Description: In addition to some new capturables, turrets, and other ships that are available in any game once this expansion is installed, there are two major new factions. The Scourge is your greatest foe, the smartest and most dangerous sub-group of the AI. The Fallen Spire is your greatest ally, providing you with unprecedented firepower. You can use both factions, either, or neither in your campaigns as you wish. Thanks to lobby customization options, you can even force the Scourge to be your ally against other foes, if you prefer.


  • PC
Initial Release Date: Feb 27, 2020
  • Arcen Games, LLC
Publisher: Arcen Games, LLC


Nathan Frisson
Cast: The AI
Alicia Harris
Cast: Alicia Peterson, Ark Chief of Staff
Tara Ann
Cast: Vice-Admiral, Raider Flotilla
Eric Hollaway
Cast: Admiral, Flagship Command
David Allan
Cast: Councillor Alan Edwards
Tosin Akintuyosi
Cast: Vice-Admiral, Turret Division
Brandon Bell
Cast: Councillor, Elijah Freeman
Grace Bjarnson
Cast: Vice-Admiral, Melee Division
Carlos Cerrato
Cast: Vice-Admiral, Missile Corvette Flotilla
Eric Gerstein
Cast: Trailer 2 Narrator
Kristen Hagopian
Cast: Councillor, Cheryl Harris
Richard Hall
Cast: Vice-Admiral, Saboteur Division
Elin Innala
Cast: Vice-Admiral, Special Ops
Megumi Kabe
Cast: Vice-Admiral, AOE Division
Mathilde Peraud
Cast: Councillor, Lucie Leroux
Brendan Reilly
Cast: Vice-Admiral, Bomber Flotilla
Timo Sleinleitner
Cast: Councillor, Niklas Wagner
Steve Steels
Cast: Councillor, Jack Bishop
Christopher Tester
Cast: Vice-Admiral, Sniper Division
Fiona Williams
Cast: Trailer 1 Monologue
Ron Yap
Cast: Councillor, Lee Sen
Karsten Behrmann
volunteer multi-threading specialist
Quinn Beltramo
Kickstarter support, website admin and support
Danette Blue
lead modeler/painter/icon designer/logo designer
Chris Bowers
technical art integration, XML, and formation design
Willard Davis
volunteer developer/QA MVP and faction designer
Erik Johnson
marketing, PR, and Kickstarter
Keith LaMothe
lead designer and programmer phase 1