Description: Colorful is a satirical platformer, putting you in the shoes of Dave the bi-polar during his quest for happiness. Dave is subject to violent mood swings, and has been prescribed mood-enhancing medication to maintain his happiness. Your goal is to keep Dave as happy as possible by picking up his prescription medication before the time limit runs out. But don't take them too fast, as a heavy dosage can cause adverse affects. Standing between Dave and his euphoria is a legion of jumps, spikes, and depression. Downers are the embodiment of sadness, walking fountains of tears. Their despondency is contagious and just one touch will send Dave into a fit of depression, preventing him from taking any of his medicine for a few crucial seconds. Guide Dave to happiness before time runs out to get the highest score.


  • PC
Initial Release Date: Nov 1, 2011
Publisher: NAMKCOR