Description: Sex, Drugs & Bicycles takes a funny and provocative look at Holland and answers the question: is having month-long double paid vacations, no fear of homelessness & universal healthcare the nightmare we've been warned about? The answer may surprise you. Then again it may not. It really depends on a lot of factors outside our control. The Netherlands may be best known for its windmills and tulips (and marijuana “coffeeshops”), but it’s also a country that is at the forefront of LGBTQI equality, free speech laws, and animal rights. Additionally, the Dutch economy is one of the best in the world, and they’re in the top 5 of almost every quality of life index. Everyone also has excellent health insurance that even covers transgender medical procedures and sex care for the disabled.


Production Company Wildform Media
Release Date Oct 6, 2020
Duration 1 h 26 m
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