Description: The main story of Resident Evil Village is now in VR. Technological advances have allowed us to offer players a more immersive experience by using eye tracking and 3D audio, unique to 4K HDR displays, as well as greater graphical fidelity. Chandeliers and furniture within Castle Dimitrescu will be more beautiful than ever before, and the large presence of the Lady herself can be truly appreciated. Playing with the PlayStation VR2 Sense controller in addition to your headset also makes the player feel like they are really in the game! When the player guards with their arms or mimics shooting a gun, Ethan copies the movements in-game. New actions such as dual wielding with a handgun and knife or handgun and shotgun are now possible. It's like the player themselves is the controller! Become Ethan Winters and truly immerse yourself in the world as you fight for your life in Resident Evil Village.


  • PlayStation 5
  • Capcom
Publisher: Capcom