Description: A Pathfinder/3.5 Compatible Adventure for 4-5 level 7 PCs There comes a point in every adventuring career when a guildhall becomes a necessity. After all, where is the fighter going to hang his trophies? Where is the wizard going to perform his arcane experiments? Fortunately for the PCs, Edgewaith Manor is free for the taking. Unfortunately, its a bit of a fixer-upper. Theres some really bad mold in the bathroom, the furnace is temperamental to say the least, and the whole place is infested with interplanar ants. Such are the joys of homeownership. Even worse, a group of treacherous real estate agents want the house for themselves, and theyll stop at nothing to get it. Once the PCs gain access to the manors magical deed, they will have to work quickly to rearrange the rooms, populate them with traps and troops, and prepare to defend the house. In this adventure, the party has the rare opportunity to build a dungeon for the GM! Also included in For Rent, Lease, or Conquest: - A trio of malfunctioning magical items sure to befuddle any adventurer. - PC-eating chicken coops. - A crash course in gnomish architecture. - The chance to befriend a formian monarch and gain the esteemed title Defender of the Colony. - An excellent opportunity to gain a home base suitable for any adventuring party. - Art by White Wolf alumna Laurel Shelley-Reuss. - Designed as a sequel to Death & Taxes, this module also works perfectly as a stand alone adventure. Requires: A Fantasy Grounds full or ultimate license and the included Pathfinder ruleset.


  • PC
Initial Release Date: Jan 26, 2015
  • SmiteWorks USA, LLC
Publisher: SmiteWorks USA, LLC