
Generally favorable reviews - based on 10 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 8 out of 10
  2. Negative: 0 out of 10
  1. The sonic touchstones are rediscovered gems of Latin American psychedelia mixed with the work of romantic cantautores (singer-songwriters) from the waning days of Franco in the '70s.
  2. The style of music being obscure to modern listeners makes this project's viability a good one, and La Llama reveals material of quality from a great ensemble of musicians.
  3. 80
    Although there are moments where you wish for the upbeat, there is a solace to La Llama. For all of you non-spanish and catalan speakers out there, your mind is not forced to translate any of the words either, but simply inspired to enjoy the ride.
  4. Uncut
    Herren calls Savath And Savalas his vision of "Catalan acid folk"--and that should be all the encouragement required for fans of Four Tet, Tropicalia and early Animal Collective to dive right in. [Jul 2009, p.97]
  5. Herren and his mates have pulled off the difficult task of building on a singular sound without sacrificing what made it special in the first place.
  6. For Herren devotees (a group in which I would place myself), this album will appear as a necessary, blissed-out, and relaxing installment in an ever-evolving musical saga. For others less familiar or only interested in the Prefuse aesthetic, La Llama may leave them feeling adrift.
  7. Creaks, pings, birdcalls, clarinets, rustles, whooshes, echoes and all sorts of other sonic flotsam surround simple melodies and quietly picked acoustic guitars on La Llama.
  8. A good deal more Lange and a good deal less Muns would have brought out the best in Scott Herren.
  9. Q Magazine
    'La Llama' and Carajillo's clinking percussion, two moments of clarity on an album strong on atmosphere but sometimes short on focus. [Jul 2009, p.131]
  10. The concept is pleasant at first, but pretty soon the repetitive nature of each soundscape--clipped beats, soft Catalan/Castellano vocals and the odd bash, pluck, bird-call and random tinkle--starts to make NME jittery.

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