• Record Label: Atlantic
  • Release Date: Jan 29, 2021
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Universal acclaim- based on 162 Ratings

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  1. Negative: 8 out of 162
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  1. Jun 3, 2022
    "OK Human" is the best Weezer album since 2016s "White" but lets be honest, that is no major achievement. After a blistering first decade, half of which was spent in hiatus, Weezer have gone on to produce on average one really good album a decade over the last 20 years. "White" was definitely one of them, as true heir to the Weezer of the 90's and very early 00's. "Ok Human" arguably"OK Human" is the best Weezer album since 2016s "White" but lets be honest, that is no major achievement. After a blistering first decade, half of which was spent in hiatus, Weezer have gone on to produce on average one really good album a decade over the last 20 years. "White" was definitely one of them, as true heir to the Weezer of the 90's and very early 00's. "Ok Human" arguably shades 2014's "Everything Will Be Alright in the End" as their other one. The band take a different approach in the recording of this one. While the typical Weezer trademarks are present, rather than power pop guitars, the songs are presented with piano and strings. It probably lacks the real killer songs that their very best work contains but "OK Human" is still a welcome addition to their back catalog, a statement not to be taken for granted when it comes to Weezer releases. Expand
  2. Dec 2, 2021
    As the months have gone by, my opinions have OK Human have changed, but overall I think it's still a very solid album. The instrumentation, writing and overall sound is great, and is definitely going to age well as time goes on.
  3. Nov 15, 2021
    I expected this too be bad, especially when i saw the title. But i'm pleasently surprised. The string work is really good, and it is really the sort of melodic experience Weezer should be making.
  4. Nov 3, 2021
    Personal, emotional, and quietly stirring - perhaps the most so that Rivers Cuomo and Co. have dared to get since their emo masterpiece "Pinkerton" - the baroque/chamber pop stylings of "OK Human" prove a natural, comfortable complement to Weezer's established alt-rock sound as well as a more than suitable soundscape for such an intimate, carefully crafted set of songs to play out against.Personal, emotional, and quietly stirring - perhaps the most so that Rivers Cuomo and Co. have dared to get since their emo masterpiece "Pinkerton" - the baroque/chamber pop stylings of "OK Human" prove a natural, comfortable complement to Weezer's established alt-rock sound as well as a more than suitable soundscape for such an intimate, carefully crafted set of songs to play out against.

    Choice Cuts: "All My Favorite Songs," "Aloo Gobi," "Numbers," "Here Comes the Rain"
  5. Sep 23, 2021
    This is a high 6 album, so on here I'll give it a 7. Yes I like the orchestral pop sound like the rest of the reviewers, but I think some of the tracks are forgettable and boring. There are definitely some nice moments though.
  6. Aug 30, 2021
    honestly this album is pure bliss, the baroque instrumentation is very tasteful and adds a lot to the record. while rivers writes some questionable Lyrics at times he wrote absolutely beautiful lyrics in "mirror image" and "dead roses". I would recommend listening to playing my piano, Numbers, bird with a broken wing, and grapes of wrath. the song screens has a banger of a chorus but ithonestly this album is pure bliss, the baroque instrumentation is very tasteful and adds a lot to the record. while rivers writes some questionable Lyrics at times he wrote absolutely beautiful lyrics in "mirror image" and "dead roses". I would recommend listening to playing my piano, Numbers, bird with a broken wing, and grapes of wrath. the song screens has a banger of a chorus but it has a lot of boomer energy. would recommend !!! Expand
  7. Aug 20, 2021
    This album definitely proves that Rivers is an incredibly talented. musician. The instrumentation is simply beautiful and every track has something unique to add. The backup vocals on this album are fantastic and the bass lines really hit the spot. The production is high quality, but keeps it fresh. The extra ending lines on Mirror Image add a lot, and the break in La Brea Tar Pits fitsThis album definitely proves that Rivers is an incredibly talented. musician. The instrumentation is simply beautiful and every track has something unique to add. The backup vocals on this album are fantastic and the bass lines really hit the spot. The production is high quality, but keeps it fresh. The extra ending lines on Mirror Image add a lot, and the break in La Brea Tar Pits fits perfectly. The themes of the album are explored really well. The fear of technology on Screens may be a bit to 'boomer'-like for some, but when looking at the real world and the pandemic/lockdown, it isn't far from the truth. Same goes for the theme of loneliness and isolation. Let's hope that Weezer keeps evolving their sound in fun and creative ways, because this album is a masterpiece. Expand
  8. Jul 25, 2021
    [July 25, 2021; Metacritic...] I love Weezer so much This album sounds so good.
  9. Jul 4, 2021
    really, it's not my style of music, it didn't live up to my expectations...
  10. Jun 3, 2021
    Before it was released, I felt that it would simply be a passion project. I figured that there would be a few songs that I like, but considering the fact that it all leads into itself, I thought it would be a half-baked experience. It's very important in an album with such cohesion that you never want to skip a single song, and OK Human absolutely delivers. Even some of my least favorites,Before it was released, I felt that it would simply be a passion project. I figured that there would be a few songs that I like, but considering the fact that it all leads into itself, I thought it would be a half-baked experience. It's very important in an album with such cohesion that you never want to skip a single song, and OK Human absolutely delivers. Even some of my least favorites, like Numbers and La Brea Tar Pits, are still on all of my playlists and are still very enjoyable. On the other side of the spectrum, songs like Aloo Gobi, Dead Roses, Grapes of Wrath, Bird with a Broken Wing, Here Comes the Rain, etc. all deliver on all fronts and make this album my first choice to listen to from start to finish. I have some minor problems with the writing philosophy for some of the songs, but they're few and far between and the album is definitely in my Top 3 for the band.
    I would also like to note that Jake Sinclair deserves all the credit in the world for his work on OK Human. Not only is the production solid all around, he was the one to initially suggest an orchestrated acoustic passion project album, and the one who engineered the project into what it is now. With the White Album, Jake proved that he could replicate the style of the classics, and with OK Human, he proved that he can take the band in fascinating new directions. I'm incredibly excited to see what he has prepared for Weezer's next project, SZNS.
  11. May 20, 2021
    Probably the best weezer album ever to come out after white album. My favourite track were aloo gobi and grapes of wrath. The single All my favourite songs needs to refined more
  12. May 10, 2021
    An incredible outing for Weezer. So excited to have another album that demands cover to cover listening. Instrumentals work perfectly with Rivers voice and the Pinkerton esc. lyrics are a joy. An instant classic
  13. May 8, 2021
    One of the bigger releases of Weezer’s catalog, and an unexpected hit at that!

