The Real Gilligan's Island

Summary Based off of the popular, original 1960's sitcom, Gilligan's Island, The Real Gilligan's Island will bring the original to life, as seven castaways (each based off of a character of the original series) will be stranded on a deserted island and will have to work together to get themselves back home. To kick off the challenge, two com...

The Real Gilligan's Island
S2 • Episode 7
Episode #2.7
User Score User reviews are not available yet

Summary Based off of the popular, original 1960's sitcom, Gilligan's Island, The Real Gilligan's Island will bring the original to life, as seven castaways (each based off of a character of the original series) will be stranded on a deserted island and will have to work together to get themselves back home. To kick off the challenge, two com...

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