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Generally favorable reviews- based on 90 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 65 out of 90
  2. Negative: 14 out of 90
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  1. Oct 26, 2019
    In a burnt-out and overplayed subgenre like metalcore, Rolo Tomassi have cultivated a masterpiece. This album is a long, momentous ride with every turn as unexpected as the last, marrying their already-unique ferocity with dream pop and math rock, while incorporating classical and ambient passages to craft the best record of their career to date. Despite Daughters' own career-defining,In a burnt-out and overplayed subgenre like metalcore, Rolo Tomassi have cultivated a masterpiece. This album is a long, momentous ride with every turn as unexpected as the last, marrying their already-unique ferocity with dream pop and math rock, while incorporating classical and ambient passages to craft the best record of their career to date. Despite Daughters' own career-defining, genre-defying record coming out this same year, Time Will Die and Love Will Bury It is the best and, most likely, most underrated album of 2018. Expand
  2. Sep 20, 2018
    Brilliant, dynamic, chaotic, beautiful. Rolo Tomassi's best work yet, and by far one of the best metal/hardcore records not just of the year but of this decade.
  3. Aug 30, 2018
    The greatest album of the year so far. The amazing contrasts between ambient and post-hardcore allow this record to truly demonstrate the duality between beauty and abrasiveness.
    Favourite Tracks: Alma Mater (solely for the screaming of the title), Towards Dawn/Aftermath (The transition and build up is incredible), and Rituals.
  4. Aug 4, 2018
    The siblings Spence have been at this for over twelve years now, and although all of their albums have an overarching “Rolo Tomassi sound” to them, they were each very distinct from the last and definitely carried a few surprises. Album number five, Time Will Die And Love Will Bury It is the uplifting follow-up to 2015’s dark, wistful Grievances, marks another progression in Rolo Tomassi’sThe siblings Spence have been at this for over twelve years now, and although all of their albums have an overarching “Rolo Tomassi sound” to them, they were each very distinct from the last and definitely carried a few surprises. Album number five, Time Will Die And Love Will Bury It is the uplifting follow-up to 2015’s dark, wistful Grievances, marks another progression in Rolo Tomassi’s sound and is their most complete work yet.

    Ambient opener “Towards Dawn” acts as a fantastic prelude (an interesting track in its own right, rather than a simple, throwaway intro) and segues deliciously into the luscious post-rock of “Aftermath”. Ending in a huge sing-along crescendo, you’d be forgiven for thinking that Rolo Tomassi were deliberately lulling new listeners into a false sense of security until they then unleash “Rituals”, a track which finds the quintet at their most fierce. Embracing blackened hardcore and, indeed, doom elements, “Rituals” is a brief and potent assault that has huge synths, intense riffs and vicious growls from Eva Spence. Ranging from serene, high pitched tones to throat-shredding rasps and back again, Eva Spence’s vocal performance on Time Will Die… is flawless, most notably on “A Flood Of Light”.

    Rolo Tomassi have ditched the glitchy, Nintendo-core synth tones from their early days, James Spence’s synth work is now present as an atmospheric layer, similar to Cult Of Luna’s synths, sitting in harmony with Chris Cayford’s guitar playing. Used to emphasize particular moments such as the break on the magnificent “The Hollow Hour”, syncopated rhythms of “Balancing The Dark” and the huge, slowly building crescendo of album highlight “A Flood Of Light”.

    The expansive Time Will Die… flows splendidly from start to finish and closes with two songs, “Contretemps” and “Risen”, that are respectively an exceptional example of epic, piano-driven post-rock (akin to Maybeshewill or Explosions In The Sky) and a dreamy shoegaze finale.

    Going from strength to strength with each album cycle, Rolo Tomassi have really developed over the past decade and Time Will Die And Love Will Bury It, a beautiful, triumphant and innovative mix of post-rock, hardcore and dream-pop, is undoubtedly their best work yet.

    For fans of: Converge, Between The Buried And Me, Deftones
  5. Jul 20, 2018
    It's a great album with a lot of uniqueness of its own, but you do get a sense of deja vu.
    "Rituals" sounds a lot like Converge's "Fault & Fracture" while "Alma Mater" sounds like it could be taken straight from The Dillinger Escape Plans "Miss Machine" album.
    Of course, that's great if you like those bands (and I do), and they are still great tracks and performed extremely well. The
    It's a great album with a lot of uniqueness of its own, but you do get a sense of deja vu.
    "Rituals" sounds a lot like Converge's "Fault & Fracture" while "Alma Mater" sounds like it could be taken straight from The Dillinger Escape Plans "Miss Machine" album.
    Of course, that's great if you like those bands (and I do), and they are still great tracks and performed extremely well.
    The real gem on the album is "Aftermath", for a band where you have come to expect the unexpected to the point where it's predictable.. this was a nice touch... and as the opening track (minus the intro track), makes it feel even more unexpected.
    It's hard not to give this album another play, and it certainly improves with each listen.
  6. May 29, 2018
    Vast soundscapes, guitar-driven and veering between screamcore and the Cocteau Twins. Starts beautifully and goes in different directions. Not a love, but a good like. Definitely worth a'll challenge many.
  7. May 15, 2018
    Epic and uncompromising.

