Summary Based of the manga Okami to Koshinryo by Isuna Hasekura. Spice and Wolf is about a 25 year old peddler name Craft Lawrence who finds a mysterious and beautiful girl named Horo sleeping in the back of his wagon. He is surprised to find that the girl has ears and a tail and howls when she wakes up. He soon learns that she is the harvest go...

Spice and Wolf
S1 • Episode 7
Ôkami to kôfuku no shippo
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Summary Based of the manga Okami to Koshinryo by Isuna Hasekura. Spice and Wolf is about a 25 year old peddler name Craft Lawrence who finds a mysterious and beautiful girl named Horo sleeping in the back of his wagon. He is surprised to find that the girl has ears and a tail and howls when she wakes up. He soon learns that she is the harvest go...

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