010's. Daft Punk's choice of using real drums is very effective and you can hear it. With this album they succeded in mixing progressive rock (see the intro in Touch), Jazz (see the electric piano medley in Giorgio by Moroder) electropop and of course dance togheter. They found aIf discovery is the album of the first decade of the XXI century, Random Access Memories is the album of the 2010's. Daft Punk's choice of using real drums is very effective and you can hear it. With this album they succeded in mixing progressive rock (see the intro in Touch), Jazz (see the electric piano medley in Giorgio by Moroder) electropop and of course dance togheter. They found a synthesis between all this genres and their style with their great autotune samples (get lucky, lose yourself to dance). Expand
  90. May 23, 2013
    This isn't what i expected. But in a good way. It hooked me in with it's nostalgic, yet modern feel. It's a look back, but very today. There are a couple slight misses, but as a whole, it is quite the sublime record. Looking for a hi-energy non stop all out dance record? This isn't it. Looking for a brilliant, retro-mod ride? Then pick this up.
  91. May 23, 2013
    I'm not a huge Daft Punk fan anyway, though of course I loved Discovery and enjoyed them whenever anyone would play anything else of theirs. But this is just dull and samey, there is plenty better music than this from the original eras. That said, of course it's good music. And to all the people raving, I say this: Emperor's New Clothes.
  92. May 23, 2013
    Excellent album! it perfectly syncs retro disco with electronic. when I first heard the song "Get Lucky" on YouTube I thought someone was rick rolling me with an Earth wind & Fire song and whenever I listen to this album I think of buying a disco ball for the living room.
  93. May 23, 2013
    I am happy to say that this album is pure gold, as if king Midas himself touched Daft Punk's synthesizers. This is an album, aimed at an audience with more developed tastes, and not for those expecting "Around the World" #2 or "One more time" one more time. They did really stand out as the geniuses they are. The day Daft Punk splits up is the day music dies, but until then, im hoping theyI am happy to say that this album is pure gold, as if king Midas himself touched Daft Punk's synthesizers. This is an album, aimed at an audience with more developed tastes, and not for those expecting "Around the World" #2 or "One more time" one more time. They did really stand out as the geniuses they are. The day Daft Punk splits up is the day music dies, but until then, im hoping they do release many albums after this. Expand
  94. May 23, 2013
    I really love this album. I haven't been a hardcore Daft Punk fan but i REALLY love this album.... It is excellent, the mastering and recording is T O P NOTCH!!!!!!! Quality. And i love the jazzy/rocky/electronic/funk/retro music..... Fine music, i love it.

    There is a few songs i dont particularly like so much, but every song is IMO at least OK! It's close to perfect.

  95. May 23, 2013
    If only itunes did returns. Listening to this album feels like purgatory with elevator music. Simply put, the duo proves that they can't hack it without the samples. I read a review where the reviewer called the lyrics "high-concept". All I heard were mindless encouragements to "dance" and melancholy assertions of "i am empty inside". Overall there is nothing impressive here. Not oneIf only itunes did returns. Listening to this album feels like purgatory with elevator music. Simply put, the duo proves that they can't hack it without the samples. I read a review where the reviewer called the lyrics "high-concept". All I heard were mindless encouragements to "dance" and melancholy assertions of "i am empty inside". Overall there is nothing impressive here. Not one banger, not one peak, not one song that flips the switch. Considering what we know Daft Punk can do, this leaves one longing... Expand
  96. May 23, 2013
    Bloated soft rock, cheesy soft soul/funk, laughable seventies goofballs, terrible lyrics, organ solos... if any other artist had done this (or, say, any of the feature artists like Paul Williams, the guy who wrote that Mupppets song) had come out with this album, it would have been ignored, or savaged. But it's Daft Punk, and it had over 500 five star reviews on iTunes even before it wasBloated soft rock, cheesy soft soul/funk, laughable seventies goofballs, terrible lyrics, organ solos... if any other artist had done this (or, say, any of the feature artists like Paul Williams, the guy who wrote that Mupppets song) had come out with this album, it would have been ignored, or savaged. But it's Daft Punk, and it had over 500 five star reviews on iTunes even before it was heard, so it's a crowd that refuses to acknowledge the emporer has no clothes.

    Lionel Ritchie and Toto and Peaches and Herb as inspired inspiration? Or just an attempt to, as the critics are all loving saying, "be human after all"? As human as a hallmark card.
  97. May 23, 2013
    Absolutely gem of an album. It's lush, upbeat, emotional, exciting all at once. I listen to it in the morning and in the evening and then just about @all other times. This is what disco music should be and this is what will be relevant even a decade from now.

    Hard to pick favorites but I love Giorgio by Moroder, Instant Crush, Doin' It Right, Beyond, Lose Yourself to Dance... I really
    Absolutely gem of an album. It's lush, upbeat, emotional, exciting all at once. I listen to it in the morning and in the evening and then just about @all other times. This is what disco music should be and this is what will be relevant even a decade from now.

