Best Games of All Time

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13,247 results
13,247 results

13,109. Drug Wars (2009)

Mar 17, 2009
In 3100 A.D., global warming has caused the sea level to rise and engulf the streets of Brooklyn. The land is gone, but society rebuilds the city on top of existing structures, connecting buildings through a network of sky bridges. As the upper class literally moves higher, law enforcement abandons the lower parts of the city, and its less-affluent inhabitants. To meet the upper city's demand for laborers, city leaders contract the Brooklyn Institute of Technology (B.I.T.) to clone a new working class. At the time, the B.I.T. Labs had made incredible advances in cloning; Neanderthals were chosen as the main focus of the research based on their physical resilience. The city's contract called for far more Neanderthal clones than were required, causing the excess and sub-standard Neo-Neanderthals to be discarded to the dregs of the city. The well established mob entity known as the Merchants of Brooklyn saw a lucrative opportunity here - use the bottom dwellers for high stakes fights to the death. It became the new sport of under-city kings. In MERCHANTS OF BROOKLYN, You take the role of an elite Neanderthal fighter with a taste for blood. Having had your arm unwillingly detached from your body courtesy of a chainsaw, your new prototype biomechanical arm transforms into different twisted and brutal weaponry to aid you in the slaughter. Your goal: escape from the under city and free your brethren to take over the upper utopian empire to do with as you please. [Paleo Entertainment]

13,110. The History Channel: Battle for the Pacific

Dec 4, 2007  •  Rated T
The History Channel takes you to the Battle for the Pacific where you will experience history brought to life in one of the defining campaigns of World War II. Relive epic land battles fought on some of the most brutal and unforgiving battlefields in recorded history. Retake strategically important locations throughout the Pacific Theatre that are vital to the allies on the Road to Tokyo. Play through the eyes of an American GI as you experience intense, no holds barred action against an opponent for which surrender isn't an option! Fire authentic allied and axis weaponry including sub-machine guns, sniper rifles, anti-aircraft guns, pistols, and grenades Relive History - each level begins with a documentary video featuring actual battle footage, key facts and statistics, and the importance that the battle ultimately played in the allied victory. Fight from Henderson Field in Guadalcanal through the Philippines to Mount Suribachi on Iwo Jima. Experience some of the most exotic and forbidden battlefields including dense jungles and barren volcanic islands. Face the harsh realities of war as you engage the enemy on the frontlines. Fight alongside squadron members reacting to the events of the battlefield, where fighting is often hand to hand and your objective is simple - defeat the enemy at all costs. Based on actual battles including storming the beaches in an amphibious assault, recapturing a strategic airfield, defending against an enemy assault, going on a search and destroy mission, fighting through fortified caves and scaling Mount Suribachi to plant the American flag. Play online as an American or Japanese soldier in your favorite individual and team based modes including elimination, team elimination, death match, team death match and capture the flag on battlefields painstakingly recreated from topographical maps and historical records. Battles come to life amidst exploding artillery, whistling bullets, falling comrades, unrelenting enemies and much more. [Activision]

13,125. Takedown: Red Sabre

Sep 20, 2013  •  Rated M
In recent years, shooters have become homogenized. There used to be a wide range of different games to choose, from run-and-gun action titles to slow-paced tactical shooters focusing on strategy and tactics, but now most shooters follow the same model of big set pieces, regenerating health, linear levels, and cinematic experiences. The realistic tactical shooters with in-depth planning have almost entirely disappeared in recent years. This project, working title TAKEDOWN, aims to change that. This game, the spiritual successor to games like the original Rainbow Six and SWAT series, will focus on realistic weapons modeling, squad based play, in a close-quarters battle setting. To succeed in this game you need to take things slow, study your plans, and execute flawlessly. If you get shot, there are consequences. You wont be hiding behind a wall waiting for your health to regenerate. If a team member goes down, you will have to assess the situation and reallocate team members if necessary to complete the mission. Don't expect all of the tools and plans to be forced fed to you - it is up to the player to ensure their team is equipped and ready for the tasks at hand. AKEDOWN is a thinking-persons shooter. The player that takes things slow, aims carefully, and plans their moves right will overcome the player who runs in with guns blazing. Close-quarters battle brings the fight inside, as you would see SWAT teams or SOF units taking down small numbers of dangerous adversaries. Non-linear environments allow for multiple routes and tactics and add replayability. The operation to clear pirates from a hijacked oil tanker by Russian special forces in May of 2010 is a perfect example of the types of missions in TAKEDOWN. You will plan your insertions and routes before going into the scenario, outfitting your teammates with weapons and equipment of your choosing, and then execute the mission. If one of your team members is killed, they are gone, and you have lost their valuable experience, so you have to be careful! Gameplay modes include single player, co-op, and competitive multiplayer. If you are a fan of old school shooters where thinking meant more than running and gunning or perks, or if you are just looking for something different in your shooter games experience, this is the project for you.
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