
Summary Unhitched is a single camera comedy that follows the lives of 4 'divorcees': Kate, Tommy, Freddy and Jack 'Gator' Gately. They are all newcomers to the world of dating and have to wade through its messy waters. Unhitched enjoys the same 'gross out' comedy stylized by shows such as Family Guy. FOX ordered 6 episodes for season 1.

S1 • Episode 12
Episode #1.12
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Summary Unhitched is a single camera comedy that follows the lives of 4 'divorcees': Kate, Tommy, Freddy and Jack 'Gator' Gately. They are all newcomers to the world of dating and have to wade through its messy waters. Unhitched enjoys the same 'gross out' comedy stylized by shows such as Family Guy. FOX ordered 6 episodes for season 1.

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