Description: When the interstellar mission to colonize a new world goes awry, the fate of the Letarri people falls into the hands of a lone adventurer. Now it is your task to unravel the mystery of what happened. Can you save them and their mission, or is it already too late?


  • PC
Initial Release Date: Nov 6, 2015
  • Digital Media Workshop
Publisher: Digital Media Workshop


Tom Griffith
Directed By
Mike Morrison
Directed By
Carrie Barton
Cast: Anika ren Narden
Sean Crisden
Cast: Orannis,Vyrse,Pepka
Jason Douglas
Cast: ren Keterek
Allison Gabriel
Cast: Teleda
Tom Griffith
Cast: M. Secarra
Rick Jelinek
Cast: Alavaji
George Ledoux
Cast: Zemith
Lynn McCune
Cast: Reitessa
Dan Nachtrab
Cast: Harije
Tracy Pfau
Cast: Saia Lorvet
Aaron Phillips
Cast: Ashlani
Stephanie Riggio
Cast: A.N.N.I.E.
Gary Ritchie
Cast: Mannet
Anna Vocino
Cast: ren Talove