Games Like 'Stray' to Play Next

There's nothing quite like 'Stray' on the market, but there are plenty of atmospheric RPGs and animal-driven titles that scratch a similar itch.
by Jon Bitner — 


Annapurna Interactive

Featuring an adorable feline protagonist and a striking cyberpunk atmosphere, Stray was all but guaranteed to be a hit. The emotional adventure game pulled in over 50,000 concurrent players on Steam just days after release, making it the biggest ever PC game launch for publisher Annapurna Interactive. Critics are just as pleased with the game, as Stray is currently holding down a favorable 84 Metascore.

Stray understands that a lovable main character will only get you so far — in order to thrive, a good adventure game needs an atmospheric world to explore, innovative puzzles, and a narrative that's compelling enough to keep the player pawing away at their controller. Each location in Stray is teeming with interactive objects and incredible vistas to soak in. Platforming feels fluid, strolling  through the neon-soaked streets is brought to life by great animations, and there's enough variety in gameplay mechanics to keep you chugging along until the credits roll.

No doubt Stray is one of the standout indies of 2022, but players have been shocked to learn that the entire journey only lasts for about five hours. Each hour is packed full of action, but you'll probably need another game to fill the void left by your new favorite cat-based video game. There's nothing quite like Stray on the market, but there are plenty of atmospheric RPGs and animal-driven titles that scratch a similar itch. From Journey and Tunic to Ecco and Okami, there's bound to be a something that piques your interest.

Here are 10 games like Stray to play next, listed by Metascore.



Journey (PS3)

Metascore: 92
Best for: Fans of emotional, minimalistic narratives
Where to buy: 

Also available on: iOS, PC, PS4

Journey is an emotionally powerful game. It gives you the simple task of trekking towards a mountain on the horizon — and that's pretty much it. What makes it so incredible is the lack of voice-overs from its characters, with visual-only cutscenes helping you piece together your mysterious mission. Other real players will periodically pop into your game, and the lack of text or voice chat means you'll need to find other ways to communicate. It's an impactful game filled with unique environments and gameplay unlike anything else in the industry, and it's just as compelling today as it was in 2012.

"Journey isn't a game — it's an experience. The few hours that this complete gem contains are completely breathtaking, and cement Thatgamecompany's status as visionaries." — Eurogamer Sweden

Okami HD


Okami HD (PS3)

Metascore: 90
Best for: Fans of atmospheric adventure games
Where to buy:

Also available on: PC, PS4, Switch, XB1

Whether you've played the original or are experiencing Okami for the first time, this HD version is worth picking up. Players on PS3 will benefit from improved graphics, but folks on PS4 or Xbox One will be able to play in 4K. That small change makes a big difference, as Okami is all about its visuals. Each location you visit feels like a painting brought to life, with vibrant colors and special effects adding a visual flair to all your actions. Regardless of which console you're playing on (or what resolution it's running at), Okami is a breathtaking adventure game that all fans of Stray will enjoy.

"With its new face, Okami HD has never been so close to perfection, deserving its legendary status thanks to its beautiful visuals and its amazing soundtrack." — JeuxActu

Ori and the Will of the Wisps

Microsoft Studios

Ori and the Will of the Wisps (XB1)

Metascore: 90
Best for: Fans of challenging metroidvanias
Where to buy:

Also available on: PC, Switch, XBX

Ori and the Will of the Wisps isn't an easy game. You'll set out to save your home from a mysterious power, facing off against deadly bosses and unlocking a bevy of new abilities along the way. These abilities can in turn be used to access previously locked portions of the map, giving you good reason to retrace your steps. When you're not fending off challenging enemies, you'll be solving mind-bending puzzles and partaking in some slick platforming. It's all pulled together with striking graphics and a moving narrative that'll bring you close to tears.

"Peppered with devious puzzles, Ori and the Will of the Wisps is an irresistible challenge. There is extraordinary attention to detail — the entire world feels alive with excitement and danger." — Guardian



Tunic (PC)

Metascore: 85
Best for: Those who want to embark on a mysterious quest
Where to buy: Steam
Also available on: PS4, PS5, XB1, XBX

Aside from Stray, Tunic might be the best game of 2022 to feature an animal protagonist. The game starts with an unnamed, humanoid fox waking up stranded on a beach — and it's up to you to figure out what to do from there. Gameplay is a perfect mash-up of old-school Zelda and Dark Souls, with stamina-based combat and puzzle-solving taking up most of your time. Upgradeable skills and dozens of hidden collectibles give you reason to venture off the beaten path. Tunic is also on the short side (dedicated players will wrap it up in less than a week), but every minute is packed with quality content.

