Description: Join forces with your closest allies as you unite to defeat your foes in deadly multiplayer battle arenas. League of Legends combines elements from both strategy and role playing games to bring you a unique and dynamic player experience. As a Summoner, you will have your own distinct, customizable avatar that grows in power as you move through the game. In each battle you will select and call forth one of dozens of Champions to control and engage in head-to-head combat against teams of highly trained warriors. Choose your allies wisely, for the stakes are high. In the League, every battle means more than life or death as the balance of power shifts with each victory or defeat. [Riot Games]


  • PC
Initial Release Date: Oct 27, 2009
  • Riot Games
Publisher: Riot Games


Tom Cadwell
Directed By
Jessica Kent
Directed By
Max Folkman
Written By: writer
George Krstic
Written By: senior writer
Ariel Lawrence
Written By
Kim MacAskill
Written By
Ryan Verniere
Written By: writer
Daniel Amerman
Cast: Ezreal (2018 Rework),Pulsefire Ezreal (2018 Rework),Battle Academia Ezreal,Porcelain Protector Ezreal
Laura Bailey
Cast: Akali (Classic),Battle Bunny Miss Fortune,Lunar Beast Miss Fortune
Krizia Bajos
Cast: Akali (Rework)
Bob Beal
Cast: Veigar
Brad Beaumont
Cast: Poros
Molly Benson
Cast: Poppy (Classic)
Micha Berman
Cast: Master Yi,Fiddlesticks (Classic),Lolinfos
JB Blanc
Cast: Braum
Doug Boyd
Cast: Twitch (Classic),Twitch (Rework)
Erik Braa
Cast: Jax,Mecha Kingdoms Jax,Draven,Primetime Draven,Vel'Koz
John Briggs
Cast: Malphite,Gentlemen Cho'Gath
Kelly Burge
Cast: Nidalee
Nicki Burke
Cast: Sejuani (Rework)
Feodor Chin
Cast: Lee Sin (Rework),God Fist Lee Sin (Rework),Storm Dragon Lee Sin
Greg Chun
Cast: Project Yi
Rashida Clendening
Cast: Karma (Rework)
Kevin Connolly
Cast: Vladimir
Cia Court
Cast: Vi
Christiane Crawford
Cast: Anivia (Classic),Anivia (2009 Rework),Anivia (2013 Rework)
Noshir Dalal
Cast: Yone,Dawnbringer Yone,Spirit Blossom Yone
Robbie Daymond
Cast: Kayn,Odyssye Kayn
Antony Del Rio
Cast: Ekko,Project Ekko
Erik Dellums
Cast: Nasus (Rework),Infernal Nasus
Trevor Devall
Cast: Jayce
Marc Diraison
Cast: Zac
Lucien Dodge
Cast: Mega Gnar
Michael Donovan
Cast: Volibear (Classic)
Pat Duke
Cast: Tahm Kench
Holly Earl
Cast: Lillia
Elspeth Eastman
Cast: Tristana (Rework),Dragon Trainer Tristana
Richard Epcar
Cast: Xin Zhao
Nick Epstein
Cast: Zilean
Melissa Fahn
Cast: Miss Fortune (Classic)
James Faulkner
Cast: Swain (Rework)
Zehra Fazal
Cast: Kayle (Rework),Aether Wing Kayle (Rework)
Erin Fitzgerald
Cast: Janna (Rework),Forecast Janna,Sona (Classic),Sona (Rework),DJ Sona,PsyOps Sona
Quinton Flynn
Cast: Jhin,Dark Cosmic Jhin,High Noon Jhin
Franciska Friede
Cast: Irelia: Die Klingentänzerin
Nika Futterman
Cast: Vayne
George Georgiou
Cast: Pantheon (Rework)
J.S. Gilbert
Cast: Alistar,Sion,Cho'Gath,Battlecast Prime Cho'Gath,Dr. Mundo,Corporate Mundo,Udyr,Spirit Guard Udyr,Gragas
Kellen Goff
Cast: Fiddlesticks (Rework),Surprise Party Fiddlesticks
Tania Gunadi
Cast: Alune
Paul Guyet
Cast: Urgot (Rework)
Gavin Hammon
