• Record Label: Republic
  • Release Date: Oct 6, 2009

Generally favorable reviews - based on 9 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 8 out of 9
  2. Negative: 0 out of 9
  1. With young contenders like The Gaslight Anthem hot on their heels, the members of Lucero have shown that they can still stretch, grow, and move forward--even while keeping a reverent eye on the rearview mirror.
  2. With its captivating set of beer-stained rockers and heartfelt ballads, 1372 Overton Park offers a triumphant example of gritty, sweaty, all-American music.
  3. 80
    On their sixth, the band's sound finally matches their romantic ambitions.
  4. Ultimately, a surprisingly successful mood piece, there’s a lot of fat to cut through--but this actually becomes one of the album’s more winning attributes.
  5. Nichols still pleads brilliantly for outcasts and losers, and Overton is impressively tight, polished, and raw for a decade-old band.
  6. Alternative Press
    1372 Overton Park is a fresh progression for Lucero that still retains their unpretentious Southern Charm. [Nov 2009, p.110]
  7. With 1372 Overton Park, the walls of guitars are still there, but there’s also a Memphis horn section, female backing vocals, plentiful lead guitar, piano, a few sensitive ballads, and plenty of southern hip swagger. And oh what a difference those things make, without losing the sense that this is still a Lucero record in the best sense of the word.
  8. Overton Park best reps its city when it’s not trying so hard. While Lucero could’ve passed on the E Street saxes, Springsteen’s our-gang-versus-the-man mentality suits the band well.
  9. Under The Radar
    The only problem with 1372 Overton Park is, strangely Ben Nichols' lead vocals, which in this recording, feel unusally mannered. [Fall 2009, p.75]

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