"Tunic sits among the pinnacle of indie titles and is just as fun as it is cute and colorful." — GamingTrend

Ecco The Dolphin: Defender of the Future

Acclaim Entertainment

Ecco The Dolphin: Defender of the Future (Dreamcast)

Metascore: 84
Best for: Those who enjoys open-ended, underwater adventures
Where to buy:

Also available on: PS2

Ecco has a deep history in the world of video games, but no entry in the series is as well-reviewed as Defender of the Future. It sees you taking control of Ecco, a dolphin that's fighting to save the ocean. The action plays out in 3D (unlike past entries that were 2D), although it still involves plenty of exploration and the use of unique powers to overcome obstacles. Its gameplay has held up surprisingly well, although its graphics — which were praised at launch — are definitely starting to show their age. But if you're looking for an aquatic adventure with another lovable main character, it's hard to beat Ecco.

"Playing Ecco is like transforming your room into a submersible underwater vehicle, with your tv screen being your window into the ocean depths." — AllDreamcast

Untitled Goose Game

Panic Inc.

Untitled Goose Game (Switch)

Metascore: 81
Best for: Those who want to cause mayhem as a rampaging goose, obviously
Where to buy:

Also available on: PC, PS4, XB1

Untitled Goose Game is all about mayhem. You'll play as a chaos-loving goose that loves to terrorize the locals in a quaint village . Whether you're chasing a kid into a phone booth or stealing tools from a farmer, Untitled Goose Game gives you countless ways to cause a ruckus. Minimalistic graphics and a great soundtrack only add to the hilarity, along with the option for some cooperative multiplayer. There's even a dedicated "honk" button, letting you screech at unsuspecting townsfolk as you see fit.

"The most charmingly misanthropic game that has ever been created — and that's something I didn't even think was possible." – Digitally Downloaded

Cat Quest

The Gentlebros

Cat Quest (Switch)

Metascore: 74
Best for: Fans of open-world RPGs
Where to buy:

Also available on: iOS, PC, PS4

Cat Quest is an ARPG that sees you hacking and slashing your way across an adorable, fantasy-inspired map. Its action is surprisingly fast-paced and nuanced despite its cutesy graphics, and its world is absolutely staggering in scope. As you cut down enemies, you'll unlock a bunch of new skills to help you in combat, including spells with adorable names such as Lightnyan, Flamepurr, and Healpaw. You can even customize your adventurer with a bunch of rare gear to help them stand out on the battlefield. If you like what Cat Quest has to offer, be sure to also check out the sequel, Cat Quest 2.

"Whether you're a cat lover or not, Cat Quest creates an ideal blend of charming graphics and traditional hack-and-slash gameplay." — GameGrin

Tokyo Jungle

Sony Interactive Entertainment

Tokyo Jungle (PS3)

Metascore: 74
Best for: Fans of post-apocalyptic survival games
Where to buy:

Also available on: N/A

Although it's a bit rough around the edges, Tokyo Jungle is still an excellent game more than a decade after its initial release. You'll fight for survival as one of several animals (including Pomeranians, tigers, giraffes, hippos, and chickens) in a post-apocalyptic world that's devoid of humans — although there are still plenty of threats to look out for. Two game modes are up for grabs, one that tasks you with solving the mystery of what happened to the humans, and other that pits you against other players in deadly online multiplayer. The game is included with select tiers of PlayStation Plus, making it easy to dive into some hilarious animal warfare.

"Tokyo Jungle is not the typical adventure game you might expect: it has great ideas and an engaging playability, but it lacks polish and suffers from a very basic graphic department." — 3DJuegos


THQ Nordic

Biomutant (PC)

Metascore: 66
Best for: Fans of quirky action-RPGs
Where to buy:

Also available on: PS4, PS5, XB1, XBX

In case the 66 Metascore didn't give it away, Biomutant had a rocky release. Bugs, underdeveloped gameplay mechanics, and a story that didn't offer as much of a player-driven narrative as expected led to lackluster reviews. The ensuring months have been kinder to the game, however, as its developer has been hard at work righting all the wrongs. Bugs have been squashed, gameplay has been enhanced, and Biomutant is a remarkably better game today than it was in 2021. Biomutant's open-world is now a joy to explore, and its fast-paced, third-person action is engaging and offers a multitude of playstyles to experiment with.

"Biomutant definitely has its charms: its post-apocalyptic open world is filled with lush environments and the combat encounters are entertaining, making for a fun game experience." — IGN Italia

Catlateral Damage


Catlateral Damage (PS4)

Metascore: 57
Best for: People who need another cat game
Where to buy: PlayStation Store
Also available on: PC

Catlateral Damage is a hilarious game that's played from the perspective of a cat. You'll roam around colorful environments as you attempt to break everything in sight. Push vases off shelves, crack plates in the sink, or topple a fossil display in a museum — nothing is off limits in Catlateral Damage. The big selling point, however, is its off-the-wall sense of humor that'll be especially appealing to cat lovers. Its levels are also procedurally generated, giving you a nearly endless supply of stuff to break and locations to explore.

"If you have a sense of humor and a bit of time to kill, Catlateral Damage has plenty to offer; it's just a delight to play." — GameSpew