    Best songs: All my favorite songs, grapes of wrath (both catchy af), mirror image (great lyrics) and Worst song: Screens (the lyrics are “the world is ending because people won’t stop looking at their phones”, otherwise kinda catchy)
  14. May 7, 2021
    After a run of a few color-by-the-numbers Weezer records, I was excited to see what would come of OK Human based on the single All My Favorite Songs, which I thought was an amazing track when it released. OK Human gave a wonderful, relatable, quirky, enjoyable spin on struggles that unfortunately became far too real in 2020. Not a single unlikable track on the album, only one track thatAfter a run of a few color-by-the-numbers Weezer records, I was excited to see what would come of OK Human based on the single All My Favorite Songs, which I thought was an amazing track when it released. OK Human gave a wonderful, relatable, quirky, enjoyable spin on struggles that unfortunately became far too real in 2020. Not a single unlikable track on the album, only one track that has a bit of a tired subject matter (people playing video games and watching YouTube) that dampens the awesomeness of the track (Screens). Overall, my second favorite Weezer album now, after Pinkerton. Excited to see what comes of Weezer, especially now that we have heard Van Weezer, and we don't have much of an idea what comes next. Expand
  15. Apr 3, 2021
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Amazing and original word from everyone’s favorite band.
    The new work of Weezer count with 13 songs recorded with a 38-piece orchestra and we’re delightful to say that this is one of the best Weezer albums, for sure.
  16. Mar 11, 2021
    This is the best Weezer album in a long time. I enjoyed the singles from the Teal album, however, that wasn't a REAL Weezer Album. The hyped-up black album was nothing but disappointing. This album creates an argument for the greatest Weezer album of the 21st century.
  17. Mar 11, 2021
    Ok Human got me into Weezer again after years of work that didnt stick out. Every song is solid & its an incredibly compelling & easy listen.
  18. Mar 11, 2021
    A musical triumph! It's everything a Weezer album, or any album should be, and it's clear that a lot of thought and care went into the making of this perfect record.
  19. Mar 1, 2021
    Best Weezer album since Pinkerton. Fantastic production and super tight songwriting.
  20. Feb 15, 2021
    This weezer album proves that they still have all the creativity and talent since the blue album. My only complaint being that it is a little short, but that could be seen as a compliment.
  21. Feb 15, 2021
    One of the only recent albums I want to listen to from start to finish. Like someone else already said this album is excellently sequenced, which makes this album better than the sum of its parts. I have enjoyed all recent Weezer albums to some extent, but this one might even overtake the White Album as their best album of the 2000s.
  22. Feb 12, 2021
    Weezer stopped taking themselves seriously as musicians many, many years ago, and so I did the same.

    I wouldn't say they've become a parody, but evidently their music over the years has shown a pitiful inconsistency. You have to be honest, after the green album, I doubt that anyone outside of their fans can say that there is any real significant difference in their sound or style.
    Weezer stopped taking themselves seriously as musicians many, many years ago, and so I did the same.

    I wouldn't say they've become a parody, but evidently their music over the years has shown a pitiful inconsistency.

    You have to be honest, after the green album, I doubt that anyone outside of their fans can say that there is any real significant difference in their sound or style. And I'm talking about 10 albums. And that's not counting the delayed Van Weezer.

    OK Human is just Rivers Cuomo again turning the same ideas around and making it very clear that being prolific is not the same as being good.

    Even considering all the demos that he just put up for sale, I doubt there is much material in their vaults considering how much material they end up releasing regardless of the quality of it.

    OK Human is just one more time, more of the same.
    I respect the band having fun, they've built a career and a fan base that way, but personally I didn't find anything really salvageable or noteworthy on this disappointing album.

    Notable Tracks

    > Playing My Piano
    > Bird With A Broken Wing
    > La Brea Tar Pits
  23. Feb 12, 2021
    It is astonishing how, without his electric guitar, Rivers has found a new sonic home in this brilliant 12 song opus. Featuring a magnificent orchestra arrangement, OK Human is undoubtedly his most solid, inspired and stable work in 20 years.
  24. Feb 12, 2021
    A very interesting change of pace for one of the the most inconsistent bands of all time. Weezer changed up their sound by having the whole album backed by an orchestra and it’s actually stunning. The transitions between songs are so smooth and make it not a drag to listen to the whole thing. It is as theatrical and over dramatic as I’ve ever heard from the band.

    The lyrics are
    A very interesting change of pace for one of the the most inconsistent bands of all time. Weezer changed up their sound by having the whole album backed by an orchestra and it’s actually stunning. The transitions between songs are so smooth and make it not a drag to listen to the whole thing. It is as theatrical and over dramatic as I’ve ever heard from the band.