Cast: Varus,Pantheon (Classic),Blood Lord Vladimir
Adam Harrington
Cast: Ryze (Classic),Karthus (Classic),Kassadin,Shaco,Mordekaiser (Classic)
Kyle Hebert
Cast: Graves,Ezreal (Classic),Ezreal (2011 Rework),Pulsefire Ezreal (Classic),Pulsefire Ezreal (2017 Rework),Jarvan IV
Montse Hernandez
Cast: Qiyana
Kate Higgins
Cast: Poppy (Rework)
Melissa Hutchison
Cast: Ashe,Ashe (2018 Rework),Ashe (2019 Rework),Project Ashe,High Noon Ashe,Omega Squad Teemo,Space Groove Teemo
Erik Ireland
Cast: Aatrox (Classic)
Roger Jackson
Cast: Singed
Lucas Jaye
Cast: Nunu (Rework),Nunu (Nunu Bot),Nunu (Workshop),Nunu (Demolisher),Nunu (TPA),Nunu (Zombie)
Dennis Collins Johnson
Cast: Gangplank (Classic),Heimerdinger (Classic),Heimerdinger (Rework),Taric (Classic)
Ali Johnston
Cast: Tristana (Classic)
Alessandro Juliani
Cast: Ziggs,Karthus (Rework)
Mara Junot
Cast: Evelynn (Rework),Coven Evelynn
Alexa Kahn
Cast: Sivir (Rework),Project Vayne,Sentinel Vayne
Neil Kaplan
Cast: Aurelion Sol
Carrie Keranen
Cast: Lux,Lux (Rework),Elementalist Lux,Dark Cosmic Lux,Cosmic Lux,LeBlanc
Christine Brynn Khalil
Cast: Pulsefire Ezreal AI
Rachel Kimsey
Cast: Gun Goddess Miss Fortune
Chuck Kourouklis
Cast: Darius,Dunkmaster Darius,God-King Darius,Kha'Zix
Mai Koythong
Andrea Laudon
Cast: Rell,Briar
Mick Lauer
Cast: God-King Garen
William Lawrenson
Cast: Narrator
Judy Alice Lee
Cast: Pearl
Misty Lee
Cast: Kalista,Maiden of the Mist
Wendee Lee
Cast: Leona,Solar Eclipse Leona,Lunar Eclipse Leona,High Noon Leona
Cherami Leigh
Cast: Irelia (Rework),Aviator Irelia,Nightblade Irelia,Frostblade Irelia,Infiltrator Irelia,Order of the Lotus Irelia,Mythmaker Irelia
Marcella Lentz-Pope
Cast: Kindred (Lamb)
Erica Lindbeck
Cast: Taliyah,Morgana (Rework),Coven Morgana,Zoe
Lisa Lindsley
Cast: Soraka (Classic),Soraka (Rework),Dawnbringer Soraka,Nightbringer Soraka,Kayle (Classic),Aether Wing Kayle (Classic),Irelia (Classic)
Jonathan Lipow
Cast: Willump (Rework),Willump (Workshop),Willump (Demolisher),Willump (TPA),Willump (Zombie)
David Lodge
Cast: Galio (Classic),Gatekeeper Galio (Classic),Skarner,Battlecast Alpha Skarner,Ivern,Candy King Ivern
Natasha Loring
Cast: Kai'Sa,Star Guardian Kai'Sa
Yuri Lowenthal
Cast: Taric (Rework)
Donny Lucas
Cast: Zed,Galaxy Slayer Zed,Debonair Zed
Sunil Malhotra
Cast: Akshan
Logan Margulies
Cast: Brolaf
Tess Masters
Cast: Lissandra
Faye Mata
Cast: Lulu
Lauren C. Mayhew
Cast: Quinn
Gene McDaniels
Cast: Nasus (Classic)
Scott McNeil
Cast: Hecarim,Sion (Rework),Mecha Zero Sion,Final Boss Veigar
Danielle McRae
Cast: Karma (Classic)
Cynthia Kaye McWilliams
Cast: Senna,High Noon Senna
Matthew Mercer
Cast: Gangplank (Rework),Captain Gangplank,Kindred (Wolf)
Vic Mignogna
Cast: Malzahar,Lee Sin (Classic),God Fist Lee Sin (Classic)
Cristina Milizia
Cast: Amumu,Annie,Nunu (Classic)
Dave B. Mitchell
Cast: Warwick (Rework),Ryze (Rework)
Xander Mobus
Cast: Sett,Mecha Kingdoms Sett,Spirit Blossom Sett
Cassandra Lee Morris
Cast: Nami,Yuumi
Sam A. Mowry
Cast: Rhaast,Odyssey Rhaast
Anoush NeVart
Cast: Bel'Veth
Richard Newman
Cast: Nautilus
Tammy Nishimura
Cast: Teemo
Emily O'Brien
