Description: Save the show with sound, light and electricity. Brain-building hand-on fun! - 100s of science puzzles - Electrical gadgets - Sound waves - Lasers and light rays


  • PC
  • Edmark
Publisher: Edmark


Bobbi Kotula
Cast: Blaze
Mario Lorenzo
Cast: Surge
Dex Manley
Cast: Riff
David Frederick White
Cast: Announcer
Chuck Bilow
Produced By: executive producer
Scott Clough
Produced By: executive producer
John Young
Music: lead composer
Bryan Bleil
Production Management: product manager
Rita Conley
Production Management: product manager
David Abernathy
Animation: animator
Jeff Brebner
Animation: animator
Ric Ewing
Animation: animator
Brent Flathau
Animation: animator
Charlie Kothe
Animation: animator
Chris Leathers
Animation: animator
Dennis Lewis
Animation: animator
Bill Olmstead
Animation: animator
Wade Pickett
Animation: animator
Mayumi Tanaka
Animation: animator
Kaori Ueno
Animation: animator
Avon Whitehead
Animation: animator
Wali Wilson
Animation: lead animator