Description: Sky of Tides is a sci-fi narrative game set in a technologically advanced universe on the brink of war. Play as Rin, who must search for her missing father and heal the broken planet of Numen. Explore the world while your choices shape your character. A calamity has fractured the world of Numen into nine floating planetoids. Diverse nations now hover isolated from each other in the sky, while the ocean hovers above them all, enveloping the broken planet, which hangs by a thread. Two rival powers vie for control - the Syndicate through their monopoly on a little understood but powerful technology that relies on mysterious Corron minerals that they control; and the Sovereign, which favors a return to the now nearly lost ways of the ancients outlined in the banned Numen Tomes.


  • PC
  • Nintendo Switch
  • PlayStation 4
  • PlayStation 5
  • Xbox One
  • Xbox Series X
  • Lofty Sky Entertainment Inc.
Publisher: ESDigital Games


Court Pearman
Written By: writer
Jared Pearman
Written By: writer
Marc Graue
Cast: Grandpa
Kevin Koo
Produced By: producer
Jason Loftus
Produced By: executive producer
Masha Loftus
Produced By: executive producer
Yvan Pinard
Produced By: producer
Judith Cheung
Casting Director
Judith Cheung
Art Direction: creative director