Description: Rocks, Paper, Scissors... with MAGIC! Use your IPhone as a wand and challenge your friends to a real-time Wizard’s Duel! Choose between 3 spells and compete in a rocks, paper, scissors style duel! The limited number of spells makes it really easy to perform the wand gestures helping create a more natural gameplay experience. You’ll be blasting your friends away in intense wizard duels in no time! If you’re a little rusty at dueling don’t worry, there’s also a computer AI that you can practice with so when you challenge your first friend you don’t look stupefied when he curses the mana out of you. ====================================== FEATURING ? Real-time dueling with your friends ? Computer AI that you can practice with ? Leaderboards ? Achievements ? OpenFeint Integration ====================================== NOTES Requires Bluetooth for dueling ====================================== GET THE LATEST WIZARD'S DUEL NEWS! Twitter.com/SuperBoise Facebook.com/NuketheWhale YouTube.com/SuperBoiseStudios


  • iOS (iPhone/iPad)
Initial Release Date: Nov 23, 2010
  • Super Boise
Publisher: Super Boise