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  1. Jul 12, 2021
    This album is utterly fantastic, and it has a brilliant blend of fuzzy guitars and Japanese instruments, which makes it a thrilling experience. TEKE::TEKE must have worked hard in the studio to make it the best debut album of their career, and it definitely shows. It's going to be exciting to see where they might go in the future. I can say I've become a fan of theirs, and I might beThis album is utterly fantastic, and it has a brilliant blend of fuzzy guitars and Japanese instruments, which makes it a thrilling experience. TEKE::TEKE must have worked hard in the studio to make it the best debut album of their career, and it definitely shows. It's going to be exciting to see where they might go in the future. I can say I've become a fan of theirs, and I might be sticking around to see them grow as artists.

    Overall score: 8.8/10

Generally favorable reviews - based on 5 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 4 out of 5
  2. Negative: 0 out of 5
  1. Uncut
    Jun 18, 2021
    If Shirushi’s relentless momentum can leave you breathless, it batters its way into real, mutant rock’n’roll thrills. [Aug 2021, p.35]
  2. Mojo
    May 10, 2021
    Lavish enough for fans of Amon Duul II's headshop tribal rituals. [Jun 2021, p.90]
  3. May 10, 2021
    Shirushi is as promising and satisfying a debut as any North American group has presented in quite a while.