    Some of their earlier stuff felt like it was sometimes jarring for the sake of being jarring. This is just as varied (maybe more so), but every twist and change in every track feels necessary. Songs build up, to soaring or euphoric melodies, crushing burst of heaviness, peaceful moments, brooding tension, or somehow all four of these things at once, swirling
    Epic and uncompromising.

    Some of their earlier stuff felt like it was sometimes jarring for the sake of being jarring. This is just as varied (maybe more so), but every twist and change in every track feels necessary. Songs build up, to soaring or euphoric melodies, crushing burst of heaviness, peaceful moments, brooding tension, or somehow all four of these things at once, swirling around each other (e.g. the spine-tingling ending to A Flood Of Light).

    Every track is strong and stands alone, but it also all fits together as one cohesive piece of music, even better than Grievances did. One of the best albums I've heard in years, and better with every listen.
  8. May 8, 2018
    First intro to this band and very impressed. I can see the instrumentals being performed by the London Symphony in 5- 10 years. Solid vocals both on the metal side and on the melodic. Would love to see them coming to the US and touring.
  9. peo
    May 8, 2018
    It Has to be and it is the best album of the year , no more talk.
    is one of the best records this band have ever recorded.
  10. May 8, 2018
    First of all I'd like to point out that both the 0 out of 10 user reviewers have only two reviews on their accounts, they are both Rolo Tomassi at 0/10 and Janelle Monoae at 10/10. All four were posted on May 2nd. Seems legit.

    Anyway TWDALWBI is another brilliant album by Rolo Tomassi, I've been listening to it atleast a couple of times a week since launch. Like their others it's
    First of all I'd like to point out that both the 0 out of 10 user reviewers have only two reviews on their accounts, they are both Rolo Tomassi at 0/10 and Janelle Monoae at 10/10. All four were posted on May 2nd. Seems legit.

    Anyway TWDALWBI is another brilliant album by Rolo Tomassi, I've been listening to it atleast a couple of times a week since launch. Like their others it's another complex and varied album, one which you really begin to appreciate over time, I always seem to listen to it all the way through. The band said they were attempting to balance the light and dark on this album, and it's true, there is definitely an attempt to contrast the heavy with more mellow tunes unliike on Grievances which was a much bleaker album. The band once again play around with structure, more so than ever before even. It can be hard to tell when one track ends and another begins, but rather than being a detriment to the album it actually helps the album flow. "A Flood Of Light" and "Rituals" are personal highlights.

    Overall it's the album to beat this year, wthout a doubt. While I'm still not sure if I prefer this or Grievances (I may prefer the darker edge), it's another album that i'll be listening to for a long time to come from one of the most interesting and exciting bands in rock music right now.
  11. May 2, 2018
    Dull, not brilliant, not credible, depressing, bad, terrible, always the same, totally expected, not unique.
  12. May 2, 2018
    This new album from the band seems quite messy and not as cohesive as past projects which doesn't mean that is bad, but definitively not good.
  13. Apr 3, 2018
    Agreed, screaming is great fun.
    In the Hollow Hour the vocal eruptions blend nicely in the overall composition, and i will surely look forward to see a live performance, must be a thrill.
    To me though, less is more. I enjoy the richness of the music and the smooth timbre of Eva's voice in Aftermath too much to appreciate the remainder of the album to the same extent.
  14. Mar 13, 2018
    Solid. Worth listening to. Not the best album of this band, but one their highlights of their career.
  15. Mar 7, 2018
    After a little bit bland Grievances more than worthy successor of Astratea and for me truly the first album of Rolo Tomassi, which is really accomplished and completed piece of music, although I love them all. After long time again record, that you can listen to from very first note to the last one and each one makes sense. True highlight of their career!
  16. Mar 3, 2018
    Just another good album from this band. I would not call it great, but it's definitely worth listening to

Universal acclaim - based on 7 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 7 out of 7
  2. Mixed: 0 out of 7
  3. Negative: 0 out of 7
  1. Mar 6, 2018
    Although Rolo Tomassi's four previous records are phenomenal in their own right, this album emits a more structured sense of chaos than before. The days of the band's video game-like synth tones living amongst hardcore mayhem are long gone, replaced with a more developed sound and sophisticated energy.
  2. This is easily their most expansive work yet--a continued exploration of the beauty in brutality.
  3. Mar 5, 2018
    What follows maintains both the high standard and the mixture of shades and textures.