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12,747 results

3,919. The Settlers: Rise of an Empire

Sep 25, 2007  •  Rated E10+
In The Settlers: Rise of an Empire, the player builds lively, bustling towns in a medieval world. Each settler has his or her own daily routine, with a range of different actions and behaviors that can be observed by the player at all times. This enables the player to get the best out of the settlers, build up a flourishing economy, tend to the settlers’ needs and protect the empire against danger from the outside. By expanding the empire, the player can aspire to becoming a legendary king or queen. The game features an immersive, yet transparent economic system based on the resources, wares and goods produced by the settlers in their various trades and occupations. Create big, bustling medieval cities: Plot your expansion, manage your resources wisely and provide for your people. The Settlers Rise of an Empire offers gameplay that is easy to pick up and allows everybody from newbies to strategy experts to enjoy the game. Protect your citizens and your empire: Build up armies, vehicles and walls to protect your empire. Everything depends on your economy: Is your empire wealthy enough to supply a powerful defense force? Work together with one friend and play against another team: Will your division of labor be efficient enough to beat your opponent? A full living, detailed atmosphere: The RenderWare engine creates an extremely detailed universe with numerous plants, animals and other details that will attract the player. Four climatic zones: The four climatic zones and four seasons have full impact on recourse management and gameplay. Natural interaction of Settlers: All Settlers have their own daily lives and they interact naturally with each other. [Ubisoft]

3,928. Bomberman Ultra

Jun 11, 2009  •  Rated E
[Playstation Network] Bomberman Ultra includes all the classic gameplay elements that have made the series famous over the past few decades. Power-ups are as fun as ever and prove useful in order to dominate your opponents. And of course, the fast and frantic multiplayer action always keeps things heated! Along with the above features, Bomberman Ultra is packed with all of the options you'd expect for non-stop fun. Allowing for full customization of your character, Bomberman Ultra allows you to pick and choose from countless accessories, body styles, and other fashions to make a wholly unique Bomberman character! Feel like going as a pirate dressed in a tutu? Go for it. Up for a more space man look with a ninja suit on? By all means. The full Bomberman costume wardrobe is immediately unlockable at the very start of the game giving you more than 150,000 unique combinations. Fans find outrageous level designs across 14 stages that challenge gamers from all backgrounds. Keep a sharp eye as most stages have one or more unique gimmicks to add a little challenge to the map! From hazardous trap doors to deadly tornadoes, your character will usually have a lot more to worry about than your rivals trying to bomb you. Of course the real fun in Bomberman is the multiplayer! Bring your custom look to the battle arena with full 8 player online multiplayer over PSN and 4 player local multiplayer. A bevy of options are also available to you when setting up your frenzied matches to tailor them the way you’d like. From active gimmicks on the map to other gameplay options, every battle is yours to make your own. [Hudson]

3,935. Medal of Honor Heroes

Oct 20, 2006  •  Rated T
Medal of Honor Heroes give gamers the chance to take all the epic, authentic World War II action of Medal of Honor on the PSP. With a unique storyline and PSP-specific feature set, players experience a totally new single player campaign and choose from six different Multiplayer modes within 15 different maps, while participating in wireless Multiplayer sessions with up to 32 players. Or choose to play with up to 8 players across the room in a local Ad hoc game. "Quickplay" missions in skirmish mode allows players to jump right into the action or customize mission scenarios for added re-playability. Unlock over 20 classic characters to use in multiplayer games. Take on the role of Lieutenant Jimmy Patterson – star of Medal of Honor, and Medal of Honor Frontline – in an untold chapter of his time in Holland as part of Operation Market Garden. Play as Sergeant John Baker, from Medal of Honor Allied Assault Breakthrough, and sabotage German defenses on the Italian coastline to help the invasion forces crack Hitler’s iron hold on Europe. Don the officer’s cap of Lieutenant William Holt from Medal of Honor European Assault – and return to the Ardennes Forest during the Battle of the Bulge to complete unfinished business for the OSS. The Medal of Honor development teams continue to ensure that the ideals and integrity of the prestigious congressional Medal of Honor are accurately reflected within the game series. [Electronic Arts]
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