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The Long Goodbye: Live at Madison Square Garden Image

Generally favorable reviews - based on 7 Critic Reviews What's this?

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Universal acclaim- based on 18 Ratings

  • Summary: Originally released on Record Store Day, the five-vinyl LP set contains the entire final performance at Madison Square Garden in April 2011 from the dance-punk band led by James Murphy, who also mixed and produced the album.
Score distribution:
  1. Positive: 6 out of 7
  2. Negative: 0 out of 7
  1. 85
    Another reason to count Murphy among the best of ‘em is his ability to take a mood and encapsulate it so perfectly in the formal structure of dance track.
  2. May 22, 2014
    The music is undeniably alive, even though--or perhaps because--the band that made it is all over.
  3. May 22, 2014
    The Long Goodbye successfully captures the atmosphere, the tears, the laughter, the unbridled joy of that last ever gig, that final blowout, like a time capsule to be preserved forever more and to keep the spirit of LCD Soundsystem alive.
  4. May 29, 2014
    The music simultaneously remains as era-defining, self-effacing, future-thinking and retro as it ever did.
  5. May 22, 2014
    The sound, cleaned up beautifully, is way better than most fans heard in Madison Square Garden--and when the choir blows in on the mission statement "Dance Yrself Clean," it sounds like a revival meeting.
  6. May 22, 2014
    True, some songs such as “Out in Space” go on a little too long, but this is a small price to pay for two and a half hours of joyous sonic mayhem.
  7. Mojo
    Jul 24, 2014
    It sags a little mid-show, during the numerous elongated versions of 45:33, but epic, celebratory readings of Losing My Edge and Yeah (Crass Version) are not to be missed. [Jul 2014, p.90]
Score distribution:
  1. Positive: 3 out of 3
  2. Mixed: 0 out of 3
  3. Negative: 0 out of 3
  1. Aug 7, 2021
    This album is over three hours long; 188 minutes, to be exact. Thus, you can't really just pop this on whenever you feel like. However, if youThis album is over three hours long; 188 minutes, to be exact. Thus, you can't really just pop this on whenever you feel like. However, if you have a free afternoon, I cannot recommend this album enough. James and co. perform top notch versions of all their best tracks (except Pow Pow, unfortunately) as well as a few covers sprinkled within. The versions of "Dance Yrself Clean", "Drunk Girls", "I Can Change", Get Innocuous!", "Daft Punk Is Playing at My House", "All My Friends", "North American Scum", "Yeah", "Losing My Edge", "Home", and "All I Want" are essential cuts for any LCD Soundsystem fan. "New York, I Love You But You're Bringing Me Down" is absolutely breathtaking on this album, and is sure to leave a tear in any hardcore fan's eye. Expand
  2. May 22, 2014
    I don't think there is much to say. LCD Soundsystem the best band in the world when they did split. Best Parts: Dance Yrself Clean, All myI don't think there is much to say. LCD Soundsystem the best band in the world when they did split. Best Parts: Dance Yrself Clean, All my Friends (Though I don't like the studio version, this show makes it amazing, Freak Out/Starry Eyes, North American Scum, Tribulations, Losing My Edge (Suicide and Daft Punk covered haha), New York I love you... Worse Parts (If there is any): Bye Bye Bayou, Jump into the fire, Expand
  3. Jun 9, 2014
    A box set that is 100% designed for the vinyl fetishist; part winsome tribute to an era's end, part fulfillment of Murphy's vision ofA box set that is 100% designed for the vinyl fetishist; part winsome tribute to an era's end, part fulfillment of Murphy's vision of post-modern rock-n-roll--erudite, maximally referential, and supremely reverential. An approach that contains its own self-critique (Losing My Edge is as much personal admonishment as tell off). Included in that reverence are the canonical covers of Alan Vega and Nilsson and the quotes from Suicide and Daft Punk featured in the Losing My Edge performance. Guest highlights are frequent, with Reggie Watts' solo being nearly the topmost moment of the show.

    The core of the show rewardingly centers around the 2007 masterwork Sound of Silver, and not too surprisingly, while the promotion of the other 2007 release, the sublime 45:33, lends this particular show enough stature to compile 5xLP records into what is an amazingly cogent presentation.

    Simply put, their last show was the best show that the band ever did, and it is wonderfully captured on both this vinyl box set, but also comes across smashingly on the 24-bit FLAC version(s) now also available (the download that comes with the box disappointingly provides only "lossy" MP3 320 versions, given the price it would've been nice to receive the FLAC files as well). There are reasons the market isn't ready for that just yet, but one hopes that lavish packages will come with all of the best source material, including at least lossless options, if not high-resolution 24-bit media.

    As someone who saw the band live once, in the brief festival format (e.g. an abbreviated headliner set of 90 minutes), this much longer show completes the vibe and forwards the elation gained seeing the band live on that one occasion.