
Generally favorable reviews - based on 7 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 4 out of 7
  2. Negative: 0 out of 7
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  1. Apr 30, 2021
    The lack of instrumental country accouterments heightens the album's stylized spaciness; it's not earthbound, it floats upon a breeze. Sometimes, Rosegold threatens to drift away yet it's never threadbare: it's a singular mood piece, one that suits a spell of twilight reflection.
  2. Apr 30, 2021
    The Tennessee native shows a dreamier, more daring side of herself on Rosegold, implementing bold new production elements along the way.
  3. May 4, 2021
    This might be her least distinguished set of songs to date, relying too heavily on cliché (“I’m flying without even trying”) and vague, pat sentiment (“Sometimes it doesn’t come together ’til it breaks”).
  4. Rolling Stone
    May 6, 2021
    Like Portishead if they spent a weekend in a Nashville studio. [May 2021, p.76]
  5. Apr 30, 2021
    That lack of lyrical substance isn’t a problem just because we expect more from a songwriter with as compelling a discography as Monroe’s, but because the album’s production—crisp and bright but mostly two dimensional—isn’t interesting enough to carry the songs.
  6. Uncut
    Apr 30, 2021
    The mood here is uplifting and thankful – for family, friends, opportunity – as she mostly forgoes her usual country-folk stylings for something closer to R&B and impressionistic pop. [Jun 2021, p.28]
  7. May 3, 2021
    As it is, there are a handful of worthwhile singles worth mining, but unlike Monroe’s work to date, as a whole the album doesn’t coalesce as it could have.
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User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 0 out of 1
  2. Mixed: 0 out of 1
  3. Negative: 1 out of 1
  1. Aug 10, 2022
    I guest I have myself to blame. I been a huge fan of Ms. Monroe since i heard like a rose(the single), and i followed it up by listening toI guest I have myself to blame. I been a huge fan of Ms. Monroe since i heard like a rose(the single), and i followed it up by listening to the album and it was great, and the blade might have been even better if not just as good and like a idiot i wanted her to experiment with other sounds. I guest that's what this is a different kind of country music i guest but i wasn't feeling this one at all. Even Sparrow had some good tracks on it, although i didn't like it much. This one I couldn't get into at all. Now i really which she would return to traditionally country songs and sounds. Full Review »