Description: It's you against yourself. And the clock. Easy enough. Except for the barrage of barriers that stand between you and the finish line. And, oh yes, little inconveniences such as rats the size of cars eager to leave a sharp impression on you. Don't let that stop you. After all, the measure of true success is the amount of obstacles one must overcome. Like hurdles that bring to mind skyscrapers. And big barrels, as in rolling right at your legs. And potholes. Jump on a skateboard and speed over the green slime tiles. Ever wonder what it would feel like to get shot out of a cannon? There're springboards along the course that'll shoot you through mid-air like a surface-to-air missile. Save your breath. There are 24 levels in all and each gets harder and harder as you go along. Metrocross - the fastest, most challenging, most cockamamie course ever conceived by man or beast.


  • Nintendo Switch
  • PlayStation 4
Initial Release Date: Aug 18, 2022
  • Hamster
Publisher: Hamster