Description: Meet the Blubs. They're the wackiest family of eccentric, thumb-sized extraterrestrials you'll ever meet. And guess what - they need your help. Get your blubby brain in gear and help them get the hell off this crazy planet called Earth. Oh...there's a catch - ther're stuck in a stinking rubbish dump and are being relentlessly pursued by a loony gang of drunk and ugly thugs.


  • PC
  • PlayStation
  • Haiku Studios
Publisher: Philips Media


Jamie Alcroft
Cast: Grandma,Grandpa,The Great Khan,The Bad Droopy,Bob,Computer #2,Elvis,Jimmy,Pack Rat
Dee Bradley Baker
Cast: Second In Command,Eskimo,Genie,Little John
Jocelyn Blue
Cast: Grandma Louse #1,Irma,Village Woman
Lisa Brenneis
Cast: Maid Marian,Tortured Frogs
Corey Burton
Cast: Galaxy of Fortune Announcer,Hubert,Majordomo
David L. Lander
Cast: Mr. Blub,Old Louse
Katie Leigh
Cast: The Son,Mother Louse,Washing Machine
Jon Menick
Cast: The Big Idiot,Bum,Clothes Dryer,Construction Worker,Cop,King Richard,Sheriff
Clive Revill
Cast: The Bad Punk,Friar Tuck,Prince John
Neil Ross
Cast: Galaxy of Fortune Host,Hell's Louse,Santa Claus
B.J. Ward
Cast: Mrs. Blub,Computer #1,Grandma Louse #2,Moles
Penny Wiggins
Cast: The Daughter,Grandma Louse #3,Secretary,Slave Frog