Description: Gauntlet offers fast-paced, retro RPG gameplay in addition to the in-depth multiplayer features including cooperative play, and competitive multiplayer. The co-op story mode campaign features 40 maps across three realms, allowing players to experience Gauntlet with up to three friends, banding together with their powers to defeat swarms of demons and skeletons and clear a path to victory. The arcade style competitive multiplayer feature strengthens the addictive Gauntlet experience by introducing ranked multiplayer games like Death Match, Team Death Match and Treasure Hoard game modes across 16 unique maps. Co-op and competitive multiplayer can be hosted locally over Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection. Gauntlet is set in a fantasy-themed universe where evil cloaks the world from the high clouds of Ascendia to the depths of the lava-ridden Abyss. Players can choose from the four classic heroes, Elf, Warrior, Wizard, and Valkyrie, each with their own strengths, weaknesses and special abilities. Throughout the journey, the heroes will slash their way through demonic foes and gain up to four power move abilities to aid them in their battle with evil. [Eidos Interactive]


  • DS
  • Backbone Entertainment
Publisher: Majesco