    The lyrics are Weezer's typical brand of immature, cheesy, and angsty, but even more sad than usual. While the lyrics can be really rough at times, it all seems genuine. It discusses the very relatable depression that has built up in the past year, like getting sick of routine, only listening to sad songs and not showering for a week but feeling free when you play the piano. My favorite track, “Numbers”, is about numbers always making you feel bad about yourself whether it’s your IQ, weight or bank account. The chorus somehow feels equally uplifting as it does melancholy.

    The lead single, All My Favorite Songs, is a perfect example of how I feel about most tracks. The first listen I think they are basic trash, but with each listen it becomes more and more of an anthem and turns into this therapeutic release I love singing along too. I feel like I shouldn't like it but I do. Ok Human is almost like AJR matured and refined their sound into something not terrible and it kind of works for them, which is so weird to say.

    With each repeated listen I just buy it more. Sure it is odd that Weezer always makes music like a teenager, but there is a charm to it. There are songs that still feel way too cheesy like “Here Comes the Rain'' and, “Bird With a Broken Wing” and I do think the first half of this album is stronger than the second, but overall this was a pretty enjoyable Weezer album and their best since the White Album. It’s still very Weezer, so if you don’t enjoy them I don’t think that will change, but if you are a fan and have not revisited an album of theirs in a while, I recommend it.

    Best Songs: Numbers, Aloo Gobi, All My Favorite Songs, Grapes of Wrath, Dead Roses

    Worst Songs: Here Comes the Rain, Bird With a Broken Wing
  25. Feb 11, 2021
    Shockingly good and shows that an experiment can lead to a fantastic outcome.

    After releasing The Black Album, which I feel is one of their worst of their catalogue, Rivers and co. have released its antithesis in the form of OK Human. Accompanied with a 38-piece orchestra, Weezer have created an interesting blend of baroque-pop and their signature sound, resulting in catchy, beautiful
    Shockingly good and shows that an experiment can lead to a fantastic outcome.

    After releasing The Black Album, which I feel is one of their worst of their catalogue, Rivers and co. have released its antithesis in the form of OK Human. Accompanied with a 38-piece orchestra, Weezer have created an interesting blend of baroque-pop and their signature sound, resulting in catchy, beautiful melodies that stick in your head like a piano-driven parasite. Though the cheese can sometimes get cranked up to 10, the lyrics take a significantly mature direction on the album, with Rivers trading his infatuation with the ladies and wanting to party for more introspective things like his slob-like tendencies mid-quarantine, the world's addiction to clout, or his coming of age, not wanting to be seen as a has-been after decades of writing music.

