Description: AI War II is a grand strategy/RTS hybrid against an overwhelming, inhuman enemy who has conquered the galaxy. The enemy has made only a single error: underestimating you. You must steal as much technology as you can, and take enough territory to fortify your bases and launch your attacks.


  • PC
Initial Release Date: Oct 22, 2019
  • Arcen Games, LLC
Publisher: Arcen Games, LLC


Nathan Frisson
Cast: The AI
Alicia Harris
Cast: Alicia Peterson, Ark Chief of Staff
Tara Ann
Cast: Vice-Admiral, Raider Flotilla
Eric Hollaway
Cast: Admiral, Flagship Command
David Allan
Cast: Councillor Alan Edwards
Tosin Akintuyosi
Cast: Vice-Admiral, Turret Division
Brandon Bell
Cast: Councillor, Elijah Freeman
Grace Bjarnson
Cast: Vice-Admiral, Melee Division
Carlos Cerrato
Cast: Vice-Admiral, Missile Corvette Flotilla
Eric Gerstein
Cast: Trailer 2 Narrator
Kristen Hagopian
Cast: Councillor, Cheryl Harris
Richard Hall
Cast: Vice-Admiral, Saboteur Division
Elin Innala
Cast: Vice-Admiral, Special Ops
Megumi Kabe
Cast: Vice-Admiral, AOE Division
Mathilde Peraud
Cast: Councillor, Lucie Leroux
Brendan Reilly
Cast: Vice-Admiral, Bomber Flotilla
Timo Sleinleitner
Cast: Councillor, Niklas Wagner
Steve Steels
Cast: Councillor, Jack Bishop
Christopher Tester
Cast: Vice-Admiral, Sniper Division
Fiona Williams
Cast: Trailer 1 Monologue
Ron Yap
Cast: Councillor, Lee Sen
Karsten Behrmann
volunteer multi-threading specialist
Quinn Beltramo
Kickstarter support, website admin and support
Danette Blue
lead modeler/painter/icon designer/logo designer
Chris Bowers
technical art integration, XML, and formation design
Willard Davis
volunteer developer/QA MVP and faction designer
Erik Johnson
marketing, PR, and Kickstarter
Keith LaMothe
lead designer and programmer phase 1