
Universal acclaim - based on 9 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 8 out of 9
  2. Negative: 0 out of 9
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  1. Classic Rock Magazine
    Dec 18, 2014
    It may not be as glorious as some would have had us believe first time round; it's still a great album, but here it's packaged with the extra components that could have made it a better one. [Oct 2014, p.101]
  2. Oct 9, 2014
    It’s the boorishness of their football hooligan fanbase, the bravado that they failed to deliver on in their later years and the all-consuming nature of the brothers’ public personas that you really need to put to one side when you listen to records like this one; if you can manage that, and overlook the cynical nature of this release, then you’re left with three discs that contain a generous selection of some of the finest rock songs that a British band ever produced.
  3. 100
    As well as Morning Glory holds up, it's the 14 B sides guitarist and main songwriter Noel threw away nearly two decades ago that make up the fantastically gooey center of a new three-disc package.
  4. Magnet
    Nov 5, 2014
    Twenty years later then, Glory remains, for better or worse, a totemic symbol of a n overinflated, overexcited era that now seems long, long gone and scarcely conceivable. [No. 114, p.51]
  5. Mojo
    Dec 12, 2014
    For all its flaws, the outcome remains spectacular. [Oct 2014, p.103]
  6. Oct 9, 2014
    This Deluxe Edition does a great job of rounding up the group’s excellent B-sides (including a few that didn’t make it on to The Masterplan), but given how few insights are truly gained through all of these bonuses and rarities, only the most devoted of Oasis fans need apply, as Morning Glory‘s legacy is the same as it ever was, this Deluxe Edition doing shockingly little to alter it in any notable way.
  7. Oct 19, 2014
    True, it’s rarely a subtle listen, continually more light than shade, but almost 20 years after its release, … Morning Glory can still excite. Some Might Say remains an awful drudge of a lead single, but the rest, pretty much in its entirety, is surprisingly refreshing to revisit.
  8. 85
    As the album plays, even now, it’s clear why so many people got involved, it may not be something you head towards when putting a record on these days but as a long player, like all the best albums, it plays like a greatest hits collection.
  9. Oct 9, 2014
    What makes the set worthwhile are the live tracks and demos.... The largeness of these songs and the powerful punch they packed as both radio hits and Britpop anthems continues to resonate nearly 20 years after the fact.
User Score

Universal acclaim- based on 131 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Negative: 14 out of 131
  1. May 7, 2017
    The word influential means powerful or important, of having great influence on someone or something. When you talk about influential albumsThe word influential means powerful or important, of having great influence on someone or something. When you talk about influential albums you'll get plenty of opinions, often the albums that get mentioned are groundbreaking, defining new genres of music and doing something thats never been done before. Oasis have many detractors, but when you look at "What's the Story.." it matches the defintion of influential. It didn't break new ground musically or anything like that, but it was a powerful record that influenced thousands of people who were between 12 and 30 in 1995 to pick up a guitar many of whom went on to make albums themselves. From the swaggering opener "Hello" to the epic culmination of "Champagne Supernova", the Gallagher brothers created something that defined a place and time with this record. At its best its timeless, "Wonderwall", "Don't Look Back in Anger" and "Some Might Say" are just that, with the middle one of that trio being one of the greatest tracks ever written in my opinion. At its worst ("Hey Now", "Roll With It"), the confidence oozing from the speakers is still convincing the listener that you are listening to something of cultural importance. In my part of the world, "Whats the Story" was one of those albums that could be found in every second house you went into. At most, you get 3 or 4 or those albums a decade. Listening to it today - Liam Gallaghers voice is still pristine, pre the wear and tear or the rock n roll life style. The production, where on later records became bloated, is ambitious and at times majestic on this record. Most of the songs are anthems and you can't really argue with Noel Gallagher's self belief that he is a songwriting genius. A true classic. Full Review »
  2. Mar 15, 2015
    10/10, because i think it's so bloody great. champagne supernova, wonderwall, don't look back in anger, she's electric are just masterpieces.10/10, because i think it's so bloody great. champagne supernova, wonderwall, don't look back in anger, she's electric are just masterpieces. and i don't know which oasis' album is better - the first or the second one Full Review »
  3. Aug 23, 2015
    love it love it love it love it love it love it love it love it love it love it love it love it love it love it love it love it love it lovelove it love it love it love it love it love it love it love it love it love it love it love it love it love it love it love it love it love it love it love it love it Full Review »