Cast: Camille,Samira,PsyOps Samira
Liam O'Brien
Cast: Yasuo,Nightbringer Yasuo,Truth Dragon Yasuo,Dream Dragon Yasuo
Fergus O'Donnell
Cast: Sylas
Mark Oliver
Cast: Thresh,Spirit Blossom Thresh,Dark Star Thresh
Nicole Oliver
Cast: Diana,Winterblessed Diana
Deobia Oparei
Cast: K'Sante
Jason Palmer
Cast: Dragon Trainer Heimerdinger
Michele Panu
Cast: Seraphine,Indie Seraphine,Rising Star Seraphine,Superstar Seraphine
Flora Paulita
Cast: Neeko
Brett Pels
Cast: Syndra,Evelynn (Classic)
Bo Peng
Cast: Draven,Lucian,Braum,Pyke
Heath Pennington
Cast: Orianna
Josh Petersdorf
Cast: Galio (Rework),Gatekeeper Galio (Rework)
Tara Platt
Cast: Katarina (2010 Rework),Katarina (2012 Rework),Battle Queen Katarina
Laura Post
Cast: Ahri,Spirit Blossom Ahri,Star Guardian Ahri
Kirsten Potter
Cast: Caitlyn (Classic),Caitlyn (Rework),Pulsefire Caitlyn,Battle Academia Caitlyn
Jay Preston
Cast: Maokai (Rework)
Jamieson Price
Cast: Garen
Laila Pyne
Cast: Xayah,Star Guardian Xayah
Sydney Rainin-Smith
Cast: Elise,Zyra
Daniel Riordan
Cast: Yorick (Rework)
Sean Rohani
Cast: Udyr (Rework),Spirit Guard Udyr (Rework)
Andrew Rosenberg
Cast: Brand,Zombie Brand
Ari Rubin
Cast: Rumble,Super Galaxy Rumble,Swain (Classic)
Sandra Saad
Cast: Nilah
Philece Sampler
Cast: Kennen,Fizz
Isiah Sanchez
Cast: Aatrox
Rebecca Schweitzer
Cast: Morgana (Classic),Sivir (Classic)
Patrick Seitz
Cast: Kog'Maw,Renekton,Project Renekton,Lucian (Classic)
Darien Sills-Evans
Cast: Pyke,Project Pyke,Empyrean Pyke
Jason Simpson
Cast: Rengar
John Snyder
Cast: Olaf
David Sobolov
Cast: Volibear (Rework)
Brian Sommer
Cast: Tryndamere,Demonblade Tryndamere,Warwick (Classic),Wilump (Classic)
Spike Spencer
Cast: Wukong,Kled
T.J. Storm
Cast: Lucian (Rework),High Noon Lucian
Karen Strassman
Cast: Casseopeia (Classic),Casseopeia (Rework),Fiora,Shyvana
Ronan Summers
Cast: Rakan,Star Guardian Rakan
Fred Tatasciore
Cast: Mordekaiser (Rework),Project Mordekaiser,Sentinel Graves
Armen Taylor
Cast: Dr. Mundo (Rework),Corporate Mundo (Rework)
Sean Teale
Cast: Viego
Owen Thomas
Cast: Viktor,Twisted Fate
Cast: True Damage Ekko
Ramon Tikaram
Cast: Aatrox (Rework)
Joshua Tomar
Cast: Trundle (Rework),Greyor,Finn
Abby Trott
Cast: Gwen
Ralph Twombly
Cast: Corki
Cristina Valenzuela
Cast: Riven,Dawnbringer Riven
Cast: Arcade Miss Fortune
Eric Vesbit
Cast: Yorick (Classic)
Duncan Watt
Cast: Blitzcrank,Rammus
Rolonda Watts
Cast: Illaoi
Cathy Weseluck
Cast: Sejuani (Classic)
Sarah Anne Williams
Cast: Jinx,Star Guardian Jinx
Travis Willingham
Cast: Maokai (Classic),Azir,Talon,Space Groove Blitzcrank (Blitz)
Debra Wilson
Cast: Renata Glasc
Jason Wishnov
Cast: Nocturne,Eternum Nocturne
Joe Zieja
Cast: EXO,Space Groove Blitzcrank (Crank)
Brandon Beck
Produced By: executive producer
Anthony DeCino
Produced By: producer
Alyssa Gentile
Produced By: producer
Travis George
Produced By: producer
Jessie Leigh Hough
Produced By: associate producer
Jessica Kent
Produced By: producer
David Lyerly
Produced By: producer
Marc Merrill
Produced By: executive producer
Pantelis Kassotis
Produced By: sales and marketing
Steve Snow
Produced By: producer
