
Generally favorable reviews - based on 6 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 5 out of 6
  2. Negative: 0 out of 6
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  1. The Wire
    Sep 6, 2023
    Combining live ensemble performances by an 11-piece instrumental group, string quartet and four vocalists, with brief AutoTuned solo interludes, this is above all, a collective music. [Sep 2023, p.60]
  2. Mojo
    Apr 18, 2023
    The music makes fearsome sense on its own, but a viewing of The Cry Of Jazz is recommended before listening. [Jun 2023, p.87]
  3. Uncut
    Apr 14, 2023
    Most of this album is more laudable than listenable. [Jun 2023, p.26]
  4. Apr 14, 2023
    Requiem for Jazz is a complex record, requiring sustained attention and careful thought. Though it lacks the fiery rage and visceral immediacy of 2020’s LIVE, its nuanced critique of jazz’s role in Black history is an important and necessary continuation of the conversation that Bland began over six decades ago.
  5. Apr 14, 2023
    The usual downside of a live recording is that you’re left with a somewhat faint imprint of the feeling in the moment. But this album elevates the form, and further marks Dawid out as one of the most vital avant-garde artists of her time.
  6. The Quietus
    Apr 14, 2023
    The live recordings feel raw and vibrant, capturing the energy of the performance, the power of the music, and the subtlety of emotion.

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