
Mixed or average reviews - based on 8 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 2 out of 8
  2. Negative: 0 out of 8
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  1. Entertainment Weekly
    Nov 11, 2011
    She sounds like a showbiz bet marking time. [11 Nov 2011, p.75]
  2. Boyle's versions are professionally executed but phenomenally dreary.
  3. Nov 7, 2011
    Boyle has proven herself capable of doing one thing and one thing only, and Someone to Watch Over Me simply doesn't change that.
  4. 60
    Her overemphasised enunciation puts Boyle firmly in the Julie Andrews stage show tradition but, at her best, she rises above inoffensive background music to gently brush the emotions.
  5. Nov 2, 2011
    Someone To Watch Over Me has the makings of a perfectly solid mopey-piano-girl album, largely eschewing chest-beating for a coarser-grained approach that serves the singer rather well.
  6. Oct 31, 2011
    Boyle isn't an interpreter, necessarily, finding new meanings of songs; instead, the songs are pitched toward her specific skills, so there's an inevitable sameness to her albums, as they all consist of slow, pretty versions of songs you know by heart.
  7. Oct 31, 2011
    Three albums in, Boyle sounds like she's finally arriving.
  8. Oct 31, 2011
    Cut by cut, Someone to Watch Over Me is not as strong as its forerunners.
User Score

Mixed or average reviews- based on 10 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 4 out of 10
  2. Negative: 4 out of 10
  1. Nov 10, 2011
    What a shocking album, way to slow, doesn't have anything there to keep me interested in the album. The album sound like a desperate attemptWhat a shocking album, way to slow, doesn't have anything there to keep me interested in the album. The album sound like a desperate attempt to build her her previous success, but it fails miserably. Her vocals aren't as strong and yh the songs just aren't interesting. Its just a way to slow album for mainstream success. Full Review »
  2. Nov 2, 2011
    Some music critics arent telling u how they tweeted on Review day of how they dreaded reviewing her cd b4 they even did. Many were biased 2Some music critics arent telling u how they tweeted on Review day of how they dreaded reviewing her cd b4 they even did. Many were biased 2 begin with.
    One called her a church rodent whom only sang â
    Full Review »