Making Menudo

Summary Maybe you remember Menudo and maybe you don't. If not, let us explain. Menudo is a legendary five-member, all-Latino boy band that exploded in the 1980s and gave superstars like Ricky Martin, Marc Anthony and Robi Draco Rosa their start. After several years of dormancy, Menudo is being revived for a big comeback -- but we're not talking ...

Making Menudo
S1 • Episode 10
Episode #1.10
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Summary Maybe you remember Menudo and maybe you don't. If not, let us explain. Menudo is a legendary five-member, all-Latino boy band that exploded in the 1980s and gave superstars like Ricky Martin, Marc Anthony and Robi Draco Rosa their start. After several years of dormancy, Menudo is being revived for a big comeback -- but we're not talking ...

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