Socrates Ayala
Sound: dialogue editor
Jamie Bafus
Sound: voice over producer - 2016
James Battley
Sound: senior voice recording engineer
Octavio Bernal
Sound: localization recording engineer
Yu Xin Boon
Sound: dialogue editor
Joe Cavers
Sound: sound designer
Eliot Connors
Sound: additional sound design
Aaron Craft
Sound: sound designer
Daniel Crook
Sound: assistant audio engineer
Richard Dekkard
Sound: audio director,supervising sound editor
Daniel P. Francis
Sound: recording engineer: Formosa Interactive LLC,supervising dialogue editor: Formosa Interactive LLC
Jeff Gross
Sound: foley mixer
Ben Harrington
Sound: dialogue editor,recording engineer
Bryan Higa
Sound: Senior Sound Designer
Natalia Hinds
Sound: voice director
Ally Hustings
Sound: Dialogue Recording Engineer
Jason Kanter
Sound: voice director
Kayle Khanmohamed
Sound: asset technician: Formosa Interactive,dialogue editor: Formosa Interactive,technical sound designer: Formosa Interactive
Jacob Kinch
Sound: sound designer: Formosa Interactive, LLC
Michael Kong
Sound: dialogue editor
Erika Koski
Sound: assistant engineer
Dylan Levitt
Sound: sound designer
Kimberly Liwanag
Sound: dialogue editor
Al Lowe
Sound: assistant engineer
Richard Ludlow
Sound: sound supervisor: Hexany Audio
Brian Magrum
Sound: dialogue mixer
Cesar Marenco
Sound: assistant engineer,dialogue editor
Michael McKenzie
Sound: Voice Over: Assistant Engineer
Garrett Montgomery
Sound: dialogue editor,dialogue mastering,recording engineer
Nick Mortillaro
Sound: dialogue recordist
Max Muller
Sound: original dialogue recording engineer
Philip Nauman
Sound: sound designer
Kevin Notar
Sound: sound designer
Kerri Shak
Sound: assistant engineer
Tony Solis
Sound: dialogue editor,sound recordist
Ryan Steinbach
Sound: sound designer: Inkshadow Yasuo Skin
Connor Stock
Sound: dialogue editor
Ruge Sun
Sound: dialogue editor
Mike Thal
Sound: assistant engineer
Charlie Thomas
Sound: recording engineer
Jeremy Underwood
Sound: dialogue recordist
Dan Walsh
Sound: recording engineer
Robert Weiss
Sound: dialogue editor
Chuyue Christina Wen
Sound: dialogue editor
Alyssa Gentile
Casting Director
Jessica Kent
Casting Director
David Lyerly
Casting Director
Alex M. Lehmann
Art Direction
Almu Redondo
Art Direction
Brian J. Alvarez
Visual Effects: visual effects artist
Joshua Archer
Visual Effects: motion capture actor
Christopher Boylan
Visual Effects: cinematic rigger: Twist of Fate trailer
Jason Keyser
Visual Effects: visual effects
Celine Lam
Visual Effects: visual effects coordinator: Blur Studio
James Marcus
Visual Effects: hair and cloth technical director
Dániel Mateidesz
Visual Effects: junior technical compositor: Digic Pictures
Igor Staritsin
Visual Effects: concept artist
Roberto Schiavulli
Production Management: Product Manager
Troy Adam
Art Department: lead effects artist
Wesley Burt
Art Department: concept artist
Wes Keil
Art Department: 2d artist
Michael Maurino
Art Department: senior concept artist
Izzy Medrano
Art Department: Visual Development/World Building
Pio Ravago
Art Department: principal artist
Chance Rowe
