Description: Strange things happen when you look at the world through the eyes of a ten-year-old boy with an overactive imagination. Ordinary fears turn into haunting, yet hysterically wacky nightmares. While exploring the depths of his hilarious dreams, you'll help Ned conquer his fears by confronting them yourself. Explore a creepy toilet underworld. Evade a slithering plumber's snake. Fight monster molars and more. That's the world of Nightmare Ned. A world of adventure-packed gameplay where fear is fun-and the fun never stops.


  • PC


Walt Dohrn
Directed By
Matthew Flynn
Written By
Courtland Mead
Cast: Ned Needlemeyer
Lani Minella
Cast: Mrs. Needlemeyer
Harry Anderson
Cast: Graveyard Shadow Creature,Ted Needlemeyer
Alexandra Wentworth
Cast: Medical Shadow Creature,Dr. Klutzchnik
Jeff Cesario
Cast: School Shadow Creature,Billy Blatfield
Jill Fischer
Cast: Attic, Basement, and Beyond Shadow Creature,Sally
Edie McClurg
Cast: Dragon
Craig Allen
Produced By: executive producer
Leila Chang
Produced By: producer
David Molina
Produced By: executive producer
Andrea Romero
Produced By: executive producer: Virtual Magic
Sue Shakespeare
Produced By: executive producer
Terry Shakespeare
Produced By: executive producer
Walt Dohrn
Art Direction
Natasha Sasic
Art Direction
Christina Vann
Art Direction
Stephanie Herron
Production Management: production manager
Janet Piggott
Production Management: production manager: Virtual Magic
Monica Zorman
Production Management: production manager
Lee Beardall
Animation: animator
John Behrns
Animation: assistant animator
Rodney Bills
Animation: animator
Claude Chiasson
Animation: lead key assistant animator
Jesse Cosio
Animation: animator
Walt Dohrn
Animation: animation director
Rich Draper
Animation: assistant animator
Connor Flynn
Animation: animator
Brad Forbush
Animation: animator
Ron Friedman
Animation: animator
Ernie Gilbert
Animation: animator
Greg Hill
Animation: animator
Ashley Lenz
Animation: animator
Shawn Murday
Animation: lead key assistant animator
Laura Nichols
Animation: key assistant animator
John Pearson
Animation: animator
Silvia Pompei
Animation: animator
Sandra Ryan-Moran
Animation: key assistant animator
CJ Sarachene
Animation: key assistant animator
Natasha Sasic
Animation: animation director
Marty Scully
Animation: animator
Nicole Stinn
Animation: key assistant animator
Oliver Wade
Animation: animation director
Deke Wightman
Animation: animator
Konrad Winterlich
Animation: animator