
Generally favorable reviews - based on 11 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 9 out of 11
  2. Negative: 0 out of 11
  1. Law of Large Numbers won’t sneak up and hit you over the head, but it will sneak up on you.
  2. While sentimental on occasion, and certainly possessed by a lovelorn spirit that should connect with all but the hardest of hearts, The Law of Large Numbers never comes across cloyingly, its content ably handled and expressed with the same cliché-free purity The Delgados mastered.
  3. Although a little inconsistent in its layout, The Law of Large Numbers packs that same precise bite that brought the Delgados to public knowledge, scaled down/expanded to suit its creator, who before writing songs was a physicist.
  4. The numerous instruments, varied influences and genre-hopping arrangements on The Law Of Large Numbers, along with Pollock’s own musical talents, results in some emotive indie-rock whose repeated plays will be justified and rewarded.
  5. Whereas Pollock’s 4AD debut was fairly charming and instant but a little slight, The Law of Large Numbers is the total opposite; a wonderfully simple, clever and loveable record initially masquerading as a complex and awkward one.
  6. Mojo
    Pollack's velvety, diction-rich voice shines on the syncopated, a cappella intro of "The Loop," and her idiosyncratic, mostly cryptic lyrics can be striking. [Apr 2010, p.104]
  7. Now Pollock has rediscovered her former band’s grandiose esoterica and stark, scratchy danger.
  8. The Law of Large Numbers is a smartly sequenced record.
  9. Emma Pollock is back home among friends with independence and creativity. Singer and songwriter she is, but this album is thankfully greater than the sum of those parts.
  10. Q Magazine
    Few tracks are any way immediate. [Apr 2010, p.116]
  11. Under The Radar
    Pollack's released her second solo album, The Law Of Large Numbers, which is dramatically removed stylistically from Fireworks, yet outstrips it in pure songwriting acumen. [Spring 2010, p.70]

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