Description: Hello, you fine, beautiful person! What you’re reading is the description of an iPhone game that features one of the greatest heroes of our awesome generation. His name is FAT KID NINJA. He hates vegetables, as you probably do. As the FAT KID NINJA it’s your job to destroy the veggies, slay as many of them as you can with your ninja sword and star, and bring peace to your dinner table so that you may go back to eating cupcakes again. Good luck! Highlights: * Fat Kid Ninja is one of the cutest kids in the universe, even our moms say so. * The goal of the game is too kill as many evil vegetables as you can before they inevitably kill you. (Sorry. That’s life, dude. Get over it.) * Evil vegetable bad guys who can talk! And grumble! They also have ears, eyes and noses! * Four different special attacks, one of which is lightning because lightning attacks are cool and they feel extra awesome while playing this game in the dark, on your bed, with blankets covering your head. * Cartoons! Find all the Fat Kid cartoons by pressing the button that says TOONS! * Pizza. This game bakes you a pepperoni pizza that you can eat right off your iPhone. Just kidding. We couldn’t make it happen in the programming. Next update. Maybe. Probably not. No, not gonna happen. * Game Center. Unlock delicious cupcake achievements and try to get a higher score than all your friends who are also playing this game, right now as a matter of fact. * Game produced by the demented geniuses at LiquidGeneration.com, who you might know from all those Britney, Lindsay and Paris cartoons and games we’ve made over the years for you. You’re welcome. WE LOVE YOU!


  • iOS (iPhone/iPad)
Initial Release Date: May 2, 2012
  • liquidgeneration.com
Publisher: liquidgeneration.com