Description: Strife® is a truly free to play, competitive, online ARTS / MOBA. Take control of powerful and versatile heroes, each capable of dominating in unique ways, and exert your will in an epic battle between two teams.


  • PC


Tim Shannon
Directed By: creative director
Don Capone
Cast: Sarkis Aemon
Isabelle Briar
Cast: Trixie
Richard Antony
Cast: Hale
Jay Britton
Cast: Shank,Chester
Arti Ishak
Cast: Caprice
Jimmy Keen
Cast: Bastion
Mark Landis
Cast: Zaku
Brittany Lauda
Cast: Blazer
Paula Lindberg
Cast: Minerva
Elizabeth Maxwell
Cast: Lady Tinder,Cindara
Lani Minella
Cast: Carter
Michael Orenstein
Cast: Moxie,Baldir
Brad Poer
Cast: Fetterstone
George Robinson
Cast: Go Kong,Bandit.0
Sophie Scanlon
Cast: Malady
Lucas Schuneman
Cast: Ace,Nikolai,Buford,Bastion's Executioner,Tutorial Bandit
Spike Spencer
Cast: Rook
Jimmy Xu
Cast: Carter,Vex
Tim Shannon
Produced By: producer
Bradley Lindsay
Animation: animator
Jeremy Moe
Animation: animator