Description: Particules Studio presents Barrett Foster, a realistic and immersive puzzle game in which you play as the famous inspector to solve a dramatic personal investigation: The disappearance of his close friends, Emma and Gabriel, in murky circumstances. The starting point of this adventure is a phone call received from Emma and informing Barrett Foster that they must leave their home urgently for a matter of life! In the continuity of the Prologue, you resume the investigation after it has taken a dramatic turn. Indeed, in this chapter 1, the inspector wakes up with a headache, in a small closed room and on the 60th floor of a skyscraper! You will once again have to put yourself in the shoes of a real inspector by exploring your environment while paying attention to every detail to hope to escape from this building!


  • PC
Initial Release Date: Jun 1, 2023
  • Particules Studio
Publisher: Particules Studio