Art Department: Lead Character Artist
Mike Laygo
Stunts: stunt performer
Lana Bachynski
Animation: animator
Warren Goff
Animation: senior animator
Jason Hendrich
Animation: Senior Animator,cinematic animator
Jose Hernandez
Animation: animator
Mike Higgins
Animation: senior animator
Christopher Hsing
Animation: animator
Paul Jarvis
Animation: senior animator
Matt Johnson
Animation: animator
Mike Laygo
Animation: senior animator
Alex M. Lehmann
Animation: animation lead,senior character animator
Sean McSheehan
Animation: senior animator
Jeremy Putnam
Animation: technical animator
Jason Shum
Animation: senior animator
Virág Barta
coordinator: Digic
Bayra Bela
cultural consultant
Tom Cadwell
game designer
David W. Collins
additional voice director
Josh Dean
voice director
Balazs Drenkovics
fx lead: Digic
Steve Feak
game designer
Mauro Frau
art director: Digic
Jermaine R. Gill
production coordinator
Colt Hallam
game designer
Róbert Kovács
head of cg: Digic
David Lyerly
voice director
Kevin McMullan
voice director
Tony Oliver
voice director
Alex Sandor Rabb
producer: Digic
Kristi Reed
voice director
Sergey Titov
technical director
René Veilleux
voice director
Fernando Arroyo Lascurain
Music Department: musician
Jeff Ball
Music Department: musician: violin
Cedric Baravaglio
Music Department: composer: additional music
Michael W. Barry
Music Department: orchestrator
Andrea Bellucci
Music Department: composer: champion's theme
Úyanga Bold
Music Department: lead vocalist
Laura Conway
Music Department: solo vocalist
Richard Dekkard
Music Department: composer: additional music
Anne-Kathrin Dern
Music Department: score coordinator: The Freljord / Howling Abyss
Julie Elven
Music Department: solo vocalist
Samuel Ferrari
Music Department: composer: "Vel'Koz Login Screen Music"
Noah Gladstone
Music Department: orchestra contractor
Kelci Hahn
Music Department: singer: Coven Theme,solo vocalist: Gwen, Champion Theme
Felipe Junqueira
Music Department: composer: "Vel'Koz Login Screen Music"
Mason Lieberman
Music Department: musician: electric guitar
Gina Luciani
Music Department: flute soloist
Baraka May
Music Department: choir singer,singer: soloist "Fiddlesticks" official theme,vocal contractor,vocal soloist: Ahri's theme,vocal soloist: Lunar New Year theme,vocal soloist: Ruined King,vocal soloist: Wild Rift
Anthony Parnther
Music Department: conductor
Jean-Gabriel Raynaud
Music Department: composer: additional music
Ray Reinebach
Music Department: musician: violin
Mark Robertson
Music Department: concertmaster
Bart Samolis
Music Department: musician
Anna Schubert
Music Department: singer: Coven Theme
Natalie Babbitt Taylor
Music Department: singer: Coven Theme
Thanh Tran
Music Department: music preparation
Suzanne Waters
Music Department: singer: coven theme
Gerald White
Music Department: singer
Elyse Willis
Music Department: solo vocalist: Morgana's Theme
Vivita Zheng
Music Department: music producer
Julia Bianco
Casting Department: casting
Mami Okada
Casting Department: additional cast and extras
Branden Cobb
Location Management: locations