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12,747 results

220. Lost Odyssey

Feb 12, 2008  •  Rated T
Lost Odyssey is the story of Kaim, an immortal character who has lived more than 1,000 years. He doesn't remember his past, and he doesn't know where his future lies. Throughout Kaim's journey, a handful of characters join him on an odyssey to discover their intricate past and destiny, leading players through a dramatic story of massive scale. Massively multiplayer online role-playing game elements are blended into the game's traditional role-playing game system, enabling players to make strategic decisions for a more immersive and deep gameplay experience. With story sequences penned by award-winning Japanese novelist Kiyoshi Shigematsu in cooperation with producer Hironobu Sakaguchi, Lost Odyssey sets a new benchmark for the RPG genre with a combination of true-to-life cinematics and an intriguing story of an immortal man. Players will witness Kaim's life as he lives through many generations, becomes part of numerous families, falls in and out of love, and confronts all of the conflicts that arise. Kaim’s struggles are set in a world that is on the verge of a "mystical industrial revolution," where mankind has attained dark powers. The massively scoped worlds, memorable characters and epic storyline play as an intense and unsettling blockbuster action film. Heading up the artistic demands of the title is famed Japanese comic artist Takehiko Inoue. Renowned composer Nobuo Uematsu has been recruited to create a contemporary soundtrack. [Microsoft]

228. Growlanser: Heritage of War

Sep 18, 2007  •  Rated T
On an island continent shrouded in darkness and bounded on every shore by an impassable veil, war rages among desperate inhabitants fighting for survival. A mysterious famine has ravaged the land, leaving its denizens to struggle over what little fertile land remains. There is no safe haven; land that war has left untouched is still threatened by the Screapers, fierce and powerful monsters steadily encroaching on the cities of men. Hope is fading - who will rise to save this dying land? Growlanser: Heritage of War features a sweeping story arc spanning 5 chapters, with additional chapters to unlock. The story unfolds through hand-drawn animation and character portraits by artist Satoshi Urushihara. Strategic Party-based Combat: Use an advanced troop command system to give orders to your allies – smart tactics are the key to victory. Manage Your Character's Ability Tree: Change your character's abilities based on the needs of the situation. As your character levels, so too do your Ability Plates. With the Friendship and Personality Rating System, your personality can either limit or enhance your interactions with others; the outcome of your encounters depends entirely on your behavior. Mold a protagonist as ill-tempered or good-natured as you desire. And if you're brave enough, reveal your true feelings to a companion; if they come to feel the same way about you, you'll be rewarded with a bonus hand-drawn character-specific ending animation that puts the icing on the cake. [Atlus USA]

240. Shadow of Rome

Feb 8, 2005  •  Rated M
The year is 48 B.C. The grandeur of the Roman Empire has been tarnished by political corruption and society has been overrun by unruliness and violence. Julius Caesar advocates for drastic reform to rebuild the republic to its former glory, but is metwith opposition. Before changes could be implemented, the enlightened head of state is murdered. Consequently the horrific news finds its way on the battlefield and to the ears of one soldier, Agrippa, who rushes back to Rome only to be confronted withthe announcement that his father, Uesnius who was a close advisor to Caesar, is the accused murderer. Unfortunately, time is running out for Agrippa as his father is to be publicly executed by the winner of the next gladiatorial event. Together with the help of his best friend, Octavius, and a freed female gladiator named Claudia, Agrippa embarks on a mission to restore his family?s honor and uncover the truth concerning Caesar?s assassination. Shadow of Rome has been designed to allow players the opportunity to venture throughout the world of ancient Rome by flawlessly switching between Agrippa and Octavius, each of whom have their own area of expertise. Playing Agrippa lends itself more to action while Octavius is towards the more stealth and adventure elements of the game. To remain true to the Roman era, players will have to use objects in the environment and weapons of the day such as stones, slingshots, spears and swords in order to progress through the game. Also, situations will arise when Agrippa or Octavius will rely on nothing but their hands in order to combat those impeding his quest to absolve Uesnius. [Capcom]
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