    Songs like "Grapes of Wrath" and "Dead Roses" are certainly standouts for me, though the entire album is an absolute masterpiece and is warranted a listen.
  26. Feb 8, 2021
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Great chamber pop style production. One of their best since the White Album Expand
  27. Feb 8, 2021
    Rivers Cuomo said at some point that he wouldn't write another record like Pinkerton (citation needed I know) but I think he just did it, OK HUMAN is my favorite weezer album after pinkerton and blue it is a complete enjoy listening to these themes of the lockdown, the orchestra is delightful and somehow I have the sense that the band really liked to play/record this album, if I need toRivers Cuomo said at some point that he wouldn't write another record like Pinkerton (citation needed I know) but I think he just did it, OK HUMAN is my favorite weezer album after pinkerton and blue it is a complete enjoy listening to these themes of the lockdown, the orchestra is delightful and somehow I have the sense that the band really liked to play/record this album, if I need to say a bad thing of the record is that is too short.
    The first single is good, the second song of the record is really good too (you might need to search about the meaning of some things mentioned in the song), now Grapes of Wrath, Numbers and Playing my Piano are my favorite, so strong somehow find myself singing these songs in my head all day long. The rest of the album is delightful and I highly recommend you to get this on vinyl, cassette, cd or your spotify and enjoy this because I don't think we'll see another weezer record like this in a long time. Cheers.
  28. Feb 5, 2021
    Now that I've been able to stew with OKH for a week I'm ready to share my initial impressions. I waited until Friday evening one week ago to listen to it for the first time. I had 5 close friends and family members over for a listening party. A couple of those people are very casual Weezer fans, and the others are a little less casual.
    Everyone really enjoyed the album. For a couple of
    Now that I've been able to stew with OKH for a week I'm ready to share my initial impressions. I waited until Friday evening one week ago to listen to it for the first time. I had 5 close friends and family members over for a listening party. A couple of those people are very casual Weezer fans, and the others are a little less casual.
    Everyone really enjoyed the album. For a couple of them it restored their faith that modern Weezer can still put a great album together. The commentary we had going about the album was so much fun! It was awesome to just sit and listen together. Each track seamlessly led into the next, and each track brought with it so many cool surprises. The album is incredibly well produced and keeps bringing me back for listen after listen. I'm trying not to wear it out, but it doesn't seem to be losing it's flavor for me. This album is rich with nuance and varried instrumentation. Everything from Rivers' songwriting to the rest of the band's contributions are all spot on. Brian's backing vocals are fantastic, but I wish they were brought up a little higher in the mix. I'm not sure if Scott had any backing vocal contribution, but his bass playing was great as usual. Pat's drumming was off the charts! They achieved such a great, crisp, punchy drum sound on this record.
    *AMFS - 8/10 I like the song a lot, but it's one of the weaker tracks. It's a great intro into the album.
    *Aloo Gobi - 9/10 such a fun song! Fantastic bridge. One of the more nuanced songs instramentally. That bridge!
    *Grapes of Wrath - 9/10 What a groovy tune. If the album had another single this would have to be it. These track transitions and sequencing are the best on any Weezer album, period.
    *Numbers - 10/10 One of the best songs Rivers has ever penned. I get teary every time I listen to this track. The bridge is absolutely brilliance! "I'm a 1 I'm a 0, in the end does it matter?...But the numbers don't compute, when we love and the 2 becomes 1." Are you freaking kidding me Rivers? Damn!
    *Playing My Piano - 9/10 "I just can't let gooooooo" I love this track. Rivers' vocals are top notch (as it is on the entire album), and once again the bridge is fantastic!
    *Mirror Image - 10/10 Short, sweet, and to the point. This song makes for a great interlude and bridges the two halves of the album nicely. Pat's drumming and the backing vocals really shine on this track.
    *Screens - 7/10 Though this is the weakest of the tracks, I still really like it. That thumping beat perfectly kicks off the 2nd half of the album. Weakest lyrics on the album, but nothing bad here. I love the horns on this track. Love the outro, "I miss my friends! I miss my family!"
    *Bird With a Broken Wing - 10/10 This is what I feel to be one of the most honest and personal tracks on the album. Lyrically and musically beautiful. That chorus! That bridge! I can't even begin to express how grateful I am that Rivers is writing his age. Please please keep this up!
    *Dead Roses - 10/10 Like an intro to a great Bond movie, this upbeat yet minor and tragic track keep the momentum and mood going strong to begin winding up the album. These are among Rivers' most poetic and Gothic lyrics he's ever written. Bravo! Keep writing songs like this.
    *Everything Happens For a Reason - 8/10 Probably should have just been added to the intro of HCTR. I like it. It's nice.
    *Here Comes The Rain - 8/10 This song is a ton of fun! It brings a needed lighthearted lift to the more dramatic previous few tracks. Another outstanding bridge here and great vocal delivery. I love the little vocal nuances Rivers delivers throughout this whole album.
    *La Brea Tar Pits - 10/10 Not the closer I was expecting, but that's what I love about it. Extremely interesting musically, and closes the album out perfectly thematically. This track has been discussed heavily on the boards, so I don't have a lot more to add, but I love it! A perfect closer to an album I consider to be a masterpiece.
    I am so so happy and grateful to have a Weezer album of this caliber in 2021. I would have never guessed that they could reach or exceed what they achieved with White, but they did! God bless you Rivers, Pat, Scott, and Jake Sinclair for so artfully and meticulously creating this album. It is easily the best sequenced Weezer album ever and certainly holds its own as a Weezer classic. I've never had an emotional connection quite as strong as I do to this album. It resonates with me right now in my life more than any other Weezer album has been able to. There have been many Weezer songs that have resonated with me on a very emotional level over the years, but this album experience was very special to me. My hats off to you Weezer!
  29. Feb 5, 2021
    A beautiful album, filled with powerful orchestral movements that fit perfectly with Weezer's indie rock style, as well as moving and well written lyrics that tie the project together well.
  30. Feb 5, 2021
    Maybe better than their last few albums, but that bar is SUPER low. Bonus point or two for mixing up the production and bringing in the orchestral arrangements. That is cool at times... but otherwise this is blah. I listened once and probably never will again.
  31. Feb 4, 2021
    Due to the pandemic, Weezer pushed back the release of their highly anticipated metal homage album Van Weezer later this year and instead prioritized the release of OK Human that can be a reference to OK Computer of Radiohead. It consists of 12 well-written songs that feature a 38-piece orchestra with no computers and most of all with no electric guitar as inspired by Rivers Cuomo’s lifeDue to the pandemic, Weezer pushed back the release of their highly anticipated metal homage album Van Weezer later this year and instead prioritized the release of OK Human that can be a reference to OK Computer of Radiohead. It consists of 12 well-written songs that feature a 38-piece orchestra with no computers and most of all with no electric guitar as inspired by Rivers Cuomo’s life during a pandemic.

    Recently it sparked my interest to listen again to Weezer and check what the band has to offer when Cuomo collaborated with the electronic band The Avalanches in 2020 on their song Running Red Lights I remember listening to Island in the Sun during high school and appreciating the honest and pleasing vocals of Cuomo, little did I know they will be releasing two albums in 2021 with OK Human first and Van Weezer later this year, before the release of OK Human, I listened to the teaser track “All My Favorite Songs” and fell in love with it, this song is so punchy with its lyricism and delivery that is so sensitive set the tone of this album it continues to dissect the day to day existence in Aloo Gobi, tackling mid-life crisis as Cuomo sings "They said that life gets sweet as years go by But mine has lost its flavor like this chai” as soon as it reaches the chorus "Oh Same Old Dull Routines, same aloo gobi" it got me as it is so touching and charming at the same time to the fun song of Grapes of Wrath, where Cuomo is referencing each Audible book he listened to. There are also quirky references throughout the album. From “getting back to his Zoom Interviews” in Playing My Piano to “everyone staring at their screens and everyone moving to the cloud” in the song Screen is a tragic truth of how humans are not genuinely communicating in this modern age of technology. This album also features heartfelt empathic songs like Numbers and Bird With A Broken Wing. The former explores the sadness in how human measures its success and happiness while the latter is Cuomo's way of summing up his journey and telling everyone to do not feel sorry about him since he is okay despite his broken wings is like a juxtaposition to the band's 25-year career. That song is so deep and touching. The theme of sadness continues in Dead Roses until we hear Cuomo being triumphant in a more upbeat track, Here Comes the Rain. The band ultimately wrapped up the album with the hopeful song LaBrea Tar Pits which mirrors our daily struggles and optimism to get out of it.

