• Record Label: !K7
  • Release Date: Mar 22, 2019

Universal acclaim - based on 8 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 8 out of 8
  2. Mixed: 0 out of 8
  3. Negative: 0 out of 8
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  1. The Wire
    Apr 3, 2019
    She delivers an almost unrelentingly banging techno set whose cuts, while perhaps underground, could never be referred to as deconstructed. [Apr 2019, p.57]
  2. Mar 25, 2019
    The tracklist, and the fleet-footed manner in which Halo mixes these selections, provides an excellent snapshot of 2019 dance music, one that is being propelled by a unrelenting tide of weirdness. It never quite reaches superlative highs or lows but it ticks along tirelessly, getting better with repeated listens.
  3. Mar 25, 2019
    Body music for heady dancers, this is a triumph of dance music at its trippiest, and in its controlled weirdness lies real liberation.
  4. Mar 22, 2019
    A whirlwind but very well-paced tour of trends and tendencies across a plethora of genres, subgenres, rhythms and textures, and nothing that we hear last longer than three minutes before morphing into something else.
  5. Mar 22, 2019
    The mix never seems to have a specific direction in mind; what's more important is the fact that the energy is kept up throughout, as well as the level of anticipation.
  6. Mar 22, 2019
    Halo expertly shuffles musical microclimates like a card shark elbow greasing a three card molly hustle.
  7. Mar 22, 2019
    For all its appeal, DJ-Kicks isn't necessarily Halo's most striking mix. Her 2017 Boiler Room, which incorporated UK funky, grime-adjacent tracks, Príncipe anthems and Whitney Houston, felt slightly fresher, more expressive. But DJ-Kicks is still a success, a standout club mix that reflects the individual streak that runs through Halo's work.
  8. 90
    Through this combination of the ethereal and the eccentric, Halo has curated a mix that twists neatly around her musical influences whilst lending an intimate sense of her own direction as a producer and DJ. It is a seamless collection rooted firmly in the contemporary which hints at a musician in complete artistic control.

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