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650. Shovel Knight Pocket Dungeon

Dec 13, 2021
Delve with Shovel Knight into the depths of the Pocket Dungeon in an action-packed puzzle adventure mashup like no other. Delve with Shovel Knight into the depths of the Pocket Dungeon in an action-packed puzzle adventure mashup like none other! Join your mysterious guide Puzzle Knight as you shovel through scads of foes, procure new equipment, and battle bosses both familiar and new. Explore a tale with endless twists and turns, quest as your favorite heroes, and even challenge a friend for fast-paced head-to-head competition in Shovel Knight Pocket Dungeon! Enter a world of falling block puzzle games, with a dungeon-crawling twist! Bump into enemies to battle them and trade damage in a unique combat system. An all-new hybrid that’s never been seen before. Group foes together for massive chain attacks while grabbing keys, power-ups, and potions to refill your health! Take control of more than 10 of your favorite heroes from the Shovel Knight universe, each with a unique power and play style. Take control of more than 10 of your favorite heroes from the Shovel Knight universe, each with a unique power and play style. Equip yourself on the fly with a treasure trove of items and equipment. Mix and match your loadout to prepare for any encounter. Play in a variety of ways with Story Mode, 2 player competitive Versus Mode, a Daily Challenge, and much more! A bold new visual style complements a new story. Learn the ropes from your pal Puzzle Knight as you attempt to escape the mysterious Pocket Dungeon. Shovel Knight’s signature storytelling and humor are on full display! Using your Shovel Knight series Amiibo allows you to call upon a familiar fairy friend to keep you company on your perplexing puzzle adventure!

655. Spore

Sep 7, 2008  •  Rated E10+
From the mind of Will Wright comes SPORE, a journey that takes you from the origin and evolution of life through the development of civilization and technology and eventually all the way into the deepest reaches of outer space. Begin your odyssey at the dawn of life as a simple microbe just trying to survive, then use the fun, intuitive Editors to evolve the creature from its microscopic origins into an intelligent, tool-using race. Guide your species as it builds (and the player designs) villages, buildings, cities, and vehicles. Along the way to becoming a global civilization you can choose whether to hunt or forage, attack or trade, be nice or play rough. All the action takes place in a huge, lush world populated with creatures evolved by other players and shared over SPORE's central servers. When it's ready, your one-time pond scum launches into space in its UFO on a grand voyage of discovery, planet forming, or destruct-ion. As you explore and play in this limitless universe of unique worlds, your personal Sporepedia tracks all the creatures you've met and places you've visited. Take complete control of your creature's fate as you guide it through the following six evolutionary phases: Tidepool phase: Fight with other creatures and consume them to adjust the form and abilities of your creature. It's survival of the fittest at the most microscopic level. Creature phase: Venture onto dry land and help your creature learn and evolve with forays away from your safe haven. Carnivore or Herbivore? Social or Independent? The choice is yours. Tribal phase: Instead of controlling an individual creature, you are now caring for an entire tribe of your genetic craftwork. Give them tools and guide their interactions as you slowly upgrade their state of existence. City phase: Bring your creatures' race into a new golden era by building up the technology, architecture, and infrastructure of their city. Civilization phase: Once your city is established, your creatures begin seeking out and interacting with other cultures. You can have them do so with an olive branch or a war cry—either way, the goal for your creatures is to unify the planet. Space phase: The time has come to move on to other worlds in your solar system. Make first-contact, colonize, or terraform, then venture further to find other solar systems scattered throughout a magnificently rendered galaxy. A 'mission' structure provides new goals and paths to follow as you begin to spread through the universe. [Electronic Arts]
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