    Hard to pick favorites but I love Giorgio by Moroder, Instant Crush, Doin' It Right, Beyond, Lose Yourself to Dance... I really could go on

    The likes of Madonna need to work with artists as Daft Punk to take their talent to the next level.
  98. May 22, 2013
    Random is the correct word. The marketing deserves a 10, but unfortunately not the album which is a bit all over the place. "Beyond" seems to be built on a Michael McDonald baseline, "Fragments of Time" sounds more like Hall and Oates then Daft Punk, and "Touch" sounds like a 90s Disney musical number.
    I think there are going to be a lot of people saying this album is great because they
    Random is the correct word. The marketing deserves a 10, but unfortunately not the album which is a bit all over the place. "Beyond" seems to be built on a Michael McDonald baseline, "Fragments of Time" sounds more like Hall and Oates then Daft Punk, and "Touch" sounds like a 90s Disney musical number.
    I think there are going to be a lot of people saying this album is great because they want it to be great, and have been told for weeks now that it's great but listen to it, and decide for yourself.
  99. May 22, 2013
    Random Access Memories is a stratospheric record. And I highlight the word record, because that’s exactly what it is, and is also what few mainstream releases in 2013 especially in dance music can feasibly call themselves. It plays in a natural progression, constantly aware of its own momentum and taking every step necessary to keeping itself thriving. You’ve probably heard of itsRandom Access Memories is a stratospheric record. And I highlight the word record, because that’s exactly what it is, and is also what few mainstream releases in 2013 especially in dance music can feasibly call themselves. It plays in a natural progression, constantly aware of its own momentum and taking every step necessary to keeping itself thriving. You’ve probably heard of its incredible roster of musicians Nile Rodgers, Panda Bear, Pharrell Williams, Julian Casablancas etc. who are all there to humanize Daft Punk’s highly polished, fantastically produced sound. Simply put, it’s nothing less than the Stankonia of EDM. The session musicians also help to expand DP’s horizons to regions of quality they’ve previously been unable to attain.

    This isn’t a collection of 13 perfect tracks, but if it were, it wouldn’t have made a perfect 75 minutes. In putting RAM together, Daft Punk were clearly aware of how to balance the album’s strengths; otherwise, the power of songs like “Touch” and “Contact” would have been diminished. Having said that, there isn’t a bad song here, and every track equates to a quality level of at least ‘very good’.

    It all really boils down to the opener “Give Life Back To Music”, which like all great opening tracks sets the tone and sums up the entire album, serving as Random Access Memories‘ mission statement with its titular declaration and its whirlwind of instruments. Daft Punk have set out to make an actual album of dance music that strides over the pitfalls opened up by Human After All and gives today’s sterile mainstream a shot of vitality. And it’s fair to say that they have. The album is a trip it navigates emotional highs and lows with astounding finesse, whereas their previous best, Discovery, started high, swooped down and then rose slightly at the end. And while there were more party-suitable tracks on the 2001 album than just “Get Lucky”, that clearly isn’t the point this time around.

    The record is littered with enough subtly arresting moments to keep it alive and guarantee enjoyment on every spin, such as the Giorgio Moroder interview that comes on like a Spotify advert, the bowel-shifting drums that kick-start “Lose Yourself to Dance”, the cool-yet-ecstatic vocoder section in “Get Lucky” and the disarming minimalism of “Doin’ it Right”.

    The sad thing is that the album’s ambition is the flag that crowns the Daft Punk mountain. It’s what their career has been building up to, and the success of Random Access Memories is going to be hard to match or outdo without the next album completely imploding on itself. RAM is a galactic fusion of genres and ethnicities, a seamless collage of the 70s and 80s and then the sounds of the future. It has flaws, but these flaws are just breathing spaces for the astonishing levels of excellence this album achieves. It’s an eternal record that defines the possibilities available to those who really push themselves in music. By listening to Random Access Memories, you’re witnessing the greatest moment of Daft Punk’s career.
  100. May 22, 2013
    Finally, Daft Punk has made him do. It was impossible to have even more excitement to hear his new material after so long in silence.
    It is impossible for any human being on this planet does not know that his new album, Random Access Memories. In this music are more organic personality, something that computers do not give them. The bases of disco can be repeated again and again, as in
    Finally, Daft Punk has made him do. It was impossible to have even more excitement to hear his new material after so long in silence.
    It is impossible for any human being on this planet does not know that his new album, Random Access Memories. In this music are more organic personality, something that computers do not give them. The bases of disco can be repeated again and again, as in Get Lucky, as if they were samples. The funny thing is that it is the most anticipated album of recent times but is full of songs that you would expect to hear anything from the discography of Daft Punk. Each song has its own personality that resembles the previous or the next. The album will surprise you from the beginning, but once you get listening to it, does get you, maybe they disagree with me, but I do notice a big difference in your sound and now that his previous work. Metamúsica is a tribute to the music of the 70s and early 80s. We discovered other Daft Punk, not what we expected, we knew not, but equally amazing and transgressors. I know I said the album Bring Me The Horizon, "Sempiternal" was the album of the year, but Daft Punk achievement far surpass that album.
    so for now, this is the album of the year.

Universal acclaim - based on 47 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 42 out of 47
  2. Negative: 0 out of 47
  1. Jul 12, 2013
    As a record standing almost entirely on nostalgia, sure, it gives schmaltzy ’70s dance music a fine, not-sacrilegious update and sets it to a pleasant neon glow, but it’s a trip through history that’s almost more educational than immersive.
  2. Jul 3, 2013
    RAM has the immediate appeal of disco, but never overstuffs with candied hooks, even when we want it to.
  3. Jun 26, 2013
    They've wisely chosen to not compete with the younger generation of DJs, and shown the upstarts the roots of dance music. They've also proven that they are not one-trick ponies who can only build beats on samples. They do just as well with a completely different sonic pallette.