Description: Play Outside is a game in which you can do your favorite activities ... on your PC! (without really going outside). You can do activities such as: walk, explore new maps, drive, swim in the pool in your yard, go to the beach and relax, explore the planet Mars, you can walk through a Japanese village , etc. and for those who don't want to go out like that, they can sit on the couch and watch it rain outside while listening to relaxing music. You can relax by throwing objects in all directions to release stress or you can play in the park swinging, slide or spin on the wheel until you feel dizzy. This game is for those who want to relax discovering new maps, listening to music while watching the rain on the window, throwing objects up and down and many other satisfying and relaxing activities. So, if you want to go to places where you do not have access or you do not have the opportunity to go and relax, this game is right for you.


  • PC