    No matter what other people suggest, OK Human is a beautiful pop album, exploring the simple themes of day-to-day existence, isolation, and the impact of technology in our lives in the modern age that is so catchy and relatable. I genuinely enjoyed listening to OK Human. I am giving this a rating of 8.5.

    Favorite Tracks: Bird With A Broken Wing, All My Favorite Songs, Aloo Gobi, Numbers and Grapes of Wrath.
  32. Feb 4, 2021
    An incredible album and one of the best in Weezer's discography. The move away from guitars turned out to be a welcome one this time out.
  33. Feb 4, 2021
    Perfectly captures pandemic loneliness set in beautiful orchestral arrangements that deliver on melancholy but offer glimpses of hope.
  34. Feb 3, 2021
    We don’t have many examples of rock artists aging gracefully, moving on from anxious records about love to records that reflect the serenity and anxiety of aging. Weezer has been one of worst offenders, with several albums positioning Rivers as a teenage narrator. But OK Human is a beautiful reflection of what it means to be, well, an OK human — maturing and making life work in this weird,We don’t have many examples of rock artists aging gracefully, moving on from anxious records about love to records that reflect the serenity and anxiety of aging. Weezer has been one of worst offenders, with several albums positioning Rivers as a teenage narrator. But OK Human is a beautiful reflection of what it means to be, well, an OK human — maturing and making life work in this weird, chaotic world. Expand
  35. Feb 1, 2021
    Absolutely incredible album. A true masterpiece in every sense of the word.
  36. Feb 2, 2021
    Best Weezer album in over a decade, the orchestra really sounds fantastic alongside Cuomo's vocals.
  37. Feb 2, 2021
    Just a terrible album, Weezer should stick to what they do best and not spill out this orchestral indie ****
    Honestly think I'm gunna vomit from listening to this album, searching for any redeeming qualities.

    Gross 0/10
  38. Feb 2, 2021
    This is their best album since Pinkerton I didn’t think I would ever hear a new Weezer album this good
  39. Feb 2, 2021
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. although I prefer more distortion guitar and less orchestral pieces. I can't ignore the quality of this album. All my favorite songs is real banger and Aloo Gobi reminds of some of there earlier songs. it still can't compete with the blue album or even what iv seen of van weezer but this is still some of the best to come out of rivers. Expand
  40. Feb 1, 2021
    As bad as 2020 was for some people, it would seem this does not apply to Weezer, despite the delay in the upcoming and well anticipated hard rock album Van Weezer. The album Ok Human is a great success from my point of view, there are atleast 5 great and amazing songs out of 11 that goes directly to my daily playlist as of right now.
    HERE COMES THE RAIN is that jovial sing along ballad
    As bad as 2020 was for some people, it would seem this does not apply to Weezer, despite the delay in the upcoming and well anticipated hard rock album Van Weezer. The album Ok Human is a great success from my point of view, there are atleast 5 great and amazing songs out of 11 that goes directly to my daily playlist as of right now.
    HERE COMES THE RAIN is that jovial sing along ballad that cant you seem to shake off, it is going to stay with you for a while and when ever you feel like the problems accumulate, think back on it and wash you troubles away.
  41. Feb 1, 2021
    Weezer has had so many duds over the last 20 years, even their good entries (The White Album, Everything Will be Alright in the End) end with middle of the pack ratings. Well, what if Weezer made a great album, again? Would anyone admit it? This is Weezer's first great album in 20+ years but I'm betting reviewers will play it safe and this will settle into the "pretty good" zone. But makeWeezer has had so many duds over the last 20 years, even their good entries (The White Album, Everything Will be Alright in the End) end with middle of the pack ratings. Well, what if Weezer made a great album, again? Would anyone admit it? This is Weezer's first great album in 20+ years but I'm betting reviewers will play it safe and this will settle into the "pretty good" zone. But make no mistake, it's reputation will grow. Substantively, it's a love letter to late Beatles music, something that sounds somewhat fresh again after rock has wandered in a different (mostly awful) direction over the last decade. Rock music hasn't used strings so effectively since peak Arcade Fire. Anyway, really welcome. Expand
  42. Feb 1, 2021
    Definitely not as good as the 90s albums, but this one is among the best ones up close with the white album, i miss the guitars though, they were something i could recognise Weezer by. A decent album i must say.
  43. Feb 1, 2021
    Doesn’t do anything, go anywhere, or be different in anyway from previous weezer abominations. The difference is they got Rob Mathes to substitute orchestra or normal weezer.
  44. Feb 1, 2021
    This album is so incredible in so many ways. It has wonderful sequencing, as well as a variety of unexplored themes and ideas from Rivers. The production is outstanding. It's particularly clean for a primarily analog recording. There are lots of lyrical highlights here too such as "dripping down from major to mixolydian". Unfortunately, the lyrics are a sticking point to many critics,This album is so incredible in so many ways. It has wonderful sequencing, as well as a variety of unexplored themes and ideas from Rivers. The production is outstanding. It's particularly clean for a primarily analog recording. There are lots of lyrical highlights here too such as "dripping down from major to mixolydian". Unfortunately, the lyrics are a sticking point to many critics, though they are often very clever and written about far more personal experiences than most are lead to believe. It's a short and concise album that never overstays its welcome while still taking you on an entire journey. I can't list a single track that I don't like. Easily their best work since the White Album, and a potential personal contender as top 4 Weezer. Expand
  45. Jan 31, 2021
    An absolute classic front to back. Fantastic songs and amazing strings arrangement and booming drums! A Weezer album that sounds so different yet so much like Weezer. A must listen!
  46. Jan 31, 2021
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Weezer is always Weezer, if that makes sense. There’s always some great songs on each album, but not a great cohesive album - not for awhile now. But wow. Rolling Stone gives an above mediocre rating, but this has been my favorite album of theirs in a long time. Almost instantly. It’s just deeper, musically. More complex. The hooks are great. The stretch from Grapes of Wrath to Numbers to Playing My Piano is the best three song jaunt they’ve had in the second half of their career. I’m super happy with this. Expand
  47. Jan 31, 2021
    There's really not much to say about this one. it's fun with a lot of catchy songs and the fact that electric guitar has been replaced with symphonic instruments is quite refreshing. in the end it's like almost any other Weezer record; some fun pop rock tunes that aren't anything too grand or exciting but it's worth a listen. all my favorite songs, numbers and dead roses are some highlights.
  48. Jan 31, 2021
    They don't need distorted guitars to make a great Weezer album. Rivers's personal stuffs with the band and the strings really bring so much emotions. Thank you.
    especially Numbers, Playing My Piano, Mirror Image, Bird With A Broken Wing hits hard
  49. Jan 30, 2021
    Quality album all around. Catchy songs, great music, some meaning behind the lyrics (which hasn't happened on a weezer album in a while). Rivers Cuomo has the voice of an angel at 50-something. Super chill album to listen and relax to
  50. Jan 30, 2021
    Probably the best album I listened to in years and definitely their best since Pinkerton. I'm glad Rivers is finally listening to himself instead of other people's opinions and not trying to please anyone. The instrumentals, the strings especially are amazing and emotionally, it feels really strong. Good job guys and thank you for this beautiful album.
  51. Jan 30, 2021
    Nerds put on some suits, added high level of self-reflectivity amongst global pandemic intruded by weezer-like witticism and the result is solid, although not very balanced album. First few tracks set the tone perfectly, but the second half of the album declines quickly. The presence of orchestra added inherent melancholy, which is only further supported by tenderness of the singer. ThisNerds put on some suits, added high level of self-reflectivity amongst global pandemic intruded by weezer-like witticism and the result is solid, although not very balanced album. First few tracks set the tone perfectly, but the second half of the album declines quickly. The presence of orchestra added inherent melancholy, which is only further supported by tenderness of the singer. This album doesn't break nothing in the end, yet it seems the aim was the opposite. Expand
  52. Jan 30, 2021
    A rare true work of art from Weezer. Navigating their vast discography can be a minefield, but OK Human is front to back good and deserves to be heard in one sitting.
  53. Jan 29, 2021
    Best Songs: “Aloo Gobi” “Numbers” “Bird With A Broken Wing”

