Description: Levitar for iOS. Thrust, Gravitar, Lunar Lander, all in one. Possibly the best mission-based lander in the App Store!Smooth controls! Fluid gameplay! Maximum performance!Use your ship's tractor beams to transport fuel pods to the collector then activate the reactor and land safely before the reactor explodes. Do all this while not getting shot down or blown up. Use preset bombs to blow holes in the terrain in order to access new areas.40 levels. 15 ranks. Colorful glowy vector graphics. Explosions!Progressive scoring! Each play-thru increases your rank and scoring.Easy controls: tilt to steer, one touch to thrust.Challenging levels: collect fuel, trigger the reactor, escape.Hazards: turrets, patrols, missiles, explosions.Monitor oxygen levels, fuel capacity and shield strength. When any of these reaches zero your ship is destroyed.Global Game Center High Scores!


  • iOS (iPhone/iPad)
Initial Release Date: Jul 19, 2012
  • Les Bird
Publisher: Les Bird