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Justus Köhncke & the Wonderful Frequency Band Image

Generally favorable reviews - based on 8 Critic Reviews What's this?

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  • Summary: This is the German techno producer's first full-length studio release in five years.
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Score distribution:
  1. Positive: 6 out of 8
  2. Negative: 0 out of 8
  1. Jan 22, 2014
    Köhncke walks the thin line between pop and kitsch and remains focussed throughout Justus Köhncke & The Wonderful Frequency Band, which is his finest yet, and one of the best of 2013. Fernweh techno of the highest order.
  2. Jan 22, 2014
    Get ready for shimmering, disco-dipped house and digital soul, long German titles and impish unconventionality.
  3. Jan 22, 2014
    Although Köhncke may have released stronger singles in the past, Justus Köhncke & the Wonderful Frequency Band stands as his most all-around complete full-length to date.
  4. Uncut
    Jan 22, 2014
    Kohncke hasn't yet managed to pull off a completely successful, consistently great album. Wonderful Frequency Band is the closest he's come, terrible punning aside, largely due to its focus on the dancefloor. [Feb 2014, p.77]
  5. Jan 22, 2014
    Even at it’s best, TWFB is mostly just a well-crafted collection of genre exercises; a few too many tracks, like the motorik double whammy of “Das Selbstgespräch” and “Idee, Prozess, Ergebnis” and the ironically-titled “A New Direction”, are standard-issue deep cuts that offer little in the way of surprise.
  6. Jan 22, 2014
    Unfortunately, whichever way you try and dress it up, frippery and kitsch alone isn’t enough to carry this album.
  7. Jan 22, 2014
    You'll have to cherry-pick the best moments from Wonderful Frequency Band, but that's Justus Köhncke. He may bemuse you, but you can never write him off.

See all 8 Critic Reviews