    (This is how I felt after 1 listen. 10 listens later... I like it a lot!!! The lyrics are River’s best since Pinkerton, the songs are mostly as catchy as Weezer’s top songs, and over all it’s a risk thay mostly pays off. Some beautiful songs here.) This is one frustrating album. There are moments where Ok Human reaches heights
    Best Songs: “Aloo Gobi” “Numbers” “Bird With A Broken Wing”

    (This is how I felt after 1 listen. 10 listens later... I like it a lot!!! The lyrics are River’s best since Pinkerton, the songs are mostly as catchy as Weezer’s top songs, and over all it’s a risk thay mostly pays off. Some beautiful songs here.)

    This is one frustrating album. There are moments where Ok Human reaches heights not seen in Weezer World since perhaps 2016’s White Album. “Aloo Gobi” sounds like mid-00’s Weezer mixed with these last three albums of riff-less melodic mixed bags. It’s catchy and replayable. Cool. I hate the single (corny by even Weezer standards) so this second track kicks it up a notch. I’m excited for the rest of the album now...

    And we’re back in Pacific Daydream/Black album mediocrity. “Grapes is Wrath is everything right and wrong with Weezer in one song. It has the melody and more introspective lyrics that vaguely harken back to the perfection that is “Pinkerton”. Then the hook rehashes some of those wast basket Weezer songs from the last few years. Can Rivers please take note: you have a loyal fanbase (member since 1994 here). We get it, you’re an artist. Experiment and do your thing but break us off with something we want to. One for you, one for us? Van Weezer was supposed to be out first and I get that they wanted to save it for when they can tour again. That said, this is 3 albums straight devoid of riffs and that rock sound that got you in the door. What a tease! Maybe I just have to adjust expectations after being stoked for a return to those crunchy guitars that defined the band in the 90’s and that they returned to triumphantly with “Everything Will Be Alright In The End” and the even better “White Album”. It was a return to form with a modern twist, seemingly pleasing us longtime fans while giving Rivers and Co a chance to explore. Anyway, Im spinning this new recor.... spotifly album a second time and it grows on you. I’m a sucker for catchy pop so Rivers will always steal my money and have my loyalty even if I can’t play the music around my alternative rock snob wife. The long time fans want “Pinkerton” or “Blue Album”. That’s wishful thinking and understandly not gonna happen. Dude is 50 and has been rich for a while. Like Connor McGregor’s most recent fight, this album looks solid in spots but ultimately the hunger isn’t there anymore. Nothing wrong with that. Listen if you want to. My struggle is that “OK Human” shows glimpses of greatness like if Rivers could just avoid some of his lesser tendencies (corny and/or lazy lyrics and purposely avoiding tasty solo’s and proper riffs) he has that great record in him.

