Description: You are here to take your last job as a prison officer, but be aware for what kind of horror is waiting for you... Your job is simply to watch the cameras and free the innocents at the right time; you do not need to worry about them after they leave the prison, just pay attention for the next one. In total, you have four innocents, each one needs to be freed after a specific time in a specific order to make everything goes well. Your job is to monitor the cameras at the control room, having six guards to send to energy production or medicine collection, meaning that you can't leave the prison, run out of energy or let yourself go insane. Of course if you know where the prisoner is, it will be more safer to your guards if you send they to where the prisoner isn't. A map can be accessed to see the prison blocks and in what cell will have medicine, but keep in mind that the prisoner knows where all medicine is. Camera files eventually goes corrupted if the prisoner gets close to them. A warning will appear on the map monitor if a camera is high corrupted, but be sure that you access them before it corrupts even more. If not, the camera is eventually irreversibly corrupted and you will repair it yourself. Over time, camera corruption can be inevitable, and if one guard dies... You have no guarantee that you will not see him after that.


  • PC
Initial Release Date: Feb 15, 2020
  • Twisted Gentleman
Publisher: Twisted Gentleman