Description: [Xbox Live Arcade] Roogoo updates the square peg in a round hole premise to a whole new level. Help the Roogoo defeat their enemies, the evil Meemoo, in Roogoo, a new and innovative action-based puzzler. Players line up multiple platforms on different levels to allow shaped blocks to pass through and once enough of them stack up, that particular shape closes off. A simple premise becomes more complicated as Meemoos begin to obstruct players' paths, and butterflies attempt to steal blocks away. Players must swivel, roll, and boost their way through 45 puzzle-filled levels alone or with up to four friends in cooperative party mode play. For those with a more competitive spirit, Roogoo offers a two-player multiplayer mode over Xbox Live where players battle to solve the same puzzle and can build up attacks to thwart their competitors' efforts. [SpiderMonk]


  • PC
  • Xbox 360
Initial Release Date: Jun 4, 2008
  • SpiderMonk
Publisher: SouthPeak Games