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Alias [EP] Image

Universal acclaim - based on 5 Critic Reviews What's this?

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Universal acclaim- based on 10 Ratings

  • Summary: The seven-track EP for the British artist features production by Sega Bodega, SOPHIE and Kai Whiston.
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Score distribution:
  1. Positive: 5 out of 5
  2. Mixed: 0 out of 5
  3. Negative: 0 out of 5
  1. The Wire
    Dec 9, 2020
    Shygirl represents the very best of avant leaning contemporary UK pop on this generous seven track EP without a single dull moment. [Jan 2021, p.85]
  2. Dec 9, 2020
    Shygirl remains tough and unforgiving across ALIAS, and her voice as an artist has never been stronger. She's a full-blown pop star driven by her luscious fantasies.
  3. ‘ALIAS’ proves that Shygirl is in full control of her artistic vision no matter the scale.
  4. Dec 9, 2020
    Shygirl’s voice carries a bit more over the muck; the production is bolder and more focused, like throwing a sharpened knife at a wall rather than a smattering of darts.
  5. Dec 9, 2020
    The EP’s lyrics likewise do little to distinguish these characters from one another, though clearly, little overlap exists between Bae’s glamorous blonde ‘do and Bonk’s, uh, clown-like makeup. Even if these aliases remain imperfectly distinguished from one another throughout the EP, Shygirl’s consistently puffed-up swagger manages to illuminate her nuanced but aggressive persona.
Score distribution:
  1. Positive: 1 out of 2
  2. Negative: 0 out of 2
  1. Oct 5, 2022
    Amazing EP by promise of music Shygirl, DJ & Rapper. A little bit of house, a bit of garage, a bit of rap, mix with hyperpop & sex lyrics &Amazing EP by promise of music Shygirl, DJ & Rapper. A little bit of house, a bit of garage, a bit of rap, mix with hyperpop & sex lyrics & you get this EP. Expand
  2. Nov 21, 2022
    a promising fun club soaked ep that show the foundations of a talented dj mc with an ear for dance and rap.