My Super Sweet 16

Summary My Super Sweet 16 follows a series of 15 year old girls as they rigorously plan, prep, and finally partake in their sweet 16 party. Will the event be a success? Or a stinker? Will bossy parents, friends, or greedy siblings stand in their path of a dream celebration? Sometimes sixteen... ain't so sweet. Seasons There have been 3 seaso...

My Super Sweet 16
S7 • Episode 7
Episode #7.7
User Score User reviews are not available yet

Summary My Super Sweet 16 follows a series of 15 year old girls as they rigorously plan, prep, and finally partake in their sweet 16 party. Will the event be a success? Or a stinker? Will bossy parents, friends, or greedy siblings stand in their path of a dream celebration? Sometimes sixteen... ain't so sweet. Seasons There have been 3 seaso...

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