    I believe Weezer will drop one more classic record that gives all Weezer fans what they want. “Ok Human” is definitely worth your time and with a couple more listens, I might come back and edit this review. Wait is that a pan flute or some **** opening “Dead Roses”?!? FOH Rivers. I ‘ll always love you for the memories but Bruh! Give us Van Weezer and do what you do best!

    Ranking Weezer Albums:

    1) Pinkerton (classic, perfect, my high school soundtr)
    2) Blue Album (perfect power pop, just flawless)
    3) White Album (as close to the first 2 classics as ya get... LA Girls!)
    4) Everything Will Be Alright In The End (return to form with an update. Mostly strong offering)
    5) Green Album (dude obviously wanted to return to blue album vibes and kind of succeeds but a bit hollow)
    6) Red Album (a few classic songs mixed with some dudes. Dont let the other members write or sing please)
    7) Make Believe (hated by many but come on... “Perfect Situation” is one of Weezer’s best songs)
    8) Maladroit (rushed, loud, sick solos, but sounds like an EP)
    9) Raditude (i can listen to this but i usually dont. A couple decent songs but this is when i was ready to declare jimmy eat world my fave band)
    10) Ok Human (see above)
    11) Pacific Daydream (“Mexican Fender” is excellent. The rest? Nah, hard pass. I hate this album.)
    12) Black Album (long rumored to be some classic Weezer record. Instead, we get guitar-less, bland silly ass songs that belong in a dumpster.)
    13) Hurley **** this album! I mean this album puts hate in my heart forreal)
  54. Jan 30, 2021
    A love letter to Abbey Road and the great singer-songwriter albums of the past when albums actually mattered, OK Human is easily Weezer’s most competent and cohesive album since Pinkerton, which in itself is a triumph the group.

    But the crowning achievement isn’t the coherent, flowing track structure or serene production with orchestral backing (which sounds beautiful, along with Pat
    A love letter to Abbey Road and the great singer-songwriter albums of the past when albums actually mattered, OK Human is easily Weezer’s most competent and cohesive album since Pinkerton, which in itself is a triumph the group.

    But the crowning achievement isn’t the coherent, flowing track structure or serene production with orchestral backing (which sounds beautiful, along with Pat Wilson’s effective and inspired drumming), it’s the strength of Cuomo-penned tracks. The songs effectively bounce from noticeable bits of McCartney-inspired piano and vocal licks to soaring Beach Boys harmonies, and even brief shades of Randy Newman, while retaining Cuomo’s signature knack for ear-worm melodic choruses and reminding you at every turn this is still the group who wrote Buddy Holly. Highlights include Bird With A Broken Wing and Numbers, both tracks flex Cuomo’s often under appreciated (or unnoticed) talent as a truly great American songwriter, that recently we only see rare glimpses of, but he reaches corners and stretches to areas we have suspected but never knew he was truly capable of.

    The soaring, catchy, yet emotionally melancholic chorus of Bird With A Broken Wing is the absolute best of classic Weezer in every way, but manages to sound vibrant, new and refreshing due to due the serious, poetic subject matter, Jake Sinclair’s sleek production, and new orchestral arrangement with the band. Change the arrangement on this track in the right ways and you could squeeze it into a 90s weezer catalogue and it would hold its own as a classic. However, where the band and Cuomo truly break new ground as an act is with his ability in both tracks to create earnest, heart-wrenching break downs during the bridge. “Nothing matter’s in the world, and everyone is free. But I’ll belong to you if you believe in me.” Cuomo admits in the emotional release of the song, as the orchestra fades out. He’s written arguably perfect, emotional bridges in the past, but none in this sort of context where he proves he can make moving, well-crafted songs that stand on their own without the all the bells and whistles that come along with chugging electric guitars and modern music production. This album isn’t going to define the decade or probably even the year, but art needs to be examined in context. Weezer have set out to do something they’ve never done before, that many would say they’re incapable of, and not only succeeded at it but proven they’re quite good at it, and I don’t see how this record could’ve come out better. Perhaps it was chart-chasing and misinformed views on what type of music they “had to” make that prevented them from stretching their wings for so long.
  55. Jan 30, 2021
    Generic progressions, generic lyrics, generic musicianship compared to what we know Rivers can do. Not a single stand out track. Good to know he hasn't washed his hair in 3 weeks.
  56. Jan 30, 2021
    After 10+ listens I can happily say: Finally, it seems we have another classic Weezer record.
  57. Jan 29, 2021
    The Broadway, Randy Newmanesque, Pet Sounds album from Weezer is the most musically complex to date. Many will hate this, mostly those who place Weezer between Blue and Pink. I won’t get mad at them, this is something completely different. It shows a different side of Weezer’s creativity that is hard not to appreciate. I love it.
  58. Jan 29, 2021
    Rather surprising and fantastic. Mirror Image is excellent (also short) and the album shows a la second half of Abbey Road. Great album for this time of our lives. Weezer reinvented!
  59. Jan 29, 2021
    This album is fantastic. This is the best they've come up with since Pinkerton
  60. Jan 29, 2021
    Short but so sweet, Aloo Gobi will probably be one of my favorite songs of the year. Thanks Weezer.
  61. Jan 29, 2021
    'OK Human' is just where Weezer should be in 2021. It is as intelligent, personal and catchy as Weezer's best post-Pinkerton albums, highlighting the unmatched melodic capabilities of Rivers Cuomo, the unmistakable touch of Pat Wilson's drumming and the strength of the band as a whole. Previous Weezer releases of the modern era have often felt unbalanced and overshadowed by a small number'OK Human' is just where Weezer should be in 2021. It is as intelligent, personal and catchy as Weezer's best post-Pinkerton albums, highlighting the unmatched melodic capabilities of Rivers Cuomo, the unmistakable touch of Pat Wilson's drumming and the strength of the band as a whole. Previous Weezer releases of the modern era have often felt unbalanced and overshadowed by a small number of songs, whilst this one manages to remain balanced and engaging throughout, an all-round listening experience. The listener feels as though in the mind of a middle-aged Rivers, with no pretences about where he is in his life, just as with Weezer's best.
    Being 'off-the-grid' enables the music to ebb-and-flow in a way Weezer's hasn't since Pinkerton, making it a genuine challenge not to connect with the soul at the centre and to move your head to the beat. If anything, this album just proves that Weezer are, as they should be, a notch above their 'alternative rock' contemporaries and in a league of their own. Without undermining the talents of the orchestra accompanying them, 'OK Human' gives us four extremely capable musicians in their element. Jake Sinclair also deserves a mention, who not only guided the direction of this project but also the band's 2016 'White Album'. This is a man with an obvious connection to the band, perhaps only equal to Ric Ocasek himself. This is an exciting step for Weezer, and hopefully not the last.
  62. Jan 29, 2021
    The music in this album is absolutely beautiful, the orchestra complements the band really well, even if some songs do have the occasional cheesy lyric it doesen't ruin the album in any way, if anything it makes it more endearing.
  63. Jan 29, 2021
    Incredible melodies, personal lyrics, ethereal arrangement provided by a 38-piece orchestra. The album ties itself together in its efficiency and the themes of technology, loneliness, and disillusionment of everyday patterns we fall into.
  64. Jan 29, 2021
    Went into the album with very little expectation after hearing it was an orchestral album as I never thought Rivers could pull it off.

