
Summary The six-hour miniseries dramatizes the struggles and challenges of King Tut's (Avan Jogia) reign as others in his circle including Grand Vizier Ay (Ben Kingsley), sister-wife Ankhe (Sibylla Deen), High Priest Amun (Alexander Siddig), and General Horemheb (Nonso Anozie) scheme for their own power.

S1 • Episode 5
Episode #1.5
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Summary The six-hour miniseries dramatizes the struggles and challenges of King Tut's (Avan Jogia) reign as others in his circle including Grand Vizier Ay (Ben Kingsley), sister-wife Ankhe (Sibylla Deen), High Priest Amun (Alexander Siddig), and General Horemheb (Nonso Anozie) scheme for their own power.

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