    So some songs did stand out, “playing my piano” starts off great but once he increases his range I can’t do it anymore. “All my favorite songs” one of the better songs off the album. No wonder they chose it as a single. “Here comes the rain” isn’t bad
    Went into the album with very little expectation after hearing it was an orchestral album as I never thought Rivers could pull it off.

    So some songs did stand out, “playing my piano” starts off great but once he increases his range I can’t do it anymore.

    “All my favorite songs” one of the better songs off the album. No wonder they chose it as a single.

    “Here comes the rain” isn’t bad either. Just isn’t exactly mind blowing good.

    A lot of the album felt filler. Like they did one take and threw it on the album to have an album. A lot of the album, while creative, still felt Samey as well throughout the entire thing. A lot of the violins sounded pretty identical without much distinction.

    Don’t get me started on some of the singing... or this hit the 5000 character limit.
  65. Jan 29, 2021
    The best since the white album, Aloo gobi, all my favorite songs and bird with a broken wing are really amazing songs.
  66. Jan 29, 2021
    A creative experiment that was a massive success. You can really tell Rivers poured his heart into these songs. Combine that with Pat’s remarkable drumming, Jake Sinclair’s production genius and the sprinkles of Brian and Scott’s magic, and this album is an instant new Weezer classic.
  67. Jan 29, 2021
    This is classic Weezer with a twist. Not to mention some of the catchiest tunes since White.
  68. Jan 29, 2021
    A fantastic record that explores the mundane, lonely every day life of Rivers Cuomo. The orchestra never made me miss the guitars. It never gets big and bombastic, it stays focused and small. Like the life he’s describing, like the attention stolen away for a moment by screens and how all of this is just kind of a bummer but, “oh well.” There’s hope to find something more and findA fantastic record that explores the mundane, lonely every day life of Rivers Cuomo. The orchestra never made me miss the guitars. It never gets big and bombastic, it stays focused and small. Like the life he’s describing, like the attention stolen away for a moment by screens and how all of this is just kind of a bummer but, “oh well.” There’s hope to find something more and find something new to say in here too. It’s the most real dive into Cuomo’s psyche since the days of Pinkerton. Mostly all Cuomo only tunes, save for the single, it explores territory that would only occur to, uniquely, Rivers. It isn’t perfect but then what is? A message in the album itself. Expand
  69. Jan 29, 2021
    This is definitely in the top 3 of Weezers discography of the 21 century.
    Even though I much prefer Power Pop/Rock Weezer, I really enjoyed this record, because the orchestra fits rivers voice and the style of Weezer in general. The lyrics are quite simplistic, which makes it easier to relate and instantly understand what Rivers Cuomo is trying to say, but less fascinating. I see a lot of
    This is definitely in the top 3 of Weezers discography of the 21 century.
    Even though I much prefer Power Pop/Rock Weezer, I really enjoyed this record, because the orchestra fits rivers voice and the style of Weezer in general. The lyrics are quite simplistic, which makes it easier to relate and instantly understand what Rivers Cuomo is trying to say, but less fascinating. I see a lot of similarities to The Beatles "Revolver", which I consider a good thing. I was really looking forward to this and my expectations were met at a high level. I highly recommend a listen! :)
  70. Jan 29, 2021
    This is seriously the best Weezer album since Pinkerton. It’s incredible they can produce material of this caliber so far along in their career.

Generally favorable reviews - based on 21 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 16 out of 21
  2. Negative: 0 out of 21
  1. Classic Rock Magazine
    Mar 2, 2021
    An unlikely masterpiece. [Apr 2021, p.89]
  2. Mojo
    Feb 19, 2021
    It's Numbers that punches hardest, it's compassionate message about the futility of measuring ourselves against others deftly handled. [Apr 2021, p.86]
  3. Feb 3, 2021
    The record isn’t groundbreaking material, but it’s definitely nice to have a new Weezer album that isn’t trying to recreate their old material